☺ EMF's Tama-riffic Log! ☻


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Anyway... Osama married... Wooltchi. :mellow: Uh... Wooltchi is a BOY on the Tama-Go! :eek: Naaasty.

Speaking of Tama-Go, the Hoshitchi on my black Tama-Go now has three training points and became Shelltchi. What a surprise! I hope I get a Makiko...

Chama turned 5... but I used a time trick to make her turn 6! She married a Necktietchi.

Seth now has 8 training points. Woot! I hope he becomes Zukyutchi. I like Zukyutchi. :)

Schnitzel evolved into an ADORABLE... blob with a beak and a tail. What is his name? Not sure... but he is SO cute!

Tangy has been having fun, using the microphone to sing "Lovely Day". Sigh... tomorrow she will get her final happy symbol and leave. I will miss her. :'<


You will get married, leave your baby with me, and go to Tamagotchi World.

I'm not going to leave my baby with you, not how YOU treated me! Not cleaning up 2-day-old doo! SHEESH.

And I'm an UGLY blob with a beak and a tail!

You're cute. ♥

I'm cuter. I am the almighty SHELLTCHI!

I am cuter! Everyone knows Chamametchi is cute... but WHY did EMF force me to marry such an ugly Necktietchi?

Necktietchi is ADORABLE.

But I am the cutest. >8D What could be cuter than a kuchipatchi in a space suit?


But you have a hideous husband, so I'M the cutest!

That's enough everyone. You're all cute! ... except Schnitzel. XD


~ EMF :ph34r:

Awesome! Another follower: Mametchiandchamametchi! :D

....Lalalllaaaaaaaaaaaa...Well, Tangy got married yesterday. Bokutchi. I know he's creepy, but he kinda looks like her... Anyway, the egg hatched into a boy--generation 10! He evolved into the cowboy. I hoped to give him the yuckiest care possible to get Gozarutchi or somone. But... unfortunately... today... he... died... :mellow:

:( Tangy was right... she shouldn't have left her baby with a sucky caretaker like me. :(

So... I started a new generation and it hatched into a girl, who is now a Paletchi called Alice. Not because of Alice in Wonderland. There's a Twilight character called Alice, that's why.

I got my version 3 from MametchiBub today! :D I called him Soren and he evolved into Tamatchi, and now has 3 training points.

Osama left his daughter. I forgot what I named her... she is now Hitodetchi. :hitodetchi:

Well... I forgot to name Shelltchi. She evolved into Ringotchi, so I'll call her Ringo.


I'm tired... I'll write more tomorrow... oh, Seth is Mametchi... Chama and Necktietchi had a baby boy... I'll write a conversation tomorrow... Lazy...

~ EMF :hitodetchi:


Only 13 views since last time I updated? Sad... :( If people stop reading my log, I'll stop writing it. >8(

Ah, so Osama's daughter was called Yuka... I am so forgetful. She is now this: :puroperatchi: And she has 4 training points.

Soren evolved into Nikatchi with 3 training points. Wah...? Why not Young Mimitchi? :angry: Oh well, I don't care for Young Mimitchi anyway. Or the normal Mimitchi, for that matter. :mimitchi:

Chama left her son. He is now Ahikurutchi with 3 training points. I don't know who I will get... I kinda neglected him. :mellow: He can be called EDWARD! :D

By ze way... I forgot to mention I'm not running my version 4 anymore because I'm using the battery for version 3.

Alice is now a Sabosabotchi. With any luck, she should become Shigurehimetchi tomorrow. :) Hooray, a new character! I hope. -_-

Zat eez all... but if one likes talking Tamas, one must read this:

Hey EMF, did Admin add the Ahikurutchi emoticon to TamaTalk???

Nope. Too bad, you can't have an emoticon of yourself. But at least MametchiandChamametchi used it as an avvie!

Yay! But I wanna be an EMOTICON!! >8(

I least I am an emoticon! WOOT!

Edward, when you grow up maybe you'll be Tarakotchi and THEN you will be an emoticon.

I wanna be an emoticon too! Make one of me, EMF!

Don't forget zee might Ringotchi! >8D

Sigh... I've got a lot of work to do, I guess... -_-

Now, I'll finish watching the Detective Anpan Tamagotchi episode and finish writing Perotchi Dreams 3...


~ EMF :puroperatchi:

Bleh... Did I say "Zee Might Ringotchi" instead of "Zee Mighty Ringotchi" yesterday? Shoot me now. >8(

Back to the point, Alice evolved into Shigurehimetchi, as expected. Yay! A new character! Eh, but I like lots of other characters on the iD L more... like Nachuratchi and Agetchi. I got her first three happy symbols, but I didn't adopt a Tama Pet because I already adopted them all. We went to Kuromametchi's house and he gave us a snack... but Alice threw a fit at him! :eek: I'll never forgive her for being so mean about Kuro's cooking! Sheesh, Shigurehimetchi is freaky when she's sad...

