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About Me:

Name: Rachel

Nickname: None, really. :)

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Lolwhut.

Online Me!:

Email: [email protected]

Blog: None. 8D

IM: Same as my email, for MSN.

I game online at: I don't. xD


Color: Red. It's the colour of my room. :)

Smell: I love Vanilla, and this Satsuma lotion stuff I have.

Sound: Music! Or the waves on a beach.

Snack: Yogurt Granola bars.

Stress Food: Chocolate. 8D

Weekend Activity: Sleep in, hang out with friends.

Hiding Place: Computer.

Hobbies: Computer-ing, hanging out with friends.

TV Series: Fringe, Heroes.

Movie: 2012, I am Legend

Book: Handle with Care, House of Night.

Band/Singer: Rise Against, Silverstein, Underoath, David Cook.

Celeb: David Cook.

Role Model: David Cook.

Expression: I tend to be sarcastic. A lot.


First Big Achievement: Walking...?

First Risk I Ever Took: I can't remember.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Ditto.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Many times. :)

First Rule I'd Make As President: No rap music allowed. xD


Last Book That Inspired Me: Handle With Care

Last Movie I Cried At: ....Marley and Me...

Last Celeb I Crushed On: David Cook.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Think.

Last Advice I Got That Worked: "Get your homework done!" Hahaha.

My Best & Worst:

Best Personality Traits: Adventurous, Daring.

Worst: Too social, Pessimist.

Best Talents: English, Public speaking.

Worst: Art. Ohmy I fail. xD

Best Class or Subjects: English, Oral presentation, Writing.

Worst: Math. I got a 68. -.-;

Best Memories: Being with my friends, whom I love.

Worst: Eeshh....

Best Years: This year was so good, but I would have to say...Grade five.

Worst: Last year, january-ish.

About Me:

Name: Maria

Nickname: I don't really have one

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: idk.

Online Me!:

Email: [email protected]

Blog: None

IM: Same as email (MSN)

I game online at: Neopets.


Color: Black

Smell: My friend Chris. xD

Sound: Music fer sure

Snack: idk

Stress Food: Chocolate!

Weekend Activity: INTERNET

Hiding Place: My bedroom

Hobbies: Sitting in front of the computer with music blasting from it :)

TV Series: Good News Week.

Movie: Too hard to chppse

Book: The Looking Glass Wars

Band/Singer: Die For You

Celeb: Robbie Whelan

Role Model: Oli Sykes/Robbie Whelan

Expression: Meh.


First Big Achievement: Swearing at the age of three.

First Risk I Ever Took: Jumping out a window aged three.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Swore at my dad, age three.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Never.

First Rule I'd Make As President: Kill mainstream music.


Last Book That Inspired Me: idk

Last Movie I Cried At: idk

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Oli Sykes

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Cry.

Last Advice I Got That Worked: idk

My Best & Worst:

Best Personality Traits: None.

Worst: All.

Best Talents: None.

Worst: All.

Best Class or Subjects: History, even though I hate it with a passion.

Worst: Maybe Math.

Best Memories: 4/2/2010<3

Worst: 11/2/10 </3

Best Years: 2009, probably.

Worst: Definitely this one.

About Me

Name: Shi-Anne

Nickname: Shi

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: If I told you, your head would explode.

Online Me!

Email: [email protected]

Blog: None

IM: [email protected]

I game online at: None.


Color: Black, red, purple

Smell: Cinnamon

Sound: Music

Snack: Potato chips

Stress Food: Potato chips

Weekend Activity: Intrawebz

Hiding Place: Intrawebz, reading

Hobbies: Intrawebz

TV Series: I like a lot. Mostly comedy and cartoons.

Movie: Again, I like a lot.

Book: Stephen King and Darren Shan are my top two favourite authors.

Band/Singer: Kiss Kiss (band!!!)

Celeb: None?

Role Model: None.

Expression: Can't think of one.


First Big Achievement: Can't think. D:

First Risk I Ever Took: Uh...

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Uh... I'm an adult and I can't think of one. ._.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: That bus ride with my friend Ryan. >.<

First Rule I'd Make As President: That Canadians can be president?


