A riddle!


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Nope. Wrongo. Good guess though. Here is the answer to the riddle: 

Riddle: There are three boys in a room. Two of them are twins and the other boy is related. (not a cousin, grandparent, aunt, uncle, step-brother ect.) How is he related?

Answer: The three boys are triplets.




I got one, dont take offence

I close topics, and dont wear the Tamaguide badge


Okay, I've got one:

There are two men that are somehow related. One man points to the other and says "Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man's father is my father's son." How are they related?

Well that depends if yo uare talking about an animal, the fly, or flight...

Uhhhm, a wagon with a jar of flies? xD

And yet you're so good at other peoples'. x_X
Okay, I have another:

What as four wheels and flies?
An airplane?

Edit: Just checked. They have more than four. Haha.

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ok. To hanatchi99:

1. There are only three people. ok: son = a, father = b and grandfather = c. A+B are both sons, b+c are both fathers.

2 green house = glass

to TamaBrooke:

What Nyatchi_Chan said!

to Dr@g@n:

A garbage or a poo truck or a horse-drawn carriage.

This is easy but:

How come a 40 year old man is celebrating his tenth birthday? (No time travel)

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