Zoria's Tama Log


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2005
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On the computer...
This is my tama log. (lol) I have four tamagotchis, Kymie the Piroprioitchi, Maddy the maskutchi, and Mika the Nikatchi. I normally call Maddy Madison and Mika Mikachu. So that is what I am gonna do. I have their profiles, but I will post those later. Madison and Kymie are sleeping. They are soo cute and peacefull. Shhhh........ And Madison oddly is a two-year-old maskutchi due to a glitch.....Heres a comic, anyways!

Everyone: *silent*

Me: *posts on tamatalk*

Mikachu: *fast asleep, in this bed*

Kymie: *Lays in bed, awake, in a bed identical to Mikachus, but no lion plushie*

Madison: *yawn* Half-an-hour to my bedtime....... *takes off mask, bushes teeth, takes a shower, puts on night-gown* *sits on couch, watching TV* Sigh, it's odd being a two-year-old maskutchi....I wish I had a child.

Me: *on CP* *hums*

Well, nothing new. I PROMISE I will post the profiles later. All my tams are sleeping. ZZZ....

Me: *on tamatalk*

Everyone else: *asleep*

Mikachu......Passed away. I went to this event. (I will tell you more later* And left ALL my tams off pause by acident. Madison and Kymie survived, but mikachu Passed on. I try not to play favourites! But she was my favourite! Her green hair and glasses...... :D I JUST hatched another tama. Thanks to the tama name generator, I came up with:








But, I just thought of the name Ditto! Ditto it is! Ditto is now on pause. I'm gonna go and fix up everyone else, then raise ditto.

Me: *gets back* Mika!

Mika: *dead*

Kymie: *sick, sniffle*

Madison: *cry, sick*

Me: Oh, I'm the worst tama owner ever.... *rids of her and gets a new egg*

Ditto: *hatches* Dittoo!

Me: *sigh* I name you Ditto.

Well, ditto shall evolve soon. Along with Kymie. If I get Kutchitamatchi, Mohitamatchi, mimitchi, Mametchi, or Pyonkotchi, I will run around the world 10000000 times, happy. And also, there were two balls in Ditto's snacks. Weird glitch. She ate them, and it looked like a plate with jello on it. And there was NO balls in items......Weird. No 100 balls, I have had that glitch before. I bet V3 really IS glitchy.

Ditto: *tingly feeling* I feel swick.......

Me: Soon, You are gonna evolve for the first time! ^^

Edit: I also bought her a chest, but that will be used when she is an adult, because it can turn her into a oldie, losing all the hungry and happy hearts.

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WTH? I make a log, and suddenly, people are PMing me like crazy....And ditto evolved into Mizutamatchi. Mikachu is shown on the history list. And I made Mika's memorial. AND my third chapter of 'Alana's Diary'. I will post the links to them. Chow for Now!

Currently, I am gonna get A virtual Littlest Pet Shop thingy, and I am running 3 tamagotchis, and my Kodai Djinn yoyo thingy. Heres some info about it:

We thought the humble yo-yo was history until we saw a couple of Kodai Djinns in action. That's because Kodai Djinns are more than mere yo-yos. They're infra-red, head-to-head, battling thingies on stringies. Think Tamagotchi meets electronic game encased in an über-flash yo-yo with built-in LED lights and you're halfway there.

Basically each colourful yo-yo contains one of twelve random LCD warriors who are 'born' when you begin spinning. Built-in red, yellow or blue LEDs flash as you spin the yo-yo and 'train' your warrior. There's even a random super-warrior that you have a 1 in 150 chance of awakening when you power up. (He arrives with a cool blue LED and requires no training, so he can battle it out immediately - which is just as well because your arm would probably drop off if you had to develop this monstrous mutant yourself!).

The idea is to spin your yo-yo in order to generate power and build up strength for your warrior. Flashing LEDs and nifty sound effects let you know when your Kodai Djinn warrior is sufficiently charged. You can then play seven video games via the yo-yo's LCD screen using four built-in buttons to control the action. Games include a follow-the-leader-style yo-yoing game, a scissors/paper/stone-style challenge and a monster vs. warrior battle.

But here's the clever bit: victory in these games, combined with a good old spinning session on the yo-yo, helps strengthen your warrior for head-to-head showdowns with rival Kodai Djinns. Simply place the yo-yos together and let battle commence via the wireless ports. Clever, eh?

You might have forgotten just how entertaining spinning a yo-yo can be, but we can assure you it's totally addictive, and the whole electronic battle element adds a thrilling new dimension. Better still each Kodai Djinn warrior is steeped in Far Eastern fight game-style mythology (for example, the character Wolf uses holy water ice daggers and possesses the power of stealth). This makes head-to-head battles all the more engrossing as you can run around the playground...sorry, the office, pretending you're a levitating eagle or a sword-wielding dragon (or is that just us?). Whichever way you play, Kodai Djinns are seriously unputdownable. So get clicking on that Add to Cart button before the whole world goes Kodai Djinn crazy.

So, mine is The eagle. He rocks at kill the monster! Oh, and now, I got ALOT of things to do.