Last Book That Inspired Me: None.

Last Movie I Cried At: Beauty and the Beast, I think.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Davey Havok. He's the only one too.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Turn my iPod off. Sometimes.

Last Advice I got That Worked: I don't get advice.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm super nice? And modest. >.<

Worst: I get angry easily.

Best Talents:

Worst: Anything physical.

Best Class or Subjects: Math and science.

Worst: Social and English.

Best Memories: Uh...

Worst: Pretty much my entire life.

Best Years: Last school year. So the last half of 2008 and first half of 2009.

Worst: Every year before that.

About Me

Name: Alexandra

Nickname: Alex or Merah

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: none

Online Me!

Email: [email protected] (hardly use it, it's a dumb kid email)

Blog: none

IM: none

I game online at: Gaiaonline, if that counts.


Color: purple and green

Smell: sunscreen, it smells like summer

Sound: me playing an oboe solo (wow i sound conceited)

Snack: Rita's water ice!

Stress Food: chocolate

Weekend Activity: video games....

Hiding Place: my room

Hobbies: oboe, sewing (sorta), baking (a little) idk...

TV Series: Glee!!

Movie: The Shining

Book: City of Bones

Band/Singer: Lady Gaga

Celeb: idk

Role Model: idk

Expression: too many to choose one


First Big Achievement: i was chosen for a select band competition

First Risk I Ever Took: dunno

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: dunno

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: i'm always happy! 8D

First Rule I'd Make As President: all Hollister and Abercrombie shall be destroyed


Last Book That Inspired Me: Prophecy of the Stones

Last Movie I Cried At: i dunno....

Last Celeb I Crushed On: don't know many celebs, so....

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: read/ play DS/ listen to iPod

Last Advice I got That Worked: i'm the one giving advice, not taking it

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: social, pretty nice most of the time, good listener

Worst: violent, awkward

Best Talents: oboe, running, DDR

Worst: team sports

Best Class or Subjects: band/orchestra, science, French

Worst: history, english

Best Memories: all my band competitions

Worst: don't wanna think about them

Best Years: my 7th and 8th grade years

Worst: probably 5th grade. too much drama that year. xP

About Me

Name: Almedina

Nickname: Mina, or Nina

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity:..none

Online Me!

Email: Classified



I game online at:None


Color:Blue! Or purple..




Stress Food:Oranges

Weekend Activity:Movies/Friends

Hiding Place:Under the Bed :huh:

Hobbies:Singing, drawing, writing

TV Series:BONES <3

Movie: ....

Book:Harry Potter Series

Band/Singer:BIG BANG! <3

Celeb:...Look at Band/Singer :3

Role Model:Grandma (Both)



First Big Achievement: Winning drawing contest (5 years old :)

First Risk I Ever Took: Walking home...without permission (Yes, the biggest.)

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done:...Not sure

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When visiting Family in BOSNIA!

First Rule I'd Make As President:....Not sure. Too much pressure


Last Book That Inspired Me: In My Enemy's House

Last Movie I Cried At: Fox and the Hound

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Leonardo Dicaprio XP

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: HOT MILK :p

Last Advice I got That Worked: Hit the Button!

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits:...Super...kind?, and caring


Best Talents: Writing?

Worst:Dancing XP

Best Class or Subjects:A=HISTORY XP

Worst:....Chemistry or Algebra. Math in general

Best Memories: Chicago trip 2008, Trip to Bosnia

Worst:Friends Moving....(6/27/08)

Best Years:2007


About Me

Name: Segolene

Nickname: Seggy, Seg, Puete-Puete, Ducky

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: I'm super woman (XD)

Online Me!

Email: [email protected]

Blog: So many


I game online at:

Faves: Too much stuff

Color: Lavender, Denim Blue, Electric Orange

Smell: Incense, Scented Candles, When it's raining

Sound: Kittens's Meows

Snack: Squid, Lindt Chocolates, Baby Bottle Pops, Instant Cup of Noodles

Stress Food: I don't eat food while stressed

Weekend Activity: TamaTalk!

