♥~Internet Dating~♥


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If you have to resort to a computer setting you up on a date, I don't think that's a good thing.
Like TW/P said, most are just "creepers", even on those safe sites.

I was watching Oprah [yes, I'm cool like that] and they were talking about Nigerian money scams, and this lady thought she met her "perfect" man, so they communicated a lot online and stuff. So he tells her he needs money to build this orphanage, and she sends it, and she never even met him before.

It ends up his pictures were fake, name, etc and she lost 14 000$.
I have seen that. (Yes, I am also very cool. :D ) This has made me realize that Internet Dating isn't safe. Somebody can claim to be somebody that they are not. And by all means, they could have just went on Google, pick an image of a nice looking guy, and claim to be him. Lies are pretty much what the internet world is made of. You may not agree, as not everyone on the internet is "bad". But don't tak the chances, Be smart about it.

GotchiGirl96, That was a great point! ;) It may be an accessible way of trying to find a date to be online, but don't rely on it. It's more than likely not going to work out anyways.

I personally don't like the idea of internet dating. Have you ever heard on the news about that girl on myspace? Her neighbor (female old woman) tricked her as a teenage boy. They were internet dating. When the "boy" told her it was over she ummm... well.... let's just say she's up in the sky, in a happy place now...

What I'm trying to say is that I seriously think you should avoid internet dating. It can hurt or even kill the person who is tricked into a cruel, inhuman, creature's evil plan. So evil, that you will not like it one bit.

No. This is why my mom doesn't quite trust tamatalk. I told her I don't post any love stuff, except a little in my siggy. (read siggy) It is just a meaningful poem!

It stinks. You can get KILLED on the internet!

mametchi <_<

I don't think it's a very good idea. If you just can't find the right person for yourself then it might be a good idea but I'd go through different internet dating sites and find a REALLY safe one if I was to internet date (don't think I ever will though >.< :huh:

I personally don't like the idea of internet dating. Have you ever heard on the news about that girl on myspace? Her neighbor (female old woman) tricked her as a teenage boy. They were internet dating. When the "boy" told her it was over she ummm... well.... let's just say she's up in the sky, in a happy place now...
What I'm trying to say is that I seriously think you should avoid internet dating. It can hurt or even kill the person who is tricked into a cruel, inhuman, creature's evil plan. So evil, that you will not like it one bit.
But...That can happen weather your internet dating or not. o.o"

Lots of guys and girls commit suicide over there boyfriend/girlfriend.

Weather it's an online relationship or not. :/~

But it's true though. That what that older women did was wrong. O.O"

[SIZE=14pt]So, what do you think about Internet dating?[/SIZE]Do you think it's dangerous? Or a perfectly good way to meet someone that has the

same interest as you? Share your thoughts and ideas here!

*NOTE: This is NOT a hook-up thread. TT does not allow ANY sort of internet dating what so ever. This thread is only asking for opinions on internet dating period. -TW/P*

And in case anyone needs a little reminder about staying safe on TamaTalk - and online generally: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=92968

I don't like Internet dating. It makes people look desperate. But it is a good way to find friends, at least, but not boyfriends or girlfriends.

Eh. People can do what ever they want, but just remeber this: You never know who is on the other side of that computer screen.


I think people that internet date must be really desprate if they can't find their own mate.Also, internet dating is getting more unsafe day by day.So if you internet date you better REALLY know what ur doing.I know i don't wanna internet date.

I have nothing against internet dating. Not going to lie, I've taken part in the act itself. I don't think it's stupid or dumb, for that matter. It's a really good idea, as long as you get to know the person. If the two of you have been talking for awhile and seem to get along, and the two of you develop feelings for each other after creating a friendship between yourselves, I say go for it! There's nothing unhealthy about a good, internet relationship that is based off of feeling, not just sexual attraction. You could find the other person attractive, but if you like them for their personality, it really shouldn't matter.

Basically, if you do it the right way, I believe internet dating can be quite successful. Then again, as an adolescent, I know that distance is a big factore, and people won't always be satisfied with an internet based relationship as they grow older.

Internet Dating? Nothing really comes out of it.

You probably could never meet that person, so why do it?

- xd3vilx

Yeah,You never know who is behind that computer screen like babigirl said. Its dangerous because It could be a 50 year old pervert who is interested in seeking young inncoent people. Be careful!



well i think its not bad but not that safe i mean you need to be really Alert about who your talking too

I have nothing against internet dating. Not going to lie, I've taken part in the act itself. I don't think it's stupid or dumb, for that matter. It's a really good idea, as long as you get to know the person. If the two of you have been talking for awhile and seem to get along, and the two of you develop feelings for each other after creating a friendship between yourselves, I say go for it! There's nothing unhealthy about a good, internet relationship that is based off of feeling, not just sexual attraction. You could find the other person attractive, but if you like them for their personality, it really shouldn't matter.
Basically, if you do it the right way, I believe internet dating can be quite successful. Then again, as an adolescent, I know that distance is a big factore, and people won't always be satisfied with an internet based relationship as they grow older.
Yaay~ Someone who agrees with me. ^-^"lol

Score one for internet relationship. ;D

Score 20 for non-internet relationships. O.O lol x)

I am not a fan.

My friend thinks he is so cool cause he got a girlfriend. I ask; "Internet Dating?" He says yes.

It is for the desperate ~ I tend to stay out of that group.

LOL! I saw this picture online of this computer geek, hairy, 30-year-old-jobless-live-with-mommy type looking dude and his shirt read "I'm the hot 16 year old boy you've been talking to on MySpace"! xD

LOL! I saw this picture online of this computer geek, hairy, 30-year-old-jobless-live-with-mommy type looking dude and his shirt read "I'm the hot 16 year old boy you've been talking to on MySpace"! xD
*Rolls on the floor laughing*

Thats hilarious!

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