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Band Geek

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2008
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What are your accomplishments in life?

[PS: A accomplishment is something that you wanted to do, and succeeded. Ex: You wanted to climb a mountain, and you did]

My accomplishments:


1] Learned Flute in 3 months

2] I was accepted into Jazz band. :]

3] I play four instruments. More than I imagined. :3

4] This is my 2nd year of band with A+'s. =]

As a student:

1] I got my science grade up to a C, before it was a D. O_O

2] I got my math grade up to a A from a C.

3]Got A+'s on my health quizzes. :]

Post away. :3

As A Student:

- I always get A's. An occassional B+ (My school's cut off for an A is 93%. D:<), but nothing ever below a 90%. Ever.

- Always on the Honor Roll. I've never not been on it. O_O


- I wanted to learn how to play guitar, and I did. <3 And I never gave up on it, and I stuck with it.

- I got a date for the semi-formal dance.

- I got involved for once - and joined the school track team.

- I didn't drop out of CCD/church - and I got Confirmed. :]

I have a lot that I want to accomplish in the future. In track, I want to be able to jump 14 - 15 feet by the end of the school year. I want to get an A in Geometry this coming semester. I want to put some videos of myself on Youtube playing my guitar/singing. I want to learn how to play the piano, and I want to build some confidence. I want to get a job/start babysitting, and fudraise to go to Japan. :]


1] Made it into Varsity choir in only 6th grade

2] Got all 1s(highest level) in cometition thing(I don't remember the name. But there were two judges, and you had to sight read, then sing a broadway song of your choice. I sung For Good.)

3] Got a little Medal thing for getting 1s in three contests in a row


1] Won the American Legion Award (Or something like that)

2] Got this gold certificate for being in the A honor role for an entire year

3] Got a certificate for exceeding in the arts [Choir, Theatre, and Art]

4] Got another certificate for being the 8th "most brilliant" student in my school. I guess they don't take behavior into account. I'm a bit of a smartmouth, especially to my math teacher.

5] Won a Coloring contest when I was seven (xD I got a coupon for a free kid's meal at Joe's Crabshack.)

I think that's it. I'm probably going to click "Add Reply," Then realize I forgot 438653784925 things.

At school:

Got an A for BEEP/Business after getting a C+/B- on my practical work thing.

Got atleast one A for Science and English (I'd been getting Bs for 2 years).

Got a bronze award at the award ceremony.

Kind of an accomplishment- I stuck up to my 'friends' at school after they were talking about me behind my back, and then I made new friends.



Got into the Cap cricket team.

Got a few wickets

Made a few runs.


Improved my bowling and batting.

I'm higher up in the batting order than I was before (from 9/10 to 7/8, woohoo. Not that much of a change, but I'm thankful.)

Played under 16's, the grade I was afraid of, and got a few wickets.


Played in the Girl's Rep team.

Got 17 runs and a wicket.


Helped out various websites with graphics, banners and skins.

Got some courage and self-confidence to do things I was scared of.

Eh, I just listed random things.

I have an 88% in algebra II - the most ridiculous class I've ever taken and I'm soo excited about it because I worked my rear off for that grade! :lol:

I've done so many piano festivals I can't remember them all and I usually score well.

I've made a website - it's just not actually up on the web yet.

I got my parents to let me take in my kitty. :3

- I got high enough marks in my entrance exam to get into the Grammar school that I wanted. =]

- I got an Honours certificate in a Speech + Drama contest.

- I got a lead role in last year's school musical.

- I got into a great dance class.

- I manage to stay in touch with all my BFFs in England.

- I picked the best friends a girl could have.

There's more, but this will be enough.

- Got the most awards at the 5th grade graduation ceremony

- Maintained the highest average out of anyone in the entire grade in 5th grade

- Got above a 95 average the first quarter this year

- Learned how to type without looking at the keys (the proper way)

- Boosted my self esteem a little

5] Won a Coloring contest when I was seven (xD I got a coupon for a free kid's meal at Joe's Crabshack.)
OHMYGOSH ME TOO. Onlky at Dennys, lol.