Hiding Place: The handicap Bathroom stall, Behind this tree on a NO TRESPASSING place

Hobbies: Tamagotchis, Collecting old coins

TV Series: I don't watch TV

Movie: Coraline, Tim Burton Movies, Star Trek

Book: Through The Looking Glass

Band/Singer: Tokio Hotel, Antic Cafe, Ludacris, Gorillaz

Celeb: I don't look up to them

Role Model: No one

Expression: this one o3o


First Big Achievement: Controlling my bladder while 6

First Risk I Ever Took: I really don't know!

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Stopped bullying

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When I was born :lol:

First Rule I'd Make As President: For all gays to able to marry


Last Book That Inspired Me: Jacob Have I loved

Last Movie I Cried At: Remember Me and The Last Song

Last Celeb I Crushed On: None :p

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Play with my tamagotchis

Last Advice I got That Worked: Don't remember

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Caring, Compassionate, Love-all-types-of-people

Worst: Emotional, Bi-Polarism, Easily Depressed

Best Talents: Drawing, Writing, Fitting my fist into my mouth

Worst: Singing, Painting Sumi-E

Best Class or Subjects: Art, Science, English Language Arts

Worst: Math

Best Memories: When a boy admitted that he liked me to my face

Worst: When he called me a physco, when my crush's little brother said I was fat as an elephant and called me "Ms. Eat-a-lot"

Best Years: 3rd Grade

Worst: 2nd Grade

About Me

Name: Michaela.

Nickname: Mew, Mewie, Meweh, Mickey, Mikey, Mitch, etc.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: According to Ginny, Mewgurl. xD

Online Me!

Email: Don't use it.

Blog: The one on my website.

IM: An instant messenger.

I game online at: Nonexistant.


Color: Blue.

Smell: Moonlight Path.

Sound: Music.

Snack: I'unno.

Stress Food: Again, I'unno.

Weekend Activity: Whatever I have planned.

Hiding Place: Nonexistant.

Hobbies: Music, anime, art, Internet.

TV Series: Fullmetal Alchemist.

Movie: I'm not sure.

Book: Percy Jackson series.

Band/Singer: Fall Out Boy.

Celeb: I'm not sure.

Role Model: Patrick Stump/Gerard Way/Ryan Ross.

Expression: xD/n..n


First Big Achievement: I don't know.

First Risk I Ever Took: I've always took risks.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: When I was little, I always watched after kids my age and younger.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I don't know.

First Rule I'd Make As President: I don't know.


Last Book That Inspired Me: I don't read a lot.

Last Movie I Cried At: I almost cried during Alice In Wonderland. xD

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Patrick Stump. Still do. :D

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Listen to music.

Last Advice I got That Worked: I don't know.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: [according to Mandi] Funny, great to get along with, mature, and kind.

Worst: Easy to anger, easily depressed.

Best Talents: Singing, drawing, writing, target-shooting, digital editing.

Worst: Painting.

Best Class or Subjects: English/Reading/Writing.

Worst: Science.

Best Memories:

Best: When I met Alex.

Worst: All the time I wasted dreaming of you.

Best Years: 2008/early 2009.

Worst: Rest of 'Oh Nine/'Oh Ten suuucks so far.


About Me

Name: Rebecca

Nickname: Becca, Jessica, Rachel (don't ask)

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Gracie Jones... worldfamous reporter.

Online Me!

Email: classified

Blog: N/A

IM: classified

I game online at: Pretty much anywhere as long as it's free and virus-free.


Color: tangerine

Smell: puppy's paws

Sound: rain

Snack: fruit smoothie

Stress Food: dark chocolate muffins

Weekend Activity: hanging with friends

Hiding Place: the top of a tree

Hobbies: e-mail, school (XP), friends, writing, drawing, crocheting, etc.

TV Series: House

Movie: Avatar

Book: Bible

Band/Singer: Demi Lovato (her range is AMAZING)

Celeb: Hugh Jackman <3

Role Model: my bff

Expression: One thing led to another and I ended up at the top of a maple tree. (don't ask)


First Big Achievement: first chair in orchestra

First Risk I Ever Took: jumped off a 3 meter diving board when I was 6 (some risk, huh?)

