All The Right Moves


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Fizz glanced at the door. "What do you want!?" she yelled back, not caring if she made the other girl angry.

Dre grabbed a few pizza boxes from someone's doorstep. "Can you pay for your pizzas please?" Dre asked in a sickly sweet voice.

Name: Ze Arthinos

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Ze isn't very trusting. Because of his powers, he feels like a freak and stays away from society. He stays in the back of the room in school, never really communicating unless he has to. He is a lone-wolf, never working in a team and refusing to try.

Looks: Not sure if anime is allowed, so I'll post a picture, but if it's not, I'll edit with a description. Ze

Powers: Ze can manipulate dark energy. With this, he can use it to attack with energy balls, or use it to transport through shadows.

Other: Ze is most powerful at night, and the brighter it is, the weaker his powers and him are.

Ze sat on his bed, listening to music. He looked out the window, seeing someone deliver pizza. Not thinking much of it, he turned away and changed songs. Ze stomach then began to rumble. He took off his headphones and ran downstairs to the fridge, but there was not food. "Why can't mom ever get any food." He sighed, talking to himself. He then remembered the pizza, and decided to see if he could get a slice without anyone noticing. Ze teleported himself behind Dre into the shadows, where he couldn't be seen. Blending in with the shadows, he quickly took a box and teleported back to his house. Smirking, he ate a slice.

"I'm hungry........" Dre moaned. "So, so hungry. And one of the pizzas are gone," Dre yawns loudly. "whoever stole them must; A. Have powers. B. Be superman. Or C. Be Intestine." Dre meant Einstein but was too sleepy to think straight.

After eating few slices, Ze put the rest in the refrigerator for later and went back up to his room. His Ipod was dead, and he left his charger at school, so couldn't listen to it until he got back to his locker. He was tempted to teleport in the schol to go get it, but didn't. Not knowing what else to do, he laid on his bed and tried to go to sleep.

"Okay. First, CALM DOWN. Second, relax."

Raine liften a hand and tried to get the girl to close the door.

"You have powers too?" she whispered.

Raine opened the box.

"Don't know whose this is, but I don't think they'd mind if we stole it. I mean, there's another box there anyway... Three slices! First come first serve! Although I pass. I'm Raine by the way..."

Tyler finally shuffled away from the door when he heard voices from it. "I think it's them again. You know, the hoarde of girls that followed me." He grinned goofily, and Alya smirked. "Oh, in yur dreams, Tyler." She said, patting his shoulder. Tyler flinched, stepping to one side. Alysa smirked again, then turned to Steven. "Okay, did you somehow order pizza in the two seconds between pouring drinks? Do you have super speed powers or something?" She laughed, draining her glass.

"Nah, I didn't order pizzas. And I highly doubt they would cuss at us and then tell us they're the pizzamen. I get the feeling it's those stalker girls from earlier. Just ignore it. Get away from the door, just in case they're ultra stalkers." Steven walked back into the kitchen.

"True..." Alysa said, sliding her glass along the worktop. "Well, my cousin's a pizza delivery guy, and he cusses people out, but..." She shrugged, playing with a strand of her hair. "We could always...let them in. And have a bit of fun with them." Tyler widened his eyes. "No. No way. They're creepy."

"Eh. It would be fun to mess with them, but this is my house and I'd rather not have them walk into my house. I get a bad feeling about stalker girls running amok in my house," Steven called from the kitchen.

Alysa pouted in Steven's general direction. "That's no fun, though. Besides, if you let them in, I might go crazy-mad. And I'm funny when I get annoyed and crazy-mad." She jumped off the worktop, straightening her t-shirt. "Hey, if it's the pizza girl, what did we order?" She called at the door.

Raine felt the urge to drain the moisture from the grass and blast it. She controlled herself.

Instead, she decided to make something float and show them that she was serious. She focused her energy on wet dishes and lifted it.

"Hey, I'm serious here."

"Okay, I'm actually sensing about Three to Four People with powers, and they are all in one house. Okay I'm going there! Meet me at the River later!" Heather exclaimed. She started heading towards one house, which was Steven's house. "OPEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Heather started banging like mad.

(How did Raine move the plates if she moves water? Things with water in them, yeah, but not things with water on them...)

Alysa raised her eyebrows when Heather started hammering on the door. Tyler backed away, hitting the worktop but trying to go even further. Alysa grinned at him, throwing an arm around him. "Awh, are you scared? Why? They're just kids~" She giggled, already feeling a bit light-headed.

Ze looked out the window, wondering if there were other people with powers in his town. He looked a his neighbor's house, at a girl banging on their door. He sighed, thinking it was just a party or something along those lines. Ze then decided to have some fun, mess with all the people at the party. He teleported to the house, and shut off the power. He then went upstairs, hiding in the shadows to see how everyone would react.

"Guys, I'd open up if if were you." Ian smirked. "That is unless you guys have night vision."

Dre looked sleepy and put the sat down. "I wanna go home." She whined.

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Fizz raised her eyebrows. "Oh wow, randoms banging on our doors and now the power goes out" she chirped. "Very impressive indeed" she added with a sarcastic smirk.

Ze smirked at himself, wondering what else he could do to try and scare them. He locked them all in the room, and sat on the table, watching them struggle.

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