Am I to old