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: rode my bike to the mall all my meself.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: July 4th two years ago.

First Rule I'd Make As President: abortion illegal and bibles in schools. (of course it's have to pass through Congress first. That sucks)


Last Book That Inspired Me: Bible

Last Movie I Cried At: The Notebook

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Hugh Jackman

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: pet my puppy... she sleeps with me

Last Advice I got That Worked: "by all means, don't stop on my account"

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: social, funny I guess

Worst: pretty crazy

Best Talents: violin, crocheting, video games, painting... I have a good ear and hand/eye coordination.

Worst: basketball (FAIL)

Best Class or Subjects: Biology

Worst: Math :D

Best Memories: during the worst times

Worst: during the "best" times

Best Years: two years ago and now

Worst: one year ago

About Me

Name: Holly

Nickname: holly ?

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: ??

Online Me!

Email: [email protected] <--- add it if you want.

Blog: N/A

IM: same as email. (MSN)

I game online at: don't play online games.


Color: greeeen.

Smell: watermelon 5 gum.

Sound: musicc ?

Snack: chocolate :huh:

Stress Food: dunno aye ?

Weekend Activity: hanging out with mates.

Hiding Place: behind the sofa :D

Hobbies: shopping, myspace & facebook, photograpthy ?

TV Series: keeping up with the kardashians.

Movie: meet the fockers.

Book: don't read.

Band/Singer: black eyed peas / ke$ha

Celeb: dunno.

Role Model: ?

Expression: :)


First Big Achievement: don't remember aye.

First Risk I Ever Took: trusting certain people.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: not sure

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: probably when i was a baby.

First Rule I'd Make As President: no school


Last Book That Inspired Me: i dunno.

Last Movie I Cried At: marley & me, :'(

Last Celeb I Crushed On: dont remember

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: think about stuff.

Last Advice I got That Worked:

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: funny, happy

Worst: emotional, curious

Best Talents: photo editing, painting my nails o.o, socialising (sp?)

Worst: running.

Best Class or Subjects: um, drama.

Worst: maths, science, pe, & lote

Best Memories: going to the gold coast (2009)

Worst: dont't want to remember them.

Best Years: 2005, 2006

Worst: 2008 & 2009

About Me

Name: Courtney

Nickname: Courtz (hate it), MC

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Umm, I actually like to make them up, so I'd say...Frostgal (made it when I was 6)

Online Me!

Email: [email protected] free to email me at any time, but not to abuse me, or I'll report you.

Blog: N/A

IM: same as email

I game online at:


Color: Lime green, tropical blue

Smell: Coca cola mentos

Sound: Waves

Snack: Bread and butter OR plain boiled pasta OR a banana milkshake

Stress Food: Chips, fruit

Weekend Activity: Jumping on my trampoline, talking on the phone, going to sleepovers at Skittles house (she's my bestie)

Hiding Place: In my little sis's wardrobe, in the shower

Hobbies: Talking, eating, sleeping, being a hardcore hypo

TV Series: Bones and Criminal Minds

Movie: My Sister's Keeper

Book: My Sister's Keeper

Band/Singer: KE$HA!!!!

Celeb: Sofia Vassilieva

Role Model: Matthew Gray-Gubler

Expression: confused expression? Lol, I have words, faces, all sorts of expressions for confused.


First Big Achievement: Getting over my shyness of my dancing teacher. We're real close now.

First Risk I Ever Took: Learning how to do a backflip

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Reporting cyber bullying, and sorting out problems with a girl who had bullied me for 9 years

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: All the time

First Rule I'd Make As President: That anyone caught harming children, or raping people, is immediately sentenced for life.


Last Book That Inspired Me: My Sister's Keepr

Last Movie I Cried At: Hotel for Dogs

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Thomas Dekker

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Listen to my iPod

Last Advice I got That Worked: To trust myself because I've done nothing wrong.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Funny, happy and hypo

Worst: Guilt (no idea why) and worry

Best Talents: Talking, dancing and picking up the lyrics of songs the first time I hear them

Worst: Dunno

Best Class or Subjects: Drama, English, Cooking, Sport

Worst: Math

Best Memories: Going to Thailand (two days ago)

Worst: Being bullied by a girl at school (thank god it's over)

Best Years: 2007 and 2010

Worst: Dunno

About Me

Name: Lorelluh


Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity:SPIDERWOMAN!

