All The Right Moves


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Alysa sauntered in, jumping up and percing on one of the work tops. "Whether I have a drink depends on what you have. So, what do you have?" She looked at Steven intently. "Oh, and my name's Alysa. Don't forget it again." Tyler hovered at the doorway, not exactly knowing what to do with himself.

"Well.." Looking Alysa right in the eye, Steven said, "Alysa, we have Coke and Mountain Dew, and then the usual drinks you'd see in a household. Course, we got some booze too, if you'd like to get a little tipsy. Although don't expect me to drag you home in the middle of the night."

Alysa smirked. "I'll just have a coke, then. It's up to you whether you decide to add a little kick to that drink." She started swinging her legs, kicking the cupboards. "It might be fun to see me stagger back to my house tonight."

Steven grinned. "Hmm, well, it would be rather interesting to see that. So.." Steven walked over to the fridge and took out a large bottle of coke and some booze. After pouring some coke and booze into both of the glasses, he handed one to Alysa. "There you go, Miss Alysa." He handed a glass to her. "Cheers?"

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Alysa raised an eyebrow at Steven, taking the glass. "Uh...thanks?" She lifted it to her lips, hen narrowed her eyes and set it to one side, glaring at Tyler. "Aren't you going to do anything?" Tyler jumped,looking up. "Uh..."

"Here Tyler, you can have my glass. I haven't touched it yet. You need to have some calories, anyway; you need to gain 50 pounds." Steven held out his glass to Tyler.

"Wh-what?" Tyler said, staring at the glass. She shook his head. "No, I'm fine." Alysa smirked again, lifting her glass and drinking. "Suit yourself. Just don't complain when we're all having fun, and you're not."

Fizz raised her eyebrows. "Nothing much really.. school, sports clubs, blah blah, I'm not gonna bore ya" she told him, flipping her hair back. She then glanced at Tyler. "C'mon Ty! Join in!"

Ian playfully flicked Dre with water. Dre took the hint. "WATER FIGGGHHHTTT!!!" Dre yelled as if her life depended on it.

"Eh," Shrugging, Steven leaned his head back and chugged down half of the glass. "Ah, spiked coke. So, so delicious." Licking his lips, he grinned. "Hey Fizz, you want me to go pour you a glass?"

Fizz shrugged. "Oh, sure" she replied with a chuckle. "Do you have any siblings?" she added, twiddling with a lock of her hair.

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"Dre, please send some dreams NOW. People aren't going to figure out unless you tell them..."

Raine decided to stop standing there.

"You know what? I'm going to try and knock on every single door and see if I can get them to close the door. I don't care what you two are doing, but honestly, we need more people. We need to find a way to communicate with each other. I'm tired of dilly-dallying!"

Raine stormed off, as she walked to a house across the street from hers. She kept walking, as she would sense some aura, and try to knock.

Soon, she started to sense some aura... very strong... she slowly approached and knocked on the door. She felt it getting stronger, as there were 3 or 4 people, possibly more.

"Well, I have a stepbrother, but he's not home right now. Luckily. He's sort of a pain in the *** to deal with, so I'm glad he doesn't live here with my mom and lives with my stepdad instead." Steven took another sip of his drink.

Pulling on her on her top and grabbing Heather and Ian, Dre ran after Raine. "Are you crazy?!?! These guys could be dangerous! Are you sure about this?" Dre mumbled quickly. Ian looked dazed.

"Ah, I see" she said, nodding. "Must be a d***.. I have a sister and brother, but they're alright I guess"

"So rude! F*** them! OPEN UP S***HEADS!" Dre swore loudly before blushing.

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Name: Ze Arthinos

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Ze isn't very trusting. Because of his powers, he feels like a freak and stays away from society. He stays in the back of the room in school, never really communicating unless he has to. He is a lone-wolf, never working in a team and refusing to try.

Looks: Not sure if anime is allowed, so I'll post a picture, but if it's not, I'll edit with a description. Ze

Powers: Ze can manipulate dark energy. With this, he can use it to attack with energy balls, or use it to transport through shadows.

Other: Ze is most powerful at night, and the brighter it is, the weaker his powers and him are.

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