♥♥♥♥♥♥VALENTINES DAY♥♥♥♥♥♥


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Do you enjoy Valentines Day?


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  • HATE IT!

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  • Who would love "Singles Awareness Day"?

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  • Only Valentine I get is the one from my friend... AND I asked her/him to get one for me

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  • I hand out Valentines and try and remain cheery...

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
I'd have to go with the 3rd-6th choice. I hate Valentines Day sometimes, but it's fun when you hang with all your single friends! XD



I don't like it...nobody loves me and it makes me realise i'm still single


I voted for Number 4, Who would love "Singles Awarness Day". Guys tend to pretend I don't exist because I am overweight. Plus due to things that have happened in my past I don't really trust them. Yeah I'm your average basketcase. Maybe someday I'll find a guy who can sweep me off my feet but not anytime at the moment.

H!!! HA!!!!!!! HA!!!!!! HA!!!

Your sinature in FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How did you think of that that was sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bye,Bye :lol:

Valentines Day!

I love Vanlentines Day, yesterday I got a Hersey's Chocolate Kiss! :) It was in my locker, and it didn't say who its from! It was odd....I guess someone likes me. haha :eek:

Valentines Day is my 3rd favorite holiday! I'm handing out cards for my friends, the cards have Pirates Of The Caribbean on them, pretty sweet! Hehe, and its also my States B-day



Happy Valentines Day

I voted others. I really like it, but not that much.

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It's just a "Singles Awareness Day" to make you feel lame and lonely. lol. I say someone should host an Anti-Valentine's Day party. Jk!

me and my crush both agree that valentine's day is the worst holiday for single people... EVER! when it rolls along, we're both going to be sad.. or, hopefully, we'll be happy and going out. but whatever.

I am single and i have a crush on this guy and i think he likes me... but he also (this is for sure) likes another girl...

Im the only [person in my class that didnt get a card or present because every body HATES me * Cries *

Ohhhh i wish i had friends

*Sighs* I dont go to school so I don't have a crush, so im single.

I have a online BF thow

but still I don't mind Valentimes days, its OK, atleast you get free chocolate! xxxxxxxDDDDDDDD

Im the only [person in my class that didnt get a card or present because every body HATES me * Cries *

Ohhhh i wish i had friends
don't feel bad. I got 1 valentine one year b/c i asked my friend for it. and another year my brother sent me a secret admirer to make me feel better. He was trying to be nice... i was P.O.'s tho

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I don't celebrate it, I don't have a girlfriend yet and frankly I don't really care. :D

but other wise... HAPPY VALENTINES! :D :D

I hate Singles Awarness Day!

It makes me want to back into a corner until someone actually gets me something to feel nice.

I love Valentines Day! And especially today I love it even more 'cause I finally got the perfect valentine!!! YAY!

Number six......

Valentines day isn't my favourite, because it reminds of of some thing......*coughs* I just don't really like the holiday much. I just hand out Valentines, treats, and have a good time! I remain cheery, though the 14th of Feb. isn't the most special day of the year for me. I almost forgot it was today! xD


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