Online Me!

Email:[email protected]



I game online at:!


Color:Lime Green

Smell:Axe(For Guys)


Snack:Goldfish Crackers

Stress Food:Snickers

Weekend Activity:Beach

Hiding Place:None

Hobbies:Tennis, soccerm volleyball, piano

TV Series:LOST

Reality TV Show: Jersey Shore!, Fresh Meat II, Taking the Stage

Movie:The Prestige

Book:Harry Potter Books

Band/Singer: Lil Wayne, Bruno Mars, B.o.B

Celeb:Riley Smith

Role Model:None



First Big Achievement:piano Competition - 1st Place

First Risk I Ever Took:Told a guy i liked him

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done:kissed a guy

First Time I Felt Completely Happy:with my BF

First Rule I'd Make As President:NO WAR


Last Book That Inspired Me:My Sister's Keeper

Last Movie I Cried At:Up

Last Celeb I Crushed On:Terrence J

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep:Watch TV

Last Advice I got That Worked:Look at the guy!

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits:Ghetto


Best Talents:piano


Best Class or Subjects:MATH


Best Memories:


Best Years:6th grade

Worst:7th grade

About Me:

Name: Huntr

Nickname: whatever the kids are sayingg these days

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: shuuuree

Online Me!:

Email: blahh

Blog: irk

IM: myspace ?

I game online at: nerds unite !


Color: the rainbow

Smell: sexylicous stuff

Sound: whatever my ears hear

Snack: food

Stress Food: i only eat when im hungryy...aha

Weekend Activity: frands

Hiding Place: my room

Hobbies: being huntr

TV Series: whatever's on

Movie: napoleon dynamite ;D

Book: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Band/Singer: evr'y band

Celeb: avril lavigne

Role Model: myself

Expression: ?


First Big Achievement: comingg to the world

First Risk I Ever Took: i take risks every daay

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: aha.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: the sadness will never end

First Rule I'd Make As President: freedom


Last Book That Inspired Me: ewwww , readingg ?

Last Movie I Cried At: the last songg xD

Last Celeb I Crushed On: christofer drewwwww<3

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: music

Last Advice I Got That Worked: be hard to gett , haah

My Best & Worst:

Best Personality Traits: im not fake

Worst: shyness sometimes

Best Talents: being friendlyy

Worst: i d k . im coceited aha

Best Class or Subjects: digital media

Worst: Pre-algebra d:

Best Memories: friends & familyy

Worst: rather not say

Best Years: when i was 11 , i was filled with joy .

Worst: this monthh

Yepp .

About Me



Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: That is for me to know and you to never find out.

Online Me!

Email: who needs email when you have.... SOCIAL CONNECTION SITES

Blog: um.... my myspace..

IM: psh

I game online at: nope



Smell:raspberries, black licorice, cotton candy


Snack:cotton candy

Stress Food:skittles

Weekend Activity:jamming or horse back riding or chilling with my friends

Hiding Place:if i tell you that defeats the purpose

Hobbies:play bass, horseback ride, hangout with friends, explore

TV Series:Supernatural

Movie:Watchmen, Fired Up, The Matrix , Dawn of the Dead

Book:The Heart-Shaped Box

Band/Singer:My Chemical Romance

Celeb:Mikey Way

Role Model:Joan Jett, Lyn-Z Ballato Way

Expression:"That's attractive..." and "No st Sherlock"


First Big Achievement:Um.... I graduated preschool

First Risk I Ever Took:when i was eight i snuck out to go buy candy from the drug store at night

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done:..... I plead the fifth

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: the first time i rode (a pony)

First Rule I'd Make As President:legalize same sex marriage for the whole country


Last Book That Inspired Me: The Devouring

Last Movie I Cried At: Ice Age 1

Last Celeb I Crushed On:Mikey Waaaay

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep:Text

Last Advice I got That Worked:"tell him what he did wrong, then forgive him. If he does it again, tell him why you're mad at him and let him come to you."

