Am I to old for Tamagotchis?


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No one is ever to old or young for anything. I go to high school and still play tamagotchis. It is up to you when you think you are too old for tamagotchis. I'll still love my tamagotchis even if i am 30+

No one is ever to old or young for anything. I go to high school and still play tamagotchis. It is up to you when you think you are too old for tamagotchis. I'll still love my tamagotchis even if i am 30+
I agree. I am 21 years old, and graduated college back in June of this year. I still love collecting and playing with virtual pets. It's a hobby I enjoy and always will I think. As long as you can balance it with everyday life such as schoolwork and Work, you got a good balance of play and responsibilities :)

I am 18 years old and i love tamagotchis! XD i have a V1 (somewhere... i cant find it :S) and my V3 whos hapily jumping about the screen. im hoping to get a V4.5 soon :) im a little behind the times but england only just got the V4s :B if you think youre too old than take a loot at some poeple i know... i know some popele over 20, and even 30! who still play tamagotchis. they may be initailly aimed at young people, but theres just a cute and fun charm to tamagotchis that can pull anyone in. if osmeone thinks youre odd for playing with a tamagotchi at any age. they probably have never played one XD

I am 18 years old and i love tamagotchis! XD i have a V1 (somewhere... i cant find it :S) and my V3 whos hapily jumping about the screen. im hoping to get a V4.5 soon :D im a little behind the times but england only just got the V4s :B if you think youre too old than take a loot at some poeple i know... i know some popele over 20, and even 30! who still play tamagotchis. they may be initailly aimed at young people, but theres just a cute and fun charm to tamagotchis that can pull anyone in. if osmeone thinks youre odd for playing with a tamagotchi at any age. they probably have never played one XD
England got the Tamagotchis last Dec...

Anyway, no way are you too old for Tamagotchis. There is no age limit. :D I'm 13 and I love them. :)

;) tamas rule so don't feel bad. i won't say anymore because u might get annoyed for hearing the same thing over and over again. :furawatchi:
HUH?! don't speak of such words! it's IMPOSSIBLE TO BE TO OLD FOR TAMAS! THEIR SO AWESOME! nobody N-O-B-O-D-Y is EVER E-V-E-R to old for tamas!


This is my first post, I've been coming here for weeks for information and such but hadn't regestered because I didn't see a reasion to chat.

I had my first tama in 1997 when I was 13 years old and in junior high, tamas were insainly popular back then. I've had sevral of the other versions of tamas in the 10 years since and the only reasion I ever realy took a break was because an egg broke and I was out of cash. I've alwayes been a one-egg kinda gal so I never have spairs.

Basicaly it boils down to this: it has the time and date, alwayes useful. It gives you some thing to fidgit during down time, on the sub-way, buss, or in those long boring waits between meetings. As long as the sound is turned off who knows, or cares what your playing!

If people can be adicted to tetris, or have pet rocks whos to say tamas are a "kid thing?" You might not alwayes talk to your tama or hold it up to watch movies. The way you enjoy your tama will grow, change, and some times come full circle.

After ten years I'm right back running around squealing because me and my tama won a game! :huh:

Count me in as being an older tama colecter I have every version known to man kind lol I love them all!!

Personally, I really don't think that anyone is too old for tamagotchis. Adults have tamagotchis! Such as some members here. Some members here are adults, and they may have purchased a tamagotchi. You could also go to >> Celebrity Connection and then you will see a bunch of adult celebrities holding their tamagotchis ;)

I hope that everyone understands my point :D

:eek: WAt?? Noway! I'm only 13 but I don't care if I am 100 years old! I will still will play with tamas! If u r embarrissed to play it near your mates, don't do it then. U can still play it at home. :D :unsure: :D :mimitchi: :eek: :wub: <_< :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :unsure:
I'm 19 and I still play with my Tama!

Sometimes people look at me like I'm nuts, and sometimes people say, "WHOA! They still make those?! Where can I get one?"

I think you're only too old for Tamagotchis if you have it in your mind that you are. You know what I mean?

I am 20 and I get made fun of at work all the time by my co-workers because I am constantly playing with my two tamagotchis and I got to the tamatown website all time so dont feel bad hun. ;)

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