Am I to old for Tamagotchis?


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You're never too old to have fun! I'm 20 and a full-fledged college student...there's always time to check on a little virtual buddy! Brings back good memories of when they first came out so that's why I still have them, especially the ancestors. Just don't let caring for a Tamagotchi affect your real life in a negative way and you're all good! Have fun! :hitodetchi:

I'm 22 and I still play with tamagotchis. I just got the 4.5 version two days ago. It really keeps me occupied at school for 7 hrs a day.

Some would say age is irrelevent as long as you're enjoying yourself. I only got into Tamagotchi this year as my son wanted one and needed a little help working it out. Before too long we were a family of Tama's. As for my age... I'm in my 30's and where I go my Tama and kids go... In THAT order! LOL

I think it's fun playing with toys as long as you are mature emotionally! I take care of my kids and my tama all day long! And my 3 year old plays games in Tamagotchiville and gets points for me! When he is old enough I bet he will want his own!

No, you can never be too old for anything. As long as you have the desire to run a Tama, then go on with it. There is noting wrong with that.

don 't worry, i'm 17 years old and i have 2 tamagotchis.

but people like 30 years old are....strange. they cannot work because they play on tamagotchis,

forget they family and can't find a mate.

but..... the tamas are sweetie charming childish things...... they look like nice bunnies and they are tottaly for 8-year old kids :angry:

the adult people are serious not........childish

i never seen 30+ people NEVER in my 17-year old life

my 18 year old brother thinks they are for little kids. but i play them 10 years long.....

i guess they are for 8 - job year people.

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I realy dont think anybody is too old for anything in life. If you have the chance to enjoy something like that, go for it! :) Becasue you never know, they might be gone the next day.

Hey, I'm also 14. I started caring for a tama when I was 12. Not much people say that Tamas are for kids.

I'm 22 yrs old and I still play with tamagotchis, I love my tama. I get bored sometimes and I need to keep myself occupied, it also keeps my occupied at school for 7 hrs a day. My tama is like my little baby. People may think that I'm too old for tamagotchis or they may look at me weird for having one, but I don't care, because it keeps me happy and I enjoy it. I keep it around my neck sometimes, which makes me even weirder, but I dont care.

I dont think you can get to old for mom likes them,in a way so i dont think yu to old..

ps.i have a v4.5 and v4 you should realy get them the totaly ROCK!

bye :p

[SIZE=14pt]I don't think you are no-ones to old for tamas there is up to 20 yr olds that have tamas! But i guess it is your decision, but my opinion is that you should go by what feels best for you, if you think your to old then stop, but if you don't, don't. Its as easy as that [/SIZE] :mellow: ok cya hope I helped, by!

I am 14 years old and I have a v2 and v3 and I want a v4.5 and a v4.However, I don't know if I'm too old for Tamas.

Thank you.

Maisy Gotchi
hehe. Look at me! I'm almost 19 and I'v been playing with Tamagotchis for .. I don't know how long o.o. Well ,actually I stopped for a long period of time x] I cheated.

Mothra was just telling me that it dosen't matter how old you are. Your never to old to play Tamagotchi. At first I was begining to think I was to old. I know how you feel. You still have ALONG ways to go before your to old ;]

I don't think you're too old. I'm 19 but I love them and I don't care lol XD then again I've been described as a 14 years old in a 19 year old's body lol. I get so excited when it does cute things lol...should have seen me the first time I connected with mine and one vistsed the other one...was cool lol. seems that tamas are getting a bit more complex these know, the skill points and careers and stuff lol.

You're not too old. My mum and dad always say to me I am! But I don't care. It is training you for when you have a baby! You grow out of it when you are too old. If you haven't grown out yet it's because you're not too old. Plus, when you're older you have more important things to deal with, marriage, boyfriends, girlfriends, children, job! When you're too old you'll know! It has games on it, no one is too old for games.

You're not too old. My mum and dad always say to me I am! But I don't care. It is training you for when you have a baby! You grow out of it when you are too old. If you haven't grown out yet it's because you're not too old. Plus, when you're older you have more important things to deal with, marriage, boyfriends, girlfriends, children, job! When you're too old you'll know! It has games on it, no one is too old for games.
My parents do too. But I've just managed to live with it. If you want to play with Tamagotchis, just do it. There are adults out there who watch Cartoon Network. But they don't care that they are adults, they just do it.

You are never too old for anything!

:p :p :p u can never be to old for tamagotchies

i mean come on. Its not baby stuff.

Its just a virtuel pet. Its not like a shining star cause thats baby stuff. B)

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