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: forgiving, open-minded, adventurous

Worst: easy crier (even if im not trying!) procrastinater, give uper

Best Talents:play bass, hop fences


Best Class or Subjects: English


Best Memories:

Worst:most of them

Best Years: 2010

Worst: most of them

About Me

Name: Kari.

Nickname: Kairi, Kaori, or Leafie.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Nature Woman (after giving a speech about pollution last year in front of the school)

Online Me!

Email: N/A

Blog: N/A


I game online at: Changes constantly.


Color: Silver or green.

Smell: Gasoline (o.o'), rain, freshly cut grass.

Sound: My favourite songs?

Snack: Whatever's availible :)

Stress Food: Ice cream <3

Weekend Activity: Hanging out with friends.

Hiding Place: My room.

Hobbies: Foruming, & video games.

TV Series: Mythbusters.

Movie: Donnie Darko

Book: Too many.

Band/Singer: Currently, On/Off, Super Junior, and Maximum The Hormone.

Celeb: On/Off twins.

Role Model: Don't have one.

Expression: ;3


First Big Achievement: Drew a person that wasn't a stickfigure. I still have it in my room somewhere xD

First Risk I Ever Took: Went into the deep end of the pool at age 11. (I have a HUGE phobia of drowning/water, so yeah. This probably isn't the first, but it's the only one that comes to mind :p )

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Got over sleeping with my stuffed monkey named Fluff (I still have him though. c:)

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Can't remember =\

First Rule I'd Make As President: Replace regular light bulbs with CFL or allow gay marriage.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Someone Like You

Last Movie I Cried At: Not sure

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Matsuyama Ken'ichi x3

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Read or draw

Last Advice I got That Worked: Don't know

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Open minded, creative, sense of justice, determination?

Worst: Stubborn, impulsive, lazy xP

Best Talents: Play piano, play guitar, accurate archer, good at improv.

Worst: Long distance running, throwing.

Best Class or Subjects: Science, Drama, French, Foods, Social.

Worst: Math. Who ever said all Asians are good at math anyway?

Best Memories: When I was more carefree in elementary school.

Worst: Rather not say.

Best Years: 2008-2009.

Worst: 2004.

Last edited by a moderator:
About Me

Name: Kate (Katie)


Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Hannah Flippin' Cat. LADY. OHH

Online Me!




I game online at:STARDOLL 8D




Sound:Wind Chimes.

Snack:I dunno.

Stress Food:Ribs.

Weekend Activity:Sports

Hiding Place:My Box.


TV Series:American Idol/Dancing With The Stars.

Movie:Akeelah And The Bee.

Book:Main Street Series.


Celeb:I dunno. You tell Me.

Role Model:Demi Lovato.



First Big Achievement:MONKEY BARS. 8D

First Risk I Ever Took:

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done:Back out of the driveway in a car. (I was 5.) :)

First Time I Felt Completely Happy:4+ on a test.

First Rule I'd Make As President:To allow gays to fet married.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Baby Sitters Club.

Last Movie I Cried At: Hotel For Dogs. o_O

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Austin Butler.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Yell: "GOOD NIGHT NEW YORK CITAY!"

Last Advice I got That Worked:"Go close to the Basket Ball Net, and say, 'I'm going to get it in." -Poppa Roger.

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits:Courage.

Worst:You tell me.

Best Talents:Cart wheels.


Best Class or Subjects:Gym/Music.


Best Memories:Graduading Kindergarten.

Worst:I dunno.

Best Years:Summer 2007.

Worst: Having the police looking for me becuase I was out on a walk for 5-6 hours. my whole family and friends helped out.

Name: Elizabeth

Nickname: Liz or Lizzy.

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Evil Ninja.

Online Me!

Email: Classified

Blog: None

IM: Classified

I game online at: --


Color: Red

Smell: Lavender

Sound: Rock Music, of course.

Snack: Ritz

Stress Food: Fish

Weekend Activity: Park, hangout.