Well, Schnitzel (who was about 9 or 10 years old) returned to Tama Planet today. Goodbye, Schnitzel. :'< I hatched a new egg. It is now the toddler with a bump on its head, which is the only toddler. I'm calling him Todd. >8D

Yuka now has 6 training points. I am connecting her to Soren a lot. Maybe they will marry one day... Soren has 6 points, too. They shall both grow up tomorrow.

Edward has 6 training points (lame-o) and, to my surprise, evolved into Kilalatchi. Ringo is still a Ringotchi, doing nothing interesting.

Now for a conversation. Soren (version 3) shall be pink for now.

Did you say you wanted me to marry Yuka? Perish the thought!

I wanna marry Soren. ♥ Ooooooooooooooooooooh...


** Gazes at Soren like this: (♥.♥) **

You will marry each other because I HAVE ZEE POWER TO CONTROL YOU ALL!

Goo goo ga ga... Todd-Woddy hungwy.

Aww, Todd is so cute! I'll marry him too!

You can only marry ONE Tama.

I'll marry you too, Edward! ♥

No, Edward is MINE!

No, Ringo, you shall marry someone at the Date Place.


I have nobody to love... I am the only color tama so I have no friends to connect to... :'<

Awwww... don't worry, I'll buy another iD L... NOT! >8D


~ EMF :marumimitchi:

Yay, I changed my avvie again but it gets stuck sometimes... :(

Edward evolved intoooooooooo... MAMETCHIII! Speaking of which, didn't I already have a Mametchi named Edward before...? :newmametchi: Perhaps not.

I made Ringotchi marry a hideous Tarakotchi! :tarakotchi:

Yuka has 8 training points. Soren has 9... neither of them have evolved yet! :angry:

Alice shall get her fourth happy symbol and get married tomorrow.



8( I know. I didn't mean to...

You give us yucky care!

We will NEVER evolve! >8D

Let's form the EMF hate club!

Yeah! She made me marry an ugly Tarakotchi!

Awww.... Everyone, don't be mean to EMF.

Thanks, Mametchi. ♥

Uh... Why are you staring at me like that?

I ♥ you... :D

Um, thanks... :mellow:

Now... I finished Perotchi Dreams 3. Now all I have to do is not be too lazy to post it.

~ EMF :newmametchi:

Dundun dun duuuuuuuuun!

Yuka evolved into... BUTTERFLYTCHI! I've already had her on version 2 before but I ♥ her because she's sooooo cute!


Here she is with Kuromametchi. Yup, Kuromametchi was a character from an ooollllld Tamagotchi video game but he looked a LOT different!

Soren evolved into Memetchi. Wait---WHAT? He evolved into MEMETCHI? Memetchi's a GIRL! But not on version 3. Oh well. Anyway, Soren and Yuka's friendship meter reached for hearts! ♥♥♥♥ They will marry the day after tomorrow, even though they are both girls as far as I'm aware.

WHAT WAS THAT? Todd just evolved THIS INSTANT! He is...The good care teen. Yay!

Alice got her final happy symbol and married Meistertchi. She had a boy (generation 2), who is now my favorite toddler--LEAF GUY! I'll name him... uh... Spacy because he shall evolve into Spacytchi. Tomorrow he shall evolve into my favorite teen--HAPPABOUYATCHI! He is so cute but I haven't gotten him before... although I think I once accidentally called Hanikamitchi Happabouyatchi. XP

Nothing is going on with the Tama-Gos.


Bleh... I'm not in love with you anymore now that you're Memetchi. XP

Awww... Yuka, you NEED to marry Soren. ♥

He looks like a girl. >8(

Oh well. Who knows, maybe I'm a girl. You can never know because I'm a P2... sigh...


The Date Place isn't unlocked yet.

I wanna marry Ringotchi!

Sorry, I'm already married to Tarakotchi. :p

Edward, you will marry ME. >8D


I wanna be a Mametchi too!

Nope, you'll be Spacytchi.



Sorry for updating again but I took some PHOTOS! =D

Todd before he evolved!


Soren before he evolved!


Oops... You can see the arm of my Kuchipatchi figurine...

~ EMF :wub:

Wha...? Spacy evolved into Bokuhoshitchi instead of Happabouyatchi? Phooey! >8( I guess you can only get Happabouyatchi from a certain toddler...Now he won't be Spacytchi after all! I gave him 5 care misses, and I will check a growth chart to see who he will become.

Soren and Yuka are both 5 years old.

Ringotchi had a son.

That's all for now... There should be more interesting things tomorrow. :D


Maybe you'll be someone even uglier...


