Homosexuality - what is your view?


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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2006
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A highly controversial topic of discussion, homosexuality is is the attraction to the same-sex.

Scientificlly, it is completely natural and occurs within over one hundred species of animals/mammals. To some religions, it is an abomination and a choice to sin against a God.

What is your view on homosexuality?

Author's Note: I kindly request for all participants of this conversation to remain respectful and calm towards one another's beliefs. If you are unabe to share your thoughts without becoming angry or upset, it is best advised for you to leave the topic.


If there are any inflammatory or hateful comments, they will be reported.

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*Topic moved to '(Non)TamaTalk: Seriously (Non)TamaTalk'*

Indeed, it is a very highly controversial topic that is gaining momentum as the years pass. My view on homosexuality is, obviously, a positive and open one. Since I am gay and always have been for as long as I can remember, I firmly believe that homosexuality is a trait, much like blue eyes, red hair, or fair skin. Not all religions view homosexuality as a sin, like TamaMum has mentioned below. Rather, the belief derives from whether or not the religion is more conservative or liberal in nature. Even in that scenario, views are changing. Here in Canada, our federal government is of a Conservative majority...yet the government still sees marriage (and common-law rights) between two men or two women just as valid as married man and woman. In fact, our Conservative Party Provincial Premier spoke at our city Gay Pride. Times are changing.

With that said, I also believe that people are entitled to their respective opinions regarding homosexuality. I believe everyone is entitled to an opinion as long as it is not hateful, discriminatory or offensive. We come from many walks of life and cannot expect each other to believe in the same thing. This is the diversity of life which is an ongoing, ever-evolving process.

I also believe that the gap between "homosexual" and "straight" beliefs is growing smaller. Communities are becoming more accepting of homosexuality in the sense that it is "normal" and not "chosen" or abnormal. More gay couples are adopting children or having their own and raising normal families. Gay specific clubs and events are becoming more rare in the sense that you don't need to be gay to attend. I can honestly say that it feels wonderful to walk down the street holding my husbands hand - and nobody takes a second glance. I hear of kids at the age of 7-13 telling their parents they are attracted to the same sex - and it warms my heart. You can bet I would have done the same if I was brought up in a family and community that was tolerant of homosexuality. Don't get me wrong, I have family and friends who love me for who I am, but it took some of them time to warm up to my "sudden shift". If I would have expressed my feelings at a much younger age, there never would have been a need to "come out" in the first place. I am and always have been gay. There's no need to prove it or defend it, just like any other physical or personality trait.

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I'm just going to mention that "Religiously" not all faiths view homosexuality as an abomination. A person's opinion about homosexuality tends to be driven more by where their faith lies on the liberal vs conservative divisions in religion, rather than their specific religion.

I guess my view is the same as most liberal viewpoints. I consider homosexuality as a sexual orientation which is fixed (not chosen) and is normal and natural for a minority of people (versus the majority of people). That view has nothing to do with my religious or scientific beliefs really.

More importantly, I don't feel any great need to debate the issue and no driving need to discuss the subject in order to persuade others that they should agree with my viewpoint.

I have no problem with it :3 I see no reason to hate somebody for it. All it is, is just somebody that likes someone of the same gender. I really don't see why people make such a big deal out of it.

I am actually part homosexual (bi). I know a few more like me (me and my mom are pretty much the same on our sexualities).

I don't think being homosexual is a choice, and I suppressed myself for years before finally accepting myself (i used to be one of those hardcore Christians who hated homosexuals).

I rarely encounter anyone who would hate on me for my beliefs in this area, but when I do, I just smile and say "God bless". :)

I find nothing wrong with homosexuality, if a man wishes to marry a man, let him. I have gay friends, they're just like a normal person, and I find it wrong that they get left out of marriage. Although I do find it a bit odd when one of my gay friends gets a crush on me... I still think there's nothing wrong with it, and to all the haters... ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Y U NO APPROVE?