Hiding Place: Under your bed.

Hobbies: Listening to music, walking around with friends & playing guitar.

TV Series: Degrassi

Movie: The Lovely Bones - HellBoy 2

Book: Go Ask Alice

Band/Singer: Bring Me The Horizon - Paramore

Celeb: Andy Sixx

Role Model: My Aunt

Expression: :p


First Big Achievement: Finally be able to talk to someone without being shy (after 6th grade I could do this)

First Risk I Ever Took: Jumping off a tall table to end up on the ground.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Taking resposibilty even further.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When my parents are giving me something.

First Rule I'd Make As President: Stop war.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Go Ask Alice

Last Movie I Cried At: The Lovely Bones

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Logan, from Zoey 101, don't know his real name.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Look outside my window.

Last Advice I got That Worked: "Don't let love get to you."

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm usually very honest & fun to be with - what other say.

Worst: I hate when someone is lazy. Tend to get mad easily.

Best Talents: Being double-jointed.

Worst: Writing good essays.

Best Class or Subjects: Biology & Algebra.

Worst: English, World History.

Best Memories: Moving to the United States.

Worst: Leaving.

Best Years: 2003, 2005, so on until now.

Worst: 2001.

About Me

Name: Esther (Call me that and you're dead)

Nickname: Ezzie, Big brother (don't ask)

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Not telling :p

Online Me!

Email: [email protected]

Blog: It's on my hotmail.

IM: same as email.

I game online at: Stardoll.


Color: Blue

Smell: Chlorine. (Swimming pool water!) :DDD

Sound: The mosquito thing that makes everyone cover their ears.

Snack: Cucumber.

Stress Food: Crisps.

Weekend Activity: Outside O:

Hiding Place: My room and the tree in the garden that makes me itch.

Hobbies: Idk.

TV Series: Doctor who :D

Movie: Alice in wonderland 2010

Book: Outside beauty.

Band/Singer: Tokio hotel/Short stack/All time low etc...

Celeb: Bill Kaulitz.

Role Model: Jesus.

Expression: Content.


First Big Achievement: Learning to ride a bike :D

First Risk I Ever Took: Skiing.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Idk.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Eating a custard slice.

First Rule I'd Make As President: All day holiday. :)


Last Book That Inspired Me: Outside beauty

Last Movie I Cried At: None.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Bill Kaulitz.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Walk round my room talking to myself. :)

Last Advice I got That Worked: Hmm...

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Happy, funny.

Worst: Loud.

Best Talents: Idk.

Worst: I can't dance to save my dear life. xD

Best Class or Subjects: At the moment everything hates me so none.

Worst: Currently every subject.

Best Memories: Spending time with my friends. (It's usually a laugh xD)

Worst: Year five.

Best Years: When I was in year six.

Worst: 2009 -2010

  • Ahh, I love these. A great waste of time, and fun to fill out.
    About Me
    Name: Natalie
    Nickname: Nat, Nata, Bloop
    Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: If you wake up to see your muffins are gone, blame me. 'cause I did it. 8D
    Online Me!
    Email: [email protected]
    Blog: None
    IM: I always and only use MSN. And it's the same as my email.
    I game online at: I don't.
    Color: Steelblue
    Smell: My deodorant .. o_o
    Sound: Popcorn.
    Snack: Cookies 8D
    Stress Food: COOKIES 8D
    Weekend Activity: Hangin' with muh friends.
    Hiding Place: My room. Or the bathroom. xD Who knows, maybe you have the sudden urge to go to the bathroom when you're hiding ..
    Hobbies: Dance, um .. GRAPHICS 8D
    TV Series: Too many, I'll just list 'em. Gossip Girl, The Vampire Diaries, Heroes, and Glee.
    Movie: Avatar
    Book: Percy Jackson series. 8D
    Band/Singer: Muse
    Celeb: DLFKJSLDKFJ- too many. Ed Westwick, Dustin Milligan, James Maslow, Jake Pavelka .. etc.
    Role Model: God & Jesus.
    Expression: 8D
    First Big Achievement: Dunno.
    First Risk I Ever Took: I dunno. D:
    First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Puh shhh, takin' a shower! 8D >:3
    First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When am I not?! 8D
    First Rule I'd Make As President: COOKIES FOR ALL. D:<
    Last Book That Inspired Me: ..
    Last Movie I Cried At: My Sister's Keeper. It was so dang sad.
    Last Celeb I Crushed On: Too many to count ..
    Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Read.
    Last Advice I got That Worked: Breathe.
    My Best & Worst
    Best Personality Traits: :eek: I don't describe myself.
    Worst: Probably clumsy. ;3;
    Best Talents: ..
    Worst: Avoiding getting hit in soccer.
    Best Class or Subjects: Math, I guess.
    Worst: History. I fall asleep too much.
    Best Memories: Everything with my friends.
    Worst: M&R incident.
    Best Years: 2009
    Worst: 2009 -bipolar amirite-