Um, I managed to um, spend all my giftcards?

I'm not a very accomplishing person, (If you don't count the box full of awards under my bed as an accomplishment.)

As a student.

-I have maintained an B+ average. Which is pretty good, considering I slack off in most of my classes.

-Survived grade seven.

-Came out top of the class in music.

-Actually did something in dance class at school.

As a musician. I can go forever on this one.

-Learned guitar.

-Learned drums.

-Learned bass.

-Learned piano.

-Learned keyboard.

-Learned the basics to violin.

-Became the only year seven in the eight-nine-ten-eleven-twelve year choir.

-Been part of two bands at the same time.

-Played guitar for one band and drums for another.

-Had one of the bands perform infront of the school.

-Michael Guy Chislett became my biffle.

-Hung out with G.A.B.E Saporta for a day.

-Have Pete Wentz say that our band is pretty good. But thirteen-fourteen is far too young.

That's all I can think of

Musician: 1] Made it into Varsity choir in only 6th grade

2] Got all 1s(highest level) in cometition thing(I don't remember the name. But there were two judges, and you had to sight read, then sing a broadway song of your choice. I sung For Good.)

3] Got a little Medal thing for getting 1s in three contests in a row


1] Won the American Legion Award (Or something like that)

2] Got this gold certificate for being in the A honor role for an entire year

3] Got a certificate for exceeding in the arts [Choir, Theatre, and Art]

4] Got another certificate for being the 8th "most brilliant" student in my school. I guess they don't take behavior into account. I'm a bit of a smartmouth, especially to my math teacher.

5] Won a Coloring contest when I was seven (xD I got a coupon for a free kid's meal at Joe's Crabshack.)

I think that's it. I'm probably going to click "Add Reply," Then realize I forgot 438653784925 things.
American Legion! I won a speech contest for them. I had to write and present a speech on the Constitution. Did you do something similar? :3


I think I'm going there to eat on Monday, lol. :(

American Legion! I won a speech contest for them. I had to write and present a speech on the Constitution. Did you do something similar? :3

I think I'm going there to eat on Monday, lol. :D
I don't really know. I did so many random things, I don't know which was which xD All I know is that they had to pick one kid from the entire Elementary school and they picked me, so it was a big deal, probably one of my biggest accomplishments. Except, of course, the coloring contest x3

(x.N e o n, you sang For Good? That Wicked song? If that's it...I love you. So much.)

Uhh...I've started trying in piano...began to understand math, learned to stop slacking (well, I do slack which is bad, but not as much)...-shrug- I don't know, I don't accomplish too much. Or maybe I'm just a forgetful person. Probably both.

x.MusicalClouds: YESH! I love that song. I wanted to sing Popular, but I decided to do For Good. It suits my voice better. One of my FAVORITE SONGS of all time.

I got accepted into a AAA hockey team. The coach was looking for a really good goalie, and he watched about ten others before he chose me for the team. And it was a tournament team, so we would only play tournaments. No playoffs or regular season. Out of six, we've won four.

My hockey team got fifth place out of the whole province (So, out of about 70 teams) last year.

My baseball team won the playoffs, but didn't make it to provincials.

I have an 80% average in school.

After five minutes of drumming lessons, my music teacher thought I was a great drummer. xD

To others, it isn't an accomplishment, but I went to a Toronto Maple Leafs open practice (Where you go watch the practice for five bucks, it goes to charity) and they were playing Washington that night, and the Washington coach said if anyone wanted, they could stay and watch their practice. So I managed to get seats five rows from the front, and I saw Alexander Ovechkin. 8DDD I wsas also being an idiot, and tried waving to him. xD

WOW. Ish aweesome!! :3 Those are heck of some accomplishments. o.o Cinderpelt, an A in our school is 80+.. A+ is 90 and above. O-O; 4 instruments Band Geek?! I COULDN'T HANDLE TWO! :3 We sure have a ton of poets... o.o I hate poetry and all it stands for. Just cause I can't, even if my life depended on it. WRITE. o.o Its really great to see so many poets though. >.< Maybe I'll pick up some useful advise. :3 I LOVE HOCKEY Wildcat_gal_101!! BUT I SUCK A IT!! >.< You must be real good to get accepted to be a goalie out of so many other people....