Because I am religious, I personally am not homosexual. I don't mind the person, I just mind what they do. That is one thing people have to understand. I can't stop anyone from doing what they wish. I have a friend who is homosexual. That is his choice and I can't stop him. Personally, I wouldn't marry another woman but that is just my beliefs.

I'm just going to mention that "Religiously" not all faiths view homosexuality as an abomination. A person's opinion about homosexuality tends to be driven more by where their faith lies on the liberal vs conservative divisions in religion, rather than their specific religion.

I guess my view is the same as most liberal viewpoints. I consider homosexuality as a sexual orientation which is fixed (not chosen) and is normal and natural for a minority of people (versus the majority of people). That view has nothing to do with my religious or scientific beliefs really.

More importantly, I don't feel any great need to debate the issue and no driving need to discuss the subject in order to persuade others that they should agree with my viewpoint.
My apologies, I wrote this topic at four in the morning. I will reword that line now. :blink:

I personally think that before someone condemns another person for being homosexual, or tells them it's wrong and forbidden...they should first understand how horrible they would be made to feel if the same things were said to them about loving/being with/marrying their straight partner.

I have no sexual inclinations toward my gender personally(at least that I am aware of, lol), but I genuinely view hetero and homo relationships as the same. I don't feel it necessary to be overly vocal about my feelings about it because it just literally all seems normal to me.

I'm not bothered, full stop. As far as I know I'm perfectly normal (I mean I'm 11 and have never had a crush in my life so how can I tell?) but I don't mind about other people's relationships. I am against illegal or dangerous sexual activities of course, but if it's safe and legal I honestly don't mind about homosexuality or any sort of sexuality for that matter.

Just because you're Christian, doesn't mean you're against homosexuals.

To be honest, a few years ago I wasn't exactly a supporter of homosexuality. At that age I found it weird and I couldn't exactly understand it. Now, I've learned that some people are born that way, and we should accept them for who they are!

Though one thing that does still bother me is when people make a huge deal out of it. Just because you're a homosexual it does not mean you're of a different species than everyone else. They're just people, and it bugs me when others go crazy because "THAT GUY OVER THERE IS GAY!!!!!!" Or when people think it's cool to have "gay best friends." I mean honestly, grow up. They're the same kind of person as you, no better or no worse.

Homosexuals, or anything else, is perfectly fine with me. I think people just have to stop making such a big deal about it and move on. c:

Homosexuality does not bother me whatsoever.

In my Religion class last year in 8th grade, we discussed homosexuality at one point.... I am Catholic and I have absolutely no problem with my beliefs in God and angels and saints and such, but many things I disagree with in my religion.

1.) My religion does not accept psychics. I am very sensitive to spirits and it is really hurtful when I hear in the Bible that we are not allowed to speak to the dead or whatever "demons" are floating around, because apparently there are only angels and demons, and when you die you either go to Heaven or Hell, but you can also go to Purgatory. I accept that spirits don't always go "up" or "down"..... some don't even know they're dead and they go around as if they're still alive...

2.) Gays are not accepted because if a man has sex with a man, they cannot procreate. Neither can a woman with a woman. Instead, gays and lesbians are called to "live a holy and faithful life in prayer and devotion to God" and basically they're supposed to become nuns or priests.... That's just wrong that someone is not allowed to love someone else. Imagine if you are straight and you're not allowed to love the person you want to love..... That's just tormenting to yourself.

I remember I saw a cartoon that showed 3 people holding signs like "GOD HATES HOMOSEXUALS" and "GAY IS WRONG" and then on the other side of the picture, the Devil himself was holding a pitchfork and was saying "GOD hates NARROW-MINDED FOOLS"

Another thing I've seen was "I was BORN gay..... you were TAUGHT religion" which is too true.

What id there isn't even a God?

I still believe though.

It... disturbs me. A lot. It just seems... ugh. I nearly have a heart attack whenever I read any mention of it. x_x However I have a few online buddies that are... like that, and they're okay, but still, nothing in the world bothers me more than... this. That's just my opinion. =_=

It... disturbs me. A lot. It just seems... ugh. I nearly have a heart attack whenever I read any mention of it. x_x However I have a few online buddies that are... like that, and they're okay, but still, nothing in the world bothers me more than... this. That's just my opinion. =_=
Why would it bother you? In the beginning I was like "UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" whenever people talked about it, but now it doesn't bother me any more. If it weren't socially accepted for me to be absolutely in love with Julian Casablancas (I am a FEMALE, by the way!), I would be so sad. People wouldn't accept me just because I liked someone. I mean honestly, it's just so cruel.

I don't care what people do in privacy, as long as they don't share it with me....lol

I just want to say to everyone, please don't forget that no matter how open minded or liberal you may consider yourself, the fact remains that there are people who find it difficult to accept the idea or thought of homosexuality.

This doesn't mean that they are all rabid homophobes or "haters" - it just means that they find it too difficult to overcome their own aversion to the idea.

There's already evidence from posts in this topic that some people change their ideas as they grow older and widen their experiences and social groups. Others don't.

Don't forget, if you find it hard to understand why homosexuality bothers someone, maybe they also find it hard to understand why it doesn't bother you.

I think it's pretty hard not to "judge" someone who is honest about the way they feel - but if you don't judge homosexuals about the way they feel, try not to judge those who are still uncomfortable with the idea.

I think healthy discussion is a good thing and helps us understand a wider range of ideas and beliefs.

My starting point on all these kinds of issues is usually "What if my opinion about this is wrong?" :p

I understand if people don't like homosexuals, or don't support it, as I used to be one of those people.

It was just because EMF said "it disturbs me" and "I nearly have a heart attack whenever I read any mention of it" is what made me get a little upset since that is pretty rude. Yes we all have opinions but it's weird just to be immensely disturbed by something for no reason. ;/ I mean at least you can show a little respect and say that you don't support it but everyones a human being and should all be respected equally.

It... disturbs me. A lot. It just seems... ugh. I nearly have a heart attack whenever I read any mention of it. x_x However I have a few online buddies that are... like that, and they're okay, but still, nothing in the world bothers me more than... this. That's just my opinion. =_=
I understand if people don't like homosexuals, or don't support it, as I used to be one of those people.

It was just because EMF said "it disturbs me" and "I nearly have a heart attack whenever I read any mention of it" is what made me get a little upset since that is pretty rude. Yes we all have opinions but it's weird just to be immensely disturbed by something for no reason. ;/ I mean at least you can show a little respect and say that you don't support it but everyones a human being and should all be respected equally.
I do agree with this. It was kind of rude and although everybody is entitled to their own opinions, beliefs, whatever, it would be better to say it in a respectful way. I mean, it's fine if you're not completely on board with homosexuality. It's fine if you're straight and okay with it. It's fine if you're gay and okay with it. It's your opinion, your way of saying things, your view. That's what makes you...you. I respect EMF's opinion, because it's her point of view and that's fine. A lot of you have been saying, basically, "Being gay is okay, you know? It's just who they are and we should respect that," and even though EMF's opinion is different from this and could have been worded a little differently, we should respect that it's her way of seeing this topic.



unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals andhomosexuality.

^definition of homophobia by dictionary.com

That's my way of seeing the world.

Just because somebody isn't totally on board with homophobia doesn't mean that they're homophobic. I think this term is being a little overused and in the wrong context; it seems to me that a lot of people I know think that somebody who isn't really supportive of homosexuality immediately assume that they're homophobes, because it's not true, like TamaMum said.

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I never even mentioned anything of homophobia.

I know what homophobia is. I was like EMF about a year ago, but I wasn't homophobic, I just didn't really like them.

But I've learned to accept them for their differences. We're all just people, and I just don't understand how you can have a problem with someone just because of what gender they like. That's all I'm saying.

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