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About Me

Name: Teri

Nickname: TT (given to me by my netball team, we all have nicknames with the first letter of our name, like AA, BB, GG, MM so it's not TT as in TamaTalk xD)

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Midget Ninja!

Online Me!

Email: CLASSIFIED! (unless you're a friend. I don't want random e-mails from stalkers)

Blog: None

IM: Same as e-mail

I game online at: I don't


Color: Pink and green

Smell: Vanilla

Sound: Music


Stress Food: Don't get stressed

Weekend Activity: Netball

Hiding Place: CLASSIFIED!

Hobbies: Netball, computer, riding bike

TV Series: iCarly

Movie: My Sister's Keeper -pokes siggy-

Book: None... yet

Band/Singer: Taylor Swift

Celeb: Sofia Vassilieva (Not copying you, MC!)

Role Model: None

Expression: Happy


First Big Achievement: Can't remember

First Risk I Ever Took: Getting into the water to swim (I used to never want to get in the pool)

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Made a sandwich! xD

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Going to school

First Rule I'd Make As President: No picking on people because they're different


Last Book That Inspired Me: None really

Last Movie I Cried At: I don't cry at movies

Last Celeb I Crushed On: I don't crush on celebs

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Read, do homework or play with Bratz dolls (yes I play with Bratz dolls)

Last Advice I got That Worked: Don't remember

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I am friendly

Worst: I get upset easily (not at movies)

Best Talents: Playing the flute, school subjects

Worst: Can't think of any right now

Best Class or Subjects: Drama

Worst: P.E

Best Memories: The Thai students coming to school on an exchange

Worst: My rabbit dying

Best Years: 2010 already

Worst: 2008. That's when my rabbit died. On Christmas.


About Me

Name: Vivienne

Nickname: Vivi, Vivieh, Viveh, Viv, Slushie .. etc

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: lolwut

Online Me!

Email: [email protected]


IM: [email protected]

I game online at: I don't.. xD


Color: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, but only in that order ;] And gray. xD

Smell: Marker pens

Sound: Rain

Snack: Anything cherry, raspberry or grape flavoured.

Stress Food: Cucumber/Prawn Cocktail crisps/WKD

Weekend Activity: Meeting up with friends?

Hiding Place: Under YOUR bed

Hobbies: Photography, music, drawing?

TV Series: none

Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas

Book: none

Band/Singer: Taking Back Sunday

Celeb: Adam Lazzara

Role Model: My best friend

Expression: Yours


First Big Achievement: I dunno.

First Risk I Ever Took: I take too many risks to count.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Define 'grown up'.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: Can't remember, lol.

First Rule I'd Make As President: I wouldnt be president anyway.


Last Book That Inspired Me: none

Last Movie I Cried At: I don't cry in movies

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Adam Lazzara. ALWAYS. xD

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Take medicine.

Last Advice I got That Worked: I got told to duck, and so I didnt get hit on the head xD

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Fun loving, will be nice to anyone

Worst: I overstep the line a lot and I don't fear consequence

Best Talents: Photography or piano?

Worst: What's a worst talent? xD

Best Class or Subjects: Art / Music / DT / German

Worst: LATIN.

Best Memories: Idk

Worst: Idk

Best Years: SUMMMERRRRRRR 2008!!!

Worst: Idk

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