Meh accomplishments:

I'm three levels away from getting my teacher's permit in piano! (What an accomplishment. >.>)

I am one level away from being a lifeguard. And thats just cause I'm not of valid age to take the course!

I managed to keep my average above 90 for this year! xD And that, is pretty big since most of our teachers LIVE to make us fail. o.o (I LOST TWO MARKS FOR SPELLING "THE" WRONG?! ARE YOU KIDDING MEH?! ITS ONLY OUT OF 30!! The only reason I managed to pass science is because I was reveiwing everything we learned before I went to bed+ how to spell and correct grammar.)

I succesfully managed to break apart numerous electrical devises and put them back together. o.o;

I learned to draw manga. x3 Out of meh own time and effort. x3

I came in forth for nationals 100 m dash. x3 Meh time. "13. 21" Thats uh, 13 seconds and 21 milleseconds.

I sold stationary/books/other useless junk to meh school and earned money. :3 The law of supply and demand, YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY GO WRONG!

I jumped of a mountain/ditched school by going accross through the river/went to Sobey's to buy bread/ celebrated another wonderful breakout with icedtea martini's with ma friend. *Note: They are icedtea with ice and in fancy cups. :3 See. EVERYONE, gets prosecuted of truancy, but WE went through the extra effort of treading through -30 water and splashing through mud in barefeet to not get caught.

I've made an actual plausable plan to rule the world. x3

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I finished a video of me singing Pray by Tommy Heavenly6 =D

I know it might not sound like much, but it's a big deal for me.

If you wanna hear it, just tell me.

WOW. Ish aweesome!! :3 Those are heck of some accomplishments. o.o Cinderpelt, an A in our school is 80+.. A+ is 90 and above. O-O;  4 instruments Band Geek?! I COULDN'T HANDLE TWO! :3 We sure have a ton of poets... o.o I hate poetry and all it stands for. Just cause I can't, even if my life depended on it. WRITE. o.o Its really great to see so many poets though. >.< Maybe I'll pick up some useful advise. :3 I LOVE HOCKEY Wildcat_gal_101!! BUT I SUCK A IT!! >.< You must be real good to get accepted to be a goalie out of so many other people....
Meh accomplishments:

I'm three levels away from getting my teacher's permit in piano! (What an accomplishment. >.>)

I am one level away from being a lifeguard. And thats just cause I'm not of valid age to take the course!

I managed to keep my average above 90 for this year! xD And that, is pretty big since most of our teachers LIVE to make us fail. o.o (I LOST TWO MARKS FOR SPELLING "THE" WRONG?! ARE YOU KIDDING MEH?! ITS ONLY OUT OF 30!! The only reason I managed to pass science is because I was reveiwing everything we learned before I went to bed+ how to spell and correct grammar.)

I succesfully managed to break apart numerous electrical devises and put them back together. o.o;

I learned to draw manga. x3 Out of meh own time and effort. x3

I came in forth for nationals 100 m dash. x3 Meh time. "13. 21" Thats uh, 13 seconds and 21 milleseconds.

I sold stationary/books/other useless junk to meh school and earned money. :3 The law of supply and demand, YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY GO WRONG!

I jumped of a mountain/ditched school by going accross through the river/went to Sobey's to buy bread/ celebrated another wonderful breakout with icedtea martini's with ma friend. *Note: They are icedtea with ice and in fancy cups. :3 See. EVERYONE, gets prosecuted of truancy, but WE went through the extra effort of treading through -30 water and splashing through mud in barefeet to not get caught.

I've made an actual plausable plan to rule the world. x3
*Blushes* Thanks. x3

You can acomplish anything if you put your heart to it. :]

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