Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai


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This is getting a little off topic, guys...

But anyway, if I remember correctly, Bandai America already made Tama socks! I saw some black ones with Kuchipatchi on them, but that was several years ago.

I figure if the shirts have characters on them... Or atleast somewhat tama related. I'm going to turn them into bags or something simmilar.

Ya, guys... Its on topic, but do stay with the original discussion. ;)

ok lol and that sounds cool turning the merchandise into something else useful. but i would only do that with tama characters on the items like you said

My opinion on Tamagotchi L.I.F.E.:


I don't believe cussing is appropriate to do.
Wooooow, "hell" is so not a cuss word. It's a mythical concept, and a very tacky one... so I believe the usage in the above simile was quite accurate... Some people around here are so easy to offend...

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My opinion on Tamagotchi L.I.F.E.:

Haha, I love those gold stars.

Basically what we've seen from this thread so far is that most people's opinions are strictly against the idea of 'Tamagotchi Clothes' (which aren't even Tamagotchi related!), while most people are also highly favouring the idea of an app.

It looks bad, but we can't give up hope yet. So, they made a bad decision! They'll probably see their mistakes when they release the clothing range. Remember, though, as has been stated before, this is a licensing expo... Not a Toy Fair.

The app(s) will probably be more successful, but unfortunately not everyone can actually buy these apps.

Thinking about it, Bandai have answered our 'prayers'- we asked for a Tamagotchi that was mainly aimed at older audiences, and we get it... Well, we get something... It's nor quite 'Tamagotchi' though.

However, although the age range has been made higher it's still very limited. They should have made the age range wider, not just higher.

On top of that, the clothes are aimed at a group that is very unlikely to want to buy these products... Not to mention that the whole male audience has been entirely excluded!

What have we seen here? Bad decisions, yes, but we can never be sure of the future. I'll just be waiting until they reveal more information, and as people have said before, we cannot be certain of Tamagotchi's fate yet...

Let's hope the app is good, then.

You know, I'm thinking of something right now.. This is just my opinion, and I don't know even know if it's right but...

Let's say this: BanDai America (Or BanDai at all, really.) has nothing to do with this product line. From what it sounds like, Sync Beatz is controlling everything to do with this. So, what I assume is that Sync Beatz bought the license to sell Tamagotchi products.. And well, BanDai accepted, seeing as how pretty much nothing is selling in Western Countries..

unpopular opinion:

i actually think the clothes are cute :c

but if i was seen wearing a "tamagotchi" clothing line, i wouldn't be very proud of that.

bandai has done a failure of a job listening to us. lets hope they dont mess things up even more.


Edit: lol im completely going against my last post but honestly with so many people upset with this it really seems like they didn't even care about their fans opinions.

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Everyone is being so mean to Bandai...

I have to say, I really like that girl's jacket in the first picture. I love varsity jackets, I would actually wear that. Maybe the shorts with a plain white shirt or something.

I don't know why everyone is being like this- Bandai is trying again! They're opening their factories, their minds, (their wallets...), and we should open our minds, too! Just because this came out and the majority of people don't like it doesn't mean the whole line is going to be bad. I guarantee every single fandom has one thing (or will have one thing) that isn't great. No company is perfect, no person is perfect, and no idea comes without flaws. We should be appreciative that Bandai bothered to take a chance again, and not abandon us Tama fans completely.

Yes, these clothes are not for everyone. But, just take a look at what Target (a very big and wide-selling store in America, for those who don't know) is selling:


A lot of people nowadays are into this kind of stuff; Neon, flashy, revelaing, want-to-get-noticed...

What Bandai has done seems smart. They've catered to what a lot of people want (Obviously not the majority here, but I can see every single one of my friends wearing at least the shorts in those pictures), and that's what business is about. You can't please everyone- but Bandai is a business and needs to please a certain amount of people.

We need to open our minds and see what else is going to be in this line. It might not be as horrendous as you all think.

As its been stated before. This isn't BanDai who's doing this. No, it's Sync Beatz. BanDai just licensed the brand, seeing as how nothing was happening with it anyway.

And again, this isn't aimed towards Tama fans. No, it's meant to exploit the people who are into the whole crazy "retro" craze.

It's very true that the clothing isn't too much of a bad thing, and it's Sync Beatz ideas, not Bandai's, but it just makes me mad that after all of these years of tama fans writing into Bandai about what they want, they decide to go with a completely different path.

What ever happened to thinking about what the fans want? Sure the clothes might be good to get the new Tamagotchi trend kick started into girls liking Tamagotchi, but they've completely ignored the older and faithful fans.

It just feels like we've been pushed aside for the younger audience. There are still tons of fans that want a new Tamagotchi, and have even been sending in suggestions like crazy. Oh but of course, they end up releasing anything but a new tamagotchi, a clothing line.

Also with the clothing line being aimed towards girls it seems,(though i thought they also said women?) it also seems like the boys who love tamagotchi are out of the picture too. Bandai/Sync Beatz has also forgotten about males too, and they do make up part of the tamagotchi fanbase.

So thats what I think. After years of true tamagotchi fans suggestions new and fun features for the tamagotchi, we've been pushed aside for a clothing line, and no news about a new virtual pet. Bandai's a great company and they could possibly make a comeback with this if all goes well, but I feel like we've been ignored.

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