How did you discover Tamagotchi?


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Nov 11, 2010
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Um why are you looking here? LOL just kidding I li
When V3 first came out my little brother got one, but of course he threw away the manual instantly.(He had the time wrong so when it randomly fell asleep, we thought it was because we didn't play with it enough! XD) I helped him take care of it sometimes and he eventually got a Mimitchi. Later, in 2007, my sister had a V4.5 and I finally decided to get one. My First Tama ever was a V4.5, but my first character died as a teen Kometchi. Later my brother lost his and my sister gave me hers. ( in 2009. it took awhile for her to give it up XD)Then I got a V5 Familitchi for my B-day and I ordered a Music Star today. Whats your story? :)

about 5 years ago my brother said he wanted one for christmas I was like "whats a tagarura?" and then I saw its commercial and we both got one. It was awsome becouse back then they were so simple and neat.

It was Easter in 06 I think, a v4. My brother also threw away the instructions until my mom made him pick them back out and look through them. I got a camo v4 and my brother got a blue star pattern. I loved him so much, he turned into a Tosakatchi. Of course I had no idea what it was at that time and thought he had flames on his head, lol.

It was 1996 (can't believe how long ago that was!) and my friend had won 5 Tamagotchi P2's in a prize draw. He generously gave me one and I instantly fell in love!

I found my mom's P1 in the basement one day. Even though it was always horrible care, I always let it sleep with me.

I think it's the reason why it broke so quickly. :D

I just found them in wal-mart one day.

After I got my first V4, every one wanted one. Probably cause I talk too much. I started the trend with my friends.

(Only around where we live)

My story isn't very special. Saw a v3 at Target, bought it, and instantly fell in love. Later, I got another v3 from a friend, got a v4 later, then a Music Star, v5.5, a Tama-Go, a v4.5, and just ordered a v5 (Tama-house design) a few minutes ago.

I was only 8 or 9. My mom said that I can have any kind of toy. So I saw the tamagotchi, and I threw the manual away and started to play it. But everytime it died I never knew why that will happen and I started to cry. Now I have been a tamagotchi owner since 2005 and I'm glad i know about tamagotchis. (I never knew about tamatown since i had the v.4)

I was looking on a Furby fansite on Christmas Eve 2006 and saw a page on Tamagotchi made by the same person who made the page. We have this tradition every Christmas Eve, where a Santa comes and gives us gifts. Since he knew I liked the Littlest Pet Shop Digital Pets, he gave me a V3. It was a boy, and I called him Sven, after seeing the "Lyle, the Kindly Viking" episode of VeggieTales on qubo (VeggieTales doesn't air on there anymore). I have all the US Connection versions ever made, including the Tamagotchi Mini.

1997: My Dad gave me one when he came back from a journey :)

It was a fake but I loved it! I was so sad when it got broken... So my uncle decided to get me an Angel :)

I don't remeber the year, but it was when the V1 came out here in Finland, I saw an ad for them in an admagazine and remembered the fond times of "fake" tamagotchis back in 5th grade, so I bought one, then another because I wanted to try out the connect-feature. I have my first one, a black one, running right now, I searched and found it in some cardboard boxes I still havent unpacked even though I've been living alone in this flat for over 3 years. I kind of like how simple it is, I guess that's why I like my improted Tama Gos, plus I REALLY like the Long Jumper game, seariously, every time I'm bored I pick it up and play it a couple of times. But the Tama Gos werent cheap for me, about 40 euros for one, that's 80 for two! And now I want the figurines :unsure:

5 tamas running right now, I'm gonna start A LOT of them next time I have to go into the psych-ward because it i EXTREMLY boring, I'm way the youngest one there :( At home I at least have my computer :D

In 1997 when they first came out. I bought a blue P2 with yellow buttons and black around the screen. Still have it, and it works perfectly.

In 2006 one of my friends gave me a V2. In 2007 I think, me and my brother found some V4.5s at Giant Tiger so we bought them.I traded my v2 for a v4 in 2008.In 2009 we went to Wal-Mart and saw some v6s for $10.00 so we bought them too. August 2010 I fell in love with tamagotchis again. I lost my all of my tamas and I am restarting my collection. I currently have 2 v5s, 2 v5.5s and a new v4.

Found a V1 (not has a black pixel line going across the screen D:) in my drawer, and fell in love with it. <3

I believe it was 97 maybe 98 and I got my first virtual pet (nano baby). I played around with everything other than the tamagotchi, but my brother later gave me his. I was so in love with my virtual pets. I still have all of them and I'm slowly adding onto my tamagotchi collection.

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