♥~Internet Dating~♥


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TW/P - I think he got talked to by the police and my old principal (It'd be scary enough without the police there).

He got into trouble and we met him (Yes, WE). It me and her... He was who he said he was. Then his wife and kids turned up... Somehow, I think they had a few problems after that.

It was scary because he was actually looking for her and she didn't tell him what school we went to.

Cybering is really bad. I just don't agree with anything. Cyber sex, dating, etc.

It's stupid...

TW/P - I think he got talked to by the police and my old principal (It'd be scary enough without the police there).He got into trouble and we met him (Yes, WE). It me and her... He was who he said he was. Then his wife and kids turned up... Somehow, I think they had a few problems after that.

It was scary because he was actually looking for her and she didn't tell him what school we went to.

Cybering is really bad. I just don't agree with anything. Cyber sex, dating, etc.

It's stupid...
Lemme get this straight- she thought he was her age, somehow he found her and then showed up at the school? What was he going to do? o..O;

I think online dating is stupid :/ Besides it being dangerous, it's just pointless.

Yes. Date someone you can't see, hear or touch and possibly never will. Makes sense right?

You can't have a REAL relationship over the internet.

I've dated online, but through a trusted friend who moved and knew the person. I eventually met them as well.

Unless you actually know for 100% fact that the person is safe, don't bother.

I think cyber dating is just an invitation for a fat, hairy, balding 50 year old man who lives in his mother's basement to come and rape you :/ . I don't even agree with dating in real life, even at my age. I'd finish my education first (I'm in postsecondary education.)

My friends cousin cyperdated and she almost got raped by a 45 year old man. She was only saved because my friend came along and called the police.


I think online dating is stupid :/ Besides it being dangerous, it's just pointless.
Yes. Date someone you can't see, hear or touch and possibly never will. Makes sense right?

You can't have a REAL relationship over the internet.

I've dated online, but through a trusted friend who moved and knew the person. I eventually met them as well.

Unless you actually know for 100% fact that the person is safe, don't bother.
'Xactly, Sweet Kandi.

It's a really stupid idea, so I won't even go and bother through explaining it all.

Lemme get this straight- she thought he was her age, somehow he found her and then showed up at the school? What was he going to do? o..O;

He looked the same and everything about him was true... Except his age.

Ugh, It was awful.

I don't know what he was going to do, but I'm sure he didn't have very good intentions, if you know what I mean...

Well, I think it's a no-no, unless, you know the person before, but they moved away.

I am in a relationship, and just to see the smile on his face is enough to make my heart flutter. Imagine not seeing their face, imagine not hearing their voice, imagine never having that moment when you know this person is really appreciative of you, or, never kissing, holding or even talking to them. Why would you want that?

If you really are that desprate, wait, the right person will appear, just don't expect to find him on the internet.

My friend said that she was chatting with a guy who said he was the same age as her, so they were dating over the internet, he got pictures of his nephew and said they were him, she sent him pictures of herself and told him where she lived. He met her one day and almost kidnapped her. She said that he looked 40.

You might as well walk up to someone and say "Wanna be my date?"Thats a direct approach. Question?
Agreed. Except you don't actually meet this person until later..so it's worse.

I think it's just completely wrong unless, as Nix666 said, you knew the person but you/them moved away. If you're desperate for a date, just wait for the right person rather than cyber dating some guy who could be a pedafile (sp?), it's most likely their not since 75% aren't but don't take chances.

I do not think it's a good idea. Why? Because 25% of people on online chatrooms/social networks are approached by pedofiles. [Yes, I watch Super Nany! xD] That's a big percentage.
You never should just trust someone online. If you really are that desperate [and of the proper age], go to eHarmony or some other safe online date site.
Agreed. I think its not safe but I dont tell people that I think that, I just wait for them to learn their lesson. Which means I dont encourge it. If its one of my friends or cousin which could be in danger then I stop them. I go against it personally.

I think it's okay, myself. I don't think people who do it are desperate. I once had an enormous crush on someone I talked to through the Internet =P I guess the reason I think it's okay is that the world is a big place. What are the chances you're going to find your "true love" in your own town or city? I think THAT's stupid. I have absolutely zero interest in anyone I know in real life. (I currently don't have an interest in anyone from the Internet, either) I don't think you should immediately hook up with someone you talked to in a chatroom once, that's stupid. It should be someone you are already friends with. For those who said: "It's stupid, the person who you are talking to doesn't know you" That's not true. I have an Interenet friend who is by far the best friend I have ever known. I've never met someone so understanding. If you think about it, the Internet is a way to meet people you never would have known otherwise. And those people you meet can only like you for yourself, not your looks.

Yeah, I don't its something to be taken seriously, like if your just joking around. Whatever.

But I thinkits a waste if time. I prefer dating Real people as opposed to people that could

very well be twice my age.

Well, I have tried online dating before. I dated a few really decent guys that I met at an online dating website. None of them were my perfect match, obviously, but it wasn't a bad experience for me at all. And, it was not out of desperation that I chose to meet guys online. It was simply because I wanted to increase my chances of finding a really good guy.

Although I guess there are places where your relationship stays strictly online and you never meet in person...most dating sites exist today so that you CAN meet someone in person. It's just a way of finding new guys/girls that live near you but you just haven't had the chance to meet yet. Whichj is pretty nifty, considering how insanely busy and a lot of people's adult lives are. Many people work so much nowdays and are so busy with activities that it becomes difficult to increase your social circle at all. I chose to try online dating when I was ballroom dancing 6 days a week and already knew EVERY guy in that circle. hehe It was seriously hard to find new guys at all, so I gave it a shot.

Lastly, I would not encourage anyone underage to attempt online dating, particularly if they want to meet a guy in person. There ARE a lot of wierdos out there...just as there are in everyday life. You wouldn't just go off with some random guy you met at the store because you don't know who he is...please do not do that with a guy you meet online. I was 19 when I started trying online dating, and a lot of sites require you to be 21. SO.....it can be a rewarding experience as long as you are an adult and you make responsible choices. ;)

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