Zoria's Virtual Pet Adventures


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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2007
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This is a REALLY old one of my stories revived... anyways, here ya'll go!

Zoria pulled the blankets over her head as the sunlight shone on her closed eyes, disturbing her sleep. The blankets slipped off her feet, causing her to scrunch up into a ball. She gave a long yawn and sat up, shivering. She was visiting her grandparents, who always ran the Air conditioning.

She remembered that it was Saturday, they always went Garage sale hunting that day. She had an eerie feeling, she felt alone and quiet... she walked to the bathroom, her Grandparents and her sibblings, 4-year-old Kanji and 16-year-old Kymie sitting at the table, eating breakfast. She was always last to get up.

She showered and got dressed and walked out, and sat at the table in front of her bowl. Grabbing the orange juice, she started to pour it in.

"Err... whats wrong with you?" Said Kymie.

"Nothing." Zoria took her spoon and flipped back her short brown hair, before taking a bite of cereal. She quickly spit it out and ran to the sink, glugging water. "I've lost my appetite!" She called as she spit out the water into the sink. Within minutes, everyone had finished their breakfast.

"Lets boogie!" Said Grandma as she opened the door and sat in the front seat of the van. Grandpa sat at the Drivers seat, Kanji sat in his car seat, while Kymie and Zoria sat beside eacother. The van started up with a VRROOM and was off down the road. They had barely been on the road for 7 minutes when Grandma turned the curb, screeching to a hault at the first garage sale. Zoria opened the sliding door and turned her body, just before she jumped out, she couldn't beleive her eyes. Two tamagotchi eggs. One Pink, One blue. The eggs would fry in the hot sunlight, and the baby tamagotchis inside would die. She quickly scooped them up before anyone else took them and put each in a cupholder on the door of the van before leaping out. She zoomed across the street. Now, as she searched the garage sale, she needed shells for the tamas, because they were near hatching. She froze and turned around as something caught her eye. A 7 year old about to grab two tamagotchi shells... a metallic pink V1, and a pink with flowers V2. Zoria was quick to act by snatching them up. The seven year old's eyes welled up with tears. Zoria looked at the price tags of $2 each. Throwing four dollars at the owner of the yard sale, she rushed back to the van. By now the child was bawling how some girl with short brown hair and brown eyes stole what she wanted. Zoria felt bad...

But the child would live. She'd rather let two tamagotchis live than let them die and give a child what they wanted. She watched her grandparents climb into the van, Grandma had boughten some weird duck.

Throught the rest, Zoria did not find anything that interested her. All she thought about was the egg.

As she arrived home, she placed the two eggs on her bed, putting an ear to the blue one... there was a sudden Crack!. She quickly put in batteries in the tamagotchi shell and set the time and date and birthday. She held the egg up to the screen, and in a flash of blinding light... the egg was in the screen. Much smaller. She watched the egg shake then finally crack in half. A boy.

"I'll name you Kiba!" She declared. Kiba automatically started crying for food...

(The rest of chapter one tommorow, it's 11 PM and I'm tired.)


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