5,000 Ways To Get Kicked Outta Wal-Mart!


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yah, kuchipa is right........

21: stuff tamagotchi's in a ladies purse and if they ask you what it is, scream and cry and make a big scene, and shout "THAT A BAAAAAAD LADY!!! SHE STOLE THE TAMAGOTCHI I WAS GOING TO BUY!!!!!!" then slap her.

22. Get a huge huge of lemonade, and heat it up. Then go over to somebodys feet and when they aren't looking pour it around their feet. After that yell "This person just had an accident."

23.Yell, "I LIKE POINTY THINGS!" While you run down isles with toilet paper everywhere.

24. Ride a cart through the store making car sounds and honking at other customers.

25.Go to a baby in the clothes section, and say, "Ohh, THIS is so cute!" And rock the stroller back and forth.

26. Go to a register with a toy, or something you want, and ring it up, and then mess with the register. Then get a gift card from the isle and ring it up over and over again. Run throught the store with a cart and fill up the cart with whatever you see and go to a register and ring it all up.

27. Run throught the store with 5 carts and grab things off of the shelves and throw it in the carts. Once all the carts are full go to the front and scream "Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday" and epmty all the things in the carts to the ground. Then scream "Free stuff here! First one to get the wii, nintendo, and flat screen, and laptop gets it!!"

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29. Go up to somebody who has a cart and when they aren't looking take one or two things. Then hide until they aren't looking and continue until their cart is empty.

33: Purpously (sp?) throw all the food onto the ground while screaming like a little kid and then make food angels!!

35: Hide in the net with the balls in (not the ball pit) and make weird noises and giggle. When caught, say 'Drat, I'm no good at Hide And Seek!'

EDIT: Wrong number!

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Er...... could you just put all of you ideas in one post? And you're putting the wrong numbers

38: Shout at the manager (come on, no one thought of it?)

39: Lick the cashiers face 8D

40: Run around screaming 'I'm a chicken!' Then make everyone do the chicken dance

41: Smash up the computers/tvs!

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