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  1. V

    Which Tamagotchi should I reactivate?

    I would start up the v4.5
  2. V


    They parents leave on the second morning after they've had the baby
  3. V

    Tama Accessories!

    I'm definitely gonna make a beaded keychain! I love the beaded keychain they have on Japanese tamas, but I don't want to learn japanese. Plus my bf tamasits alot, and it would confuse him. Thanks for the instructions! :D
  4. V

    What's Your Favorite Tamagotchi Character(s)?

    I love Kuromaemetchi (Even though I can't spell his name) I have his figure, and keep it with me always. I also like Kuchipatchi, he reminds me of the vintage tamas
  5. V

    where do you get your tamagotchis?

    I got my most recent one from TRU and a got a figure from Target. I'm gonna get one from amazon too. Ebay kinda scares me
  6. V

    Friends/family actually kiling or hurting your Tama

    Not all parents are bad tamasitters. I was on a swim team as a kid, and all my friends and I would give my mom our tamas. She always took good care of them, though I think I killed em pretty quick after that.
  7. V

    Tama shells and designs!

    I like the hawaiian blue v4.5 Haven't been able to buy one yet though
  8. V

    Did the stop selling in Ireland?

    You could try amazon, I feel more comfortable using that than ebay. Unless you can't do online shopping at all
  9. V

    the most suitable tama..?

    Tamago is pretty nice (though I don't have anything to compare to), if you have a social life. They aren't too needy. But they are bigger, so they are harder to hide in your pocket or where ever.
  10. V

    How do your tamas feel to you?

    Aww I love my kitties, they are just much more independent than my tama.
  11. V

    How do your tamas feel to you?

    My tamago is like my kid I guess. Its more reliant on me than my cats, and I worry about it alot more. I always want it near me, I even take naps with it lol Its definitely more than just a toy to me
  12. V

    Does anyone still use tamagotchis? How old are you?

    I'm 23 and I just got a tamago. If you like em play with em :D
  13. V


    At first I didn't like the new shape of the tama-go, but It's kinda like an egg so it makes it feel like you're holding the tamas egg.
  14. V

    Tamagotchi Music city

    CN0985 And how does anyone ever remember these?
  15. V

    Friends/family actually kiling or hurting your Tama

    Left mine alone with my boyfriend while I was at work today, I was so nervous, but I came home and Kuromaematchi was happy. :D
  16. V

    Friends/family actually kiling or hurting your Tama

    My friend accidentally dropped mine in a pool... There was no saving it. He got me a new one though, and I feel bad saying this, but I liked the new one better
  17. V

    Sneaking tamagotchi into school

    When I was a kid (too long ago) I had long hair and would clip my tamagotchi into my ponytail. Left it there till lunch or recess, everyone had one then so I didn't have to worry about someone ratting me out.
  18. V


    Hey everyone! I haven't played with a Tamagotchi since the original vintage one, but just got my Tamago two days ago. LOVE it! Just wanted to introduce myself before I start posting :D