Advice Needed on Being a Vegetarian


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Shes already stated that she will not cook speical for me, plus since I'm 21 I'm old enough to cook my own meals. I wouldn't have asked her anyway because that would be asking alot of her to cook her dinner then mine. Mind you I don't know a thing about cooking other then soup and eggs. So maybe through being a half-vegetarian I will learn how to fend for myself in the wild-kitchen world. xD I know at 21 I should know how to cook but my mother has always done the cooking. It sad but I don't even trust my own cooked food. xD
I'm not a vegetarian but I know it is having your mother mostly cooking for you for so long then you making your own meals more often lol. I'm 21 as well :)

i have LOTS of expirience so...

just get her to think of the animals...(this SO worked for me!) say that people kill over 50 000 animals every day!

i have LOTS of expirience so...just get her to think of the animals...(this SO worked for me!) say that people kill over 50 000 animals every day!
Glad it worked for you, but is that fact or is it just a statement you made up? I honestly don't see any good coming out of someone just stating a random made up fact saying it's true. Educating yourself is a good idea so you could talk to one's parent about it.

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