Lalalaaaaa... I'm the cutest Tama around...

No. I am. EMF's called Eternal Mametchi Fan, not Eternal Butterflytchi fan. Besides, EBF doesn't sound as fun as EMF.


Shut up or I will make a new account just to have a different name.

Call yourself Eternal Butterflytchi Fan!

No, Eternal Ringotchi Fan... ERF!

Nobody ever talks about me... ** cries **


~ EMF :tarakotchi:

Spacy became Kuchipatchi! I didn't expect that! I don't really like fat characters (like Mimitchi, Kuishinbotchi, and old Mametchi :mametchi: ) but Kuchipatchi is adorable. :wub: He has three happy symbols and should get the last one tomorrow. :)

Well, Soren and Yuka got married. I have two boys: Akbar on the v3 and Adolf on the v2. Akbar is the mohawk toddler with one training point, and Adolf is Kinakomotchi with two training points.

Todd should evolve into an adult later today.

Edward married Violetchi.

Ringotchi left her son, who used to be Ahikurutchi but is now Korokotchi with 9 training points. I'll call him Saddam. :)

Eh... too lazy to type a conversation....

~ EMF :lol:

Todd became KUSATCHI! :kusatchi: How did I get a bad care adult from the good care teen?

Spacy got his fourth happy symbol and married Meloditchi. He had a girl who is now the fishbowl toddler called Harmony.

Akbar became the teen that looks like a rocket or something.


Too lazy for a conversation....

~ EMF -_-

Well I'll just get into more detail... Akbar has three training points. Adolf has 3 as well, but he is not yet a teenager. Oh, and Saddam has 11. :)

Sorry for being so boring lately. I'll try to make my posts more interesting...


Harmony evolved into Painaputchi, just what I needed! I think I gave her 2 or 3 care misses, so I'm hoping to get Melodytchi. I might get Moriritchi instead, though. We will have to wait and see. I should post about my plants, shouldn't I? Today I planted a pink heart seed. My seed from yesterday died. >8( Oh, and by the way, Kuchipatchi was my 8th TamaTomo character so the Patchi Falls was unlocked! I also changed the icons to the apple theme. Yay!

Akbar now has 5 training points, and is still the teen that looks like a Kuchipatchi head on three rockets. Adolf has 6 training points, and evolved into Ringotchi. A boy Ringotchi! The should evolve into adults tomorrow or the day after.

Todd left already, age 7... :( I heard a loud, strange beep and watched him until he left. But something odd happened... just before it showed the UFO screen, Todd smiled... and... AN EGG POPPED OUTTA HIM! That means that after all this time he was a GIRL! :eek: Does that mean all P2 characters are girls because they all lay eggs just before they leave?! My new character will be called Oranda.

Edward and Violetchi had a baby girl. Cute! I used the teddy bear item from my Chamametchi Gotchi figure... a funny thing happened. While Edward, Violetchi, and the baby were playing with the bear Edward and Violetchi stopped and stared at each other with their eyes closed. O___O The baby stared at them like this: 0_0 and then turned away just before they kissed. Very entertaining! XD

I can't wait for Saddam to grow old enough to marry. I don't like being stuck with Tarakotchi for so long. >8(

~ EMF :tarakotchi:

God, the new avvie I made looks kreepy...

Anyway, Harmony evolved into a SUPER CUTE MORIRITCHI! =D I took her to the Henshin Jo and made her transform into a princess, which made her even more adorable! The seed we planted yesterday became... a CATEPILLAR?! Darn. >8( I got her first three Happy Symbols. :)

Akbar has 8 training points, and Adolf has 9. Neither of them evolved.

Edward left his daughter, which I shall call Pixie. She is now a Belltchi at generation 27 with not many training points.


I am an AWSMly cute Moriritchi! Lalala...

You aren't cute. You murder Perotchi's face in.


In Perotchi Dreams 2, EMF's fan fiction.


Sorry. You will marry Kuromametchi in...

EMF, that's supposed to be a secret!

Oh yeah, you're right Pixie... TOP SECRET!


~ EMF :hanatchi:

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The plant Harmony planted yesterday grew into... a tasty tomato! She had it for breakfast. Yum yum! Then I let her adopt a Tama Pet...Hapihapitchi! ♥ When we we went to the park the Eco-Usatchi Triplets were there. Harmony helped them clean up the park, and they gave her a...bag? I already have the Eco bag!

Akbar got 9 training points and evolved into a super-cute Bunbuntchi!


I looked at a list of version 3 characters but it didn't mention him! Creepy... o_O

Gosh darn Adolf refuses to evolve... That makes me mad!


Oranda is the good care teen! =D

Pixie has 7 training points and is Shelltchi. ♥ I BETTER get Makiko...

