5,000 Ways To Get Kicked Outta Wal-Mart!


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131. Run around and yell "THE SKY IS FALLING!" repeatally at the cash register person.

132. Put clothes all over the food court.(works best with sweaty clothes! ;) )

133. Grab any blue colored writing materials and write the lyrics of Eiffel 65's popular song, Blue, on the walls(or everywhere)

134. Grab a huge fluffy pillow and say: "YOU ARE MY SQUISHY AND YOU ARE MINE :ph34r: "

If anyone comes near do either of these:

a. Throw the pillow at the face of the person and yell "ATTACK, SQUISHY, ATTAAACK!!!!"



135. Sit in the middle of the store and scream Yo Mama jokes at passers by.

136; yell "DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO...." like a dying tama.

137; Threaten random shoppers that if they don't sign up for tamatalk the voices will come to get them.

138;Run around shouting "I BE SOMEONE WHO ESCAPED TEH MENTAL HOSPITAL! I STEALED ALL YOUR COOKIES SUCKAZ!" You will probably be kicked out and put in a mental hospital xD

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do a sneak attack on the store maneger and hit em with a frying pan!hahahahaha! :(

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140. Go to the cash register and say to the register dude "I want a shilacapoopioilio!!!!" And say random stuff like "I want a (and then say a random word)" And say it over and over.

141. Pretend to be a hobo and a robber mixed together and run around like an idiot screaming "IM A HOBO!!!!!! PUT THE MONEY IN THE BAG!!!! YOURE AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!" And knock over everything.

142. Take a bottle of shampoo, conditioner, and soap and put the soap all over yourself, and put the shampoo and conditioner in your hair. Run around screaming "I NEED TO TAKE A SHOWER!!!!!!!! WHERE ARE THE SHOWERS!?!?!?!?! I NEED WATER!!!!!!!!!!"

143: go to wal-mart with your BF/GF and shout "WERE GETING MARYYIDED!!!" as loud as you can.


146; Suddenly start weeing all over the place and yell "IM A SPRINKLER" <------ A classic

147. Scream "Pirates are coming to get me!"

148. Start eating the clothes. :D

149.Eat all the doughtuts in the bakery.

150. Kick the bouncy balls at random people's heads.

151. Bring a live monkey to Wal-Mart.

152. Kick everyone you see.

153. Throw all of the Pokemon items to Pokemon haters.

I need to thank my freinds for thinking this out. :( I just modified some stuff. :(

154.Eat all the pens.

155.Throwkunoitchi random people at shoppers.

156.Run around naked, with protesting signs with swear words on, screaming " I WANT TO LIVE"

157. Draw tamagotchis all over the walls.

158.Go around "face painting" people using jam/jelly/whatever you call it.

159. Look at the time, and when it comes to the exact hour (eg 11.00pm exactly) start screaming and pretending to die.

160.Pretend to bea mainiac who grabs people and tramples them.

161. Start to drink all of the soda and scream "eheheheheheh.... i gottted drunk from soda.... uhhh...." and then have a mood swing

162. Run around screaming "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! IT'S A PERSON!!!! I HAVE PERSONAPHOBIA SO IM ALLERGIC TO PEOPL!!!!!" and then kiss a hot guy. "except for him :rolleyes: " and just smile.

163. Grab a video game and run out the door with it and when the alarm goes off scream "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID I DO?!!?!?!?!?!? WHY IS THIS PIECE OF PLASTIC SCREAMING AT ME! THAT'S NOT NICE!!!!!!!!!" and then throw the video game at the store managers head and fall and go into the needle position.

164; Scream "EDWARD CULLEN SMELLS!! WHY DO YOU LIKE HIM??!!" at anyone who picks up a twilight book.

165. Steal all the cake.

167. Get a trolley full of things you like, then go out the door without paying. When the alarm goes off, say "what did I do wrong? Its free day!!!"

168. Put on a monkey outfit and run around screaming at random people.

169. Yell "OMG LOOK IT'S ICE CREAM!" and chew on someone's hair.

170. Hook arms with a random guy and say "so where're you goin', sweetie? XD

171. Ask if they sell giant jelly pigs and if they don't spread your arms and legs and yell "Starish! Look at this, Starfish!"

172. Ask where the Chubracabras are, and if they say they don't have any scream "WHAAAAAAAAAT????!! NO CHUBRACABRAS?! ARE YOU MAD WOMAN???!!!" and grab them even if they are a man xD



174. If you are a girl go up to a male employee and start saying "I need help what kind of undies do you think will suit me" Then take foreeevvveeerrr to choose. xD

175.Stuff cheesecake and glue down your pants, and take toy handcuffs and badge and go up to an old grany and say. "You're under the arrest for stuffing gross substances down my pant's, ma'am. Than if people stair at you, run to another old grany and say "SHE DID" And throw the cheesecake at her.

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