Am I to old for Tamagotchis?


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I'm 18 years old, but I still love Tamagotchis, and Mimitchi9, I think that the rules were to be 13 years old or older for TamaTalk, I know that's for Tama-Zone, but not too sure about TamaTalk.

I'm 18 years old, but I still love Tamagotchis, and Mimitchi9, I think that the rules were to be 13 years old or older for TamaTalk, I know that's for Tama-Zone, but not too sure about TamaTalk.
No worries Lilangelbaby1989, the rules when you join say:

All users under the age of 13 must seek permission from a parent or guardian before you may participate on these forums.
If you would like to start the registration process prior to us receiving a permission form, please click the continue link below. However, please note that you will not be able to complete your registration until we have the signed form.
It's alright to join TamaTalk under the age of 13 WITH a signed form from a parent. :angry:

I don' think you are

But if you don't like being made fun of at school you set the tamagotchi's time back 2 hours so he will wake up 1/2 and hour before recess (keep the sound off) go to the bathroom at recess and play with him in a stall then do the same at lunch then nobody will know you have it, so, your not embarressed and your not too old for a tama!

There fun for everybody! :D

I don' think you areBut if you don't like being made fun of at school you set the tamagotchi's time back 2 hours so he will wake up 1/2 and hour before recess (keep the sound off) go to the bathroom at recess and play with him in a stall then do the same at lunch then nobody will know you have it, so, your not embarressed and your not too old for a tama!

There fun for everybody! :D
[SIZE=9pt]Man, I still wish I had recess in middle school! :) Too bad it's only for elementary...good advice though....[/SIZE]


Still, I think no one is too old for Tamagotchis. They're these fun little virtual pets that you don't have to (manually) clean up after them, potty train them, spend long hours teaching them to do tricks, and you won't have to worry about them constantly barking or meowing or whatever. What's not to like about them? If people call you wierd for playing with Tamagotchis, they probably don't know what they're missing. I'm 12 and still play with Tamagotchis, even though my parents think I shouldn't, I still do. A lot of my friends at school do, too. Don't worry. You're not alone in this world. Just think about how many members there are at TamaTalk, and then think about how many members that are older or the same age as you. In fact, I think the majority of people here are around your age or older. See, there's nothing to be emarrassed about! :lol:

Oooooh dear ur not too old for a tamagotchi! :D

course noooot!

i'm almost 14 and i also play with them and you just have to ignore the ppl who say it's childish COS IT TOTALLY ISNT!

tamagotchis rocks!! ;)

no one is to old for a tama

think of a tama as a dog or cat that requires 1 square inch of space

who is too old for a dog that little?


I am 14 years old and I have a v2 and v3 and I want a v4.5 and a v4.However, I don't know if I'm too old for Tamas.

Thank you.

Maisy Gotchi
i know

most of you are going to say its okay to be having a tamagotchi no matter how old you are.

theres nothing wrong with it.

i just think maybe u might be, well thats my oppinion bcuz by then id get tired of them


and wii-man,

the difference between a dog and a tamagotchi is,

dogs are real

tamagotchis arent.

P.S: i know, im being mean. sorry.i jsut think i should express more about how i feel of others oppinions and stop holding back like i did all my life :mellow:

and im getting there, i jsut dont want to be a pain... :)

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i just think maybe u might be, well thats my oppinion bcuz by then id get tired of them*sigh*

....P.S: i know, im  being mean. sorry.i jsut think i should express more about how i feel of others oppinions and stop holding back like i did all my life :D

and im getting there, i jsut dont want to be a pain... :)
Everyone is entitled to their opinion - so don't worry about "holding back" - the only rule here is that everyone's opinion has to be expressed politely and other opinions have to be respected ;) - so it's fine to disagree :)

It's true that lots of tama fans gradually lose interest in them as they get older. They move onto other toys or electronic games.

That said, lots of older ppl "re-discover" tamas and enjoy playing with them and raising a virtual pet.

Many tama fans are adults who find them a fun hobby or are collectors.

Don't forget, growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional ;)

Im with tamamum....Don't forget, growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional!!!

I am in no hurry. I will be 27 next month. Nope not joking. I had my first tama in 1996 when I was 15 and it was all over after that I was hooked. I lost my very first one and was so excited when the new versions came out in 2004. I have one of each version now. Even ordered a replacement for my original off ebay. So I would say you are not to old unless you feel too old. Its a personal decision to grow up. I still havent. Married with 2.5 kids (waiting on one to get here in August) and I still enjoy my tamagotchi's. :) :D :)

I'm 17 and just bought a tamagotchi! lol! and its really fun! :huh:

Even though Im 17 Im a child at heart! and I think we have more fun and are more carefree than people who are worried all the time about what other people think of them! just remember, they will be old and crabby first!!! :( lol!

Of course not! How can you ever be to old for playing with tamas? I have had one ever sine 3rd grade and all my friends still play with them. Don't let a couple of birthdays get in the way of your cute little pet!

I have...

v3 tarakotchi (boy, Fenix) & teletchi ( baby boy, Eagle)



soon to gt a v5 (either the foley family, the shatz family, or the sholy family :( :rolleyes: :huh:

I'm 18 and I have like 20 tamagotchis :eek:

I just bought an angel, the only one missing in my collection.

people think I'm a weirdo, but...

yeah I AM ! :eek:

I don't think so. You know this happened to me.

I'm 14, and a guy, which people think is even worse. Eventually Tamagotchi's just didnt feel right for me, and I threw them out.

Over the last month I'd had an almost unbeatable urge to play with a Tamagotchi, and I found myself in the aisle with Tamagotchi's in it a couple times.

Finally I got the nerve to get one. But I'm a secret Tamagotchi Owner. To be honest, I don't want people to know I play with a Tamagotchi. I just don't want to deal with them. And I think it's half the fun for me, I reclaimed a HUMONGOUS (Honestly, I was obsessed with Tamagotchi's since I was around 6, and then a couple years earlier, when I was 3,4) part of my childhood. In a world where everyone is trying to be older, (I am too) and there is so much bad, it's good to escape in something so innocent.

By no means does Tamagotchi rule my life. No, I'd pick hanging with my friends over Tamagotchi probably anyday, but knowing I can still feel young, I dunno... Just feels good :p

You are only too old if you believe you are too old. If you believe that nobody is ever too old, you aren't.

I am your age, and I use tamas (but not in public, I'm not brave) :furawatchi:

I'm a 33 yr old woman with a boring life so sometimes i will play with tamagotchis, am I too old for it? I have a version 3 and a version 4.5. I heard that version 5 is already out in asia but it has not "appear" in my home country - singapore yet, looking forward to buying a version 5!

I hope in the near future, the tamagotchis will have more function and be in colour, just like handphones!!!

every guy and some girls in my class laugh at me for having a tamagotchi and say im to old for them. WHO CARES WHAT THEY SAY? its fun! :D :D :huh: :huh: :ph34r: :p :( :huh: ;) ;)

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