Saddam shall get married tomorrow. YAY! Then he will LEAVE soon. But... Moriritchi (Harmony) will marry tomorrow as well... I will miss her... :'<


Zat eez all for now! I'll write a conversation someday later...



Pixie got 8 training points and evolved into Lovelitchi, one of my least favorite characters. God. Saddam married a Marotchi. They are both ugly blobs without arms. XD

Bye bye, Harmony... She got her fourth happy symbol and went to the date place... but Kuromametchi wasn't there. :angry: So I went there again and again until Kuro showed up. Hooray! =D It showed the usual daft animations, playing the same dorky music it played when Harmony cleaned up the park with the Triplets.... It showed Harmony and Kuro looking at dancing flowers... Harmony giving Kuro a ring even though I thought boys gave girls rings, not vice versa... and the freakiest thing yet. ** shudder ** I mean, at least it doesn't show the egg popping out but showing the Tamas... uh... mating...? Horrific! I could barely look at the screen.

Anyway... Adolf became a Kuchipatchi! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

Zat eez all. :) I'll write a conversation later today.

~ EMF :wacko:

Here's a conversation, as promised... =D


** Stares in envy ** I wanna be a cute Lovelitchi when I grow up!

Too bad, I don't think Lovelitchi is cute. You're gonna be Melodytchi!

OOh, there are so many cute Tamas on new versions... I wish I didn't live on a boring P2...

I'm a cute Bunbuntchi. EMF SAID I was cute!

Guys, here are some REALLY cute pictures:



EEEEEEEEEEEEK! THAT IS SO CUTE I AM GOING TO DIE! I wish I wasn't such a boring Kuchipatchi.

At least you're all cuter than me... :'<

I think you are all cute. ♥

~ EMF :wub:

Foo, foo, foo. Mitzi evolved into Sabosabotchi instead of Painaputchi, so she shan't become Melodytchi. I'll have to give her four care misses... But I only gave her one! I better neglect her big time, otherwise she'll become Perotchi or Shigurehimetchi again. ** Shudder ** The seed we planted yesterday became a hammer thingamabob we already have, so we planted a red flower seed. Then we sold all the duplicate items at the Tama Market.

As for the others... nothing. :mellow: Oh well...


Oh no, could that be true?! I wanted you to be Melodytchi... Mitzi the Melodytchi. Now I'm heartbroken.

Pixie, just because you are Lovelitchi it doesn't mean you have to be so sad about Mitzi not evolving into Melodytchi.

I like Melodytchi.



When am I gonna get married?

When am I gonna get married?

When am I gonna have a baby? :babytchi:

Saddam, you are a boy. Boys don't have babies. Anyway... all that will happen TOMORROW!

Including ME evolving!

Stay tuned...!

~ EMF :ph34r:

Dun dun dun duuuuuuuuuuunnn! Mitzi evolved into... VIOLETCHI! One of my favorites! :D I would have preferrred an iD L-exclusive character like Agetchi or somethin' but oh well... I managed to find her first three TamaTomo stamps. The seed we planted yesterday became a carrot. Tasty! I know Violetchi is a bad care character, but at least she's someone new!

Oranda evolved into... Pochitchi! The second-best care adult after Mimitchi! :pochitchi: I could have done better but oh well, it's good that I didn't get Mimitchi because I don't like her. Then again I don't like dogs either...

Saddam had a girl! For some reason Adolf and Akbar didn't marry yet... :'<

Yay! Akbar married a Kuchipatchi (that's what Adolf is... what a coincidence) and Adolf married a chipmunk creature. They both had baby boys. >8| I want more girls! That's all that really happened today. Mitzi's plant grew into another tomato. The end.

I am gonna run away! Bwahahhaaa! I'M OFF TO SEE DA WORLD!

You cannot escape the plastic, electronic eggshell the holds you prisoner!

WOOF WOOF! I want walkies! WOOF WOOF WOOF!

No "walkies" for you. You can't escape either. You might chase my cats to Kingdom Come.

Oh no, I'm late for my concert! SET ME FREE!

And I need to assassinate Julia Gillard!

O_O All right. So THAT's what would happen if I set you guys free...

WAIT! I was only joking... I will put my cannon in the bin... Uh, not that I have one!

Tamas are creepy. o.0

~ EMF :pochitchi:

My iD L ran out of batteries. So I took my batteries from the black Tama-Go. Mitzi married the acorn guy and had a boy, who is now the fruit salad. I will call him.. uh... Dunno. Maybe... CAESAR! Because I read a joke book and there were lots of Julius Caesar jokes.

Akbar... died. Read his memorial for more information. I hatched a girl called Leela. She is now the mohawk toddler with 4 training points.

Pixie married Kuromametchi. ;)

All done! Gotta reply to an RP now...
