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  1. N

    Unnecessary Kindness?

    I've been thinking, about something that happened in the grocery store yesterday. We were ringing out our items (Self Checkout.) When the lady in front of us, turned around and saw our multiple bags of dog food, within seconds she had handed me a coupon for dog food. This had me dumbstruck...
  2. N

    Odd problem?

    Early Yesterday evening, I started to feel sick. This morning I woke up, feeling hungry, but also feeling so sick that if I eat, i'll get sick. I can't even drink water, and I don't like the idea of getting sick on my copy of "Breaking Dawn" and not being able to finish it. Any ideas...
  3. N

    I'm so...

    Let me start out by telling you, I have a size 12 slim waist, just outgrew an 8 slim, and am the smallest in my class. Second, I don't eat. No breakfast, whatever is for lunch (So I don't worry my friends) and very rarely dinner. Last, I'm not depressed, I do get sad, but I can be so happy...
  4. N


    I like Nick, as half of TT knows by now. Last night, I had a dream about this guy in my class, he's good a guitar, I had a dream I was his Girlfriend. He was always cuddling me, and being so nice (Unlike him.) Then we got to his concert, and I was in the front row, with his ex-girlfriend...
  5. N

    What did you eat...

    For breakfast I had three bags of chips (Miniature, lunchbox size) and a Nutri-Grain bar. Needless to say, my mother (Who was sitting near me) wasn't thrilled.
  6. N

    Your room

    What does it look like? Minee I just put up the lights/painting today!
  7. N

    I tried on...

    And it fit. It was a bit to small in back, xD
  8. N

    Guy trouble.

    First, thank you for looking, and not saying "Another guy topic.. ew" Ook, well, Nick, just saying his name... <3 On-Off relationship? 2 years ago, I believe, maybe 1 1/2 ehh, something like that. He liked me, he kind of asked me out, in an odd way, and then vomited from nervousness. How...
  9. N


    This girl.. she annoys me.. so bad. ::EXAMPLES: (She is SAM) Well, hmm... What do I say HERE?! Because we all live off of little postcards in the summer. No, they want to make money. Wow. This is just.. common sense. ... End. Anyone like this?
  10. N


    Well, by now most people know I am/was sick the past two days (Stayed home today because I woke up at 12:00AM and stayed up watching TV all morning until around 7, where I fell asleep until 9.) Well, Yesterday two people called me, (Haha, both were guys.) One being the kid that likes me, and...
  11. N


    Today I woke up, and I haven't been feeling well for awhile. So I woke up, got in the shower... normal, right? Well, about 2 minutes into the shower, I start vomiting. Of course, I got to stay home from school. W/e But still, I can barley walk 2 feet without getting dizzy and falling. I...
  12. N

    Funny Moments

    I have a few. One time, the kid I like asked me out for a "study.. er, uhm, date?" (Direct quote ;3) and he threw up from nervousness, after I said yes, of course. His sister still torments me about it. Another time, same kid, I went over his house (For homework.) and ended up staying for...
  13. N

    Over Controlling?

    Around here, you have to be ACCEPTED into a high school. I know what one I want to go to. We went to their open house today, and my dad was unimpressed. He wants me to go to another high school, and claims I will be better off there. Well guess what? I'll be better off where I am HAPPY. He...
  14. N

    Ridiculous school rules?!

    We all have them, I was astounded to read this: Hair: "Fad" , extreme or ponytail hairstyles are not acceptable. Hair is to be the natural hairline color. Punk, razor designs and hair dyes are not acceptable. Please refrain from the latest trends. Make up: Girls are not to wear any make-up...
  15. N

    Online Friends.

    Before ANYONE asks, no I am not planning on meeting anyone, calm yourselves, please. I just wanted to know, has anyone ever met an online friend? IF I were, obviously I am not, but I am sure someone will want to ask this, but be scared: If you were too, any guidelines, and how to convince...
  16. N

    Hair Dye

    Well, today, I managed to convince my mom to let me get highlights... of course, when I got to the store I had the biggest trouble, and we ended up buying dark brown hair dye, whoo! Of course, this took TONS of convincing and standing around in the store isle, telling my mom going three shades...
  17. N

    Is it wrong,

    For the last few days my AIM status's have been saying how great it would be to move, and how much I want too. some have been depressing, and people IM me, worried. I tell them to back off, not because I am mad, but because I have already decided. I want to get out of this place. I want to...
  18. N


    I'm Peacesign. I really like the creativity of this username.... So,hi.