5,000 Ways To Get Kicked Outta Wal-Mart!


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176: Throw things at passing people and say, 'It wasn't me! The toys did it!'

177: scream "snacks on the moon" at the top of ur lungs and shouting "hi" to all the employees

179: Throw green clothes on the floor and when you see people approaching them, say "YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN!!" in a middle aged voice. xD

180: Go to the barbie aisle, grab a TON of Barbies, run all the way to the cigarette counter singing Barbie Girl, throw the barbies behind the cigarette counter and shout how bad of an influence Barbies are to little kids.

181: Scream "OH MY @!$£*& GOD IT THINK ITS SONIC!" then point to some old ladyand continue "LOOK, ITS SONIC! OMG HES REAL! AND THERES TAILS!!" Point to an employee " OMG THERE REAL THEYRE REEEAL!!!" then wait for them to take you away and put you in a straightjacket.

182. Get the twilght books off the shelves, and start putting them in random places around the store, and then announce that if someone finds one, walmart owes that person $10,000,000! That would not go over well with the employees.

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184. Glue cat-food to your clothes and run around like an idiot, screaming "AHHHHH!!!! A &^$%^% cat raped me!" and run to an old lady. "SHE RAPED ME!!! ARREST THIS PHYCHO!" And randomly hit her with a random skittles box, then run to an imployee and screach. "THAT OLD LADY CAT RAPED ME!!!! SHE'S A GIANT CAT THAT RAPES PEOPLES!!!! SHE'S CRAZY, CRAZY I TELLS YA!!!!!!" then run to a compost bin with a big garbage bag, fill up the garbage bag until it's full, and run back over to the same lady, and dump the garbage on her, and scream REALLY loud. " I CAUGHT THE RAPER!!!!!" and trip. "AHHHH!!! SHE TWISTED MY ANKEL!!!" then run to a male employee and hug them and say. "She broke my ankel. I love you, Mommy." That will DEFENATLY send you to the mental hospital- GAUTENTEED!

185.Go to the food isle, and rip open all the food, and stuff your face in it. If someone stops you, yell, "It was him/her!" while pointing to the closest person to you.

186. grab a cheddar cheese and say: MY PRECIOUS!!!!

LAWL golum (lord of teh rings)

187. FALCON...PAWNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1ONE!! a cashier.

188. get a barney plush and stick it to your leg and run saying: AHHH PEDOBARNEY WANTS TO RaEP MEH!

188: If you hit a cashier with a bra filled with frozen icecream

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