Carleesi's Instagram - Virtual Pets <3


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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
Poland, Europe
Hello everyone! I've decided to start a new log here, on TamaTalk. But I am not really a 'writer' type, so my log is mostly going to be photos. ^^
I post these on my Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram, hence the topic's title. ;)
I hope you will enjoy my photos! &lt;3





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Awwh I like it!! I think I have an instagram app but I never actually made an account because I didn't know what to photograph....this is a great idea!! :D

Awwh I like it!! I think I have an instagram app but I never actually made an account because I didn't know what to photograph....this is a great idea!! :D
Thanks! &lt;3 And you should totally make a tmgc themed Instagram too! ;)

Started my Gyaoppi Dino today, for a hatch on Tama-Hatchi! ;D


I love my P's. &lt;3


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This is how I've been relaxing today - playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf (and a bit Wild World as well ;3) and being accompanied by my P's and iD L 15th Anniversary. ^o^
The compote with ice was delicious. &lt;3



I got two new additions to my collection today. ^o^

The first one is a Kakeibo-Tamagotchi-knock-off. ;]
My boyfriend bought it for me, I was afraid it won't work, but surprisingly the touch-screen works just fine and the animations are quite cute, so I'll be happy to give it a try. :D


This one came in mail today, I purchased it from a collector that lives in England. ^^
She even included a self-made keychain to match the vpet, so nice of her! ;3


And here's a photo of the baby whale I was going to raise, but I've decided to turn the vpet off and start it tomorrow. ;]


Today was a productive day - I crocheted a matching strap for my green Tamagotchi iD L. ^^
The moment I saw the colors of that string, I knew I had to buy it, it has the exact same colors as the Tama. ;3


I am thinking of starting it, but not sure yet... :)

I've also decided to raise a kitty on my Cyber Pet. ;D


My kitty (Cyber Pet) grew a bit yesterday, he looks so cool now. :D


And he's rocking this super cute Domo cover I bought some time ago, tee hee. ;D

Today I bought myself a HelloKitty themed notebook, this is going to be useful during holidays. ^^


About my P's - I got the sweetest character ever! Her name is Amakutchi (at least that's what it says, my P's is patched into English :&gt; ) and she looks like dessert, lol. xD


The lovely glittery charm was made by Ratty-Sarah (click to see her tumblr); I purchased my Cyber Pet from her. ;3

On my Entama I've currently got Young Mimitchi. ^^


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Yesterday I got a new vpet in mail - a Pocket Chicken / Baby Chicken! These are just like Hitorikkos. :)
It needs repairing which I will be able to do after I get back home, which will be approx. in 1-2 weeks time.


P's - I married Amakutchi off. ;3



Started my TMGC+C and turned EnTama off. I like switching Tamas a lot. xd



Carleesi I wanted to reply to your post about me being on tamatalk but I didn't know where to do it as I didn't want to make a comment that was off topic so I hope you don't think I was ignoring you ^^;

I haven't been a member for very long but it's a nice place to come to when you just want to talk about everything tama related xD so I think i'll be sticking around a while :p

As for your log it's very nice I've seen some of your pictures on tumblr too but I just wanted to say that I love that strap you crocheted for your IDL It's adorable! &lt;3

Sorry for not posting for a few days. ;)

In P's I already got to the next generation and it's already an adult. ^^"



After this character [Patitchi] has gotten her puzzle piece, I will have a new destination unlocked. :)
20 pieces, 12 more to go. ^o^

I started my iD L 15th Anniversary again. I need to get rid of Melodytchi, ugh. It's a 3rd or even 4th Melodytchi I got on this TMGC. .____________________."


And now, onto the TMGC-related stuff!
I made a super kawaii pouch for my P's the other day. I must say I am truly proud of it. :)




And finally, I got a hardcase for my Tamagotchis yesterday. It's very neat, cause it prevents the Tamagotchi from getting damaged while in a bag and also the buttons from getting accidentally pressed. :D


Carleesi I wanted to reply to your post about me being on tamatalk but I didn't know where to do it as I didn't want to make a comment that was off topic so I hope you don't think I was ignoring you ^^;

I haven't been a member for very long but it's a nice place to come to when you just want to talk about everything tama related xD so I think i'll be sticking around a while :p

As for your log it's very nice I've seen some of your pictures on tumblr too but I just wanted to say that I love that strap you crocheted for your IDL It's adorable! &lt;3
Thank you very much! I like that the color of it matches the iD L perfectly. ^o^
If you ever need such strap, let me know, I could make and sell you one. ;)

It's really nice that you're a member here, though I should talk to you about WoW some time as well! :D

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I love your nice, clear pictures! =D

This is a very enjoyable log! =3

And I LOVE that Hello Kitty tama-carrier you made so much! :wub:

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I love your nice, clear pictures! =D

This is a very enjoyable log! =3

And I LOVE that Hello Kitty tama-carrier you made so much! :wub:
Thank you very much, it means a lot to hear such nice words. :3

I did some yarn shopping yesterday and will be working on a few projects and orders for the next couple of days! ^o^

I'm really excited, cause it's really helpful when it comes to saving up for the Tamagotchi 4 U. ;)


You know, this character reminds me of Merengue from Animal Crossing. ;D


Getting my things ready for the trip back to my bf's place. :)


Sleepy head... ;O


Melodytchi fell in love! &lt;3


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Wow, the past few days have been really busy! ;O
Sorry for not posting. ;3

Started my Mothra...


And my beloved v4! &lt;3



My P's is doing just fine. :)




And I am super busy with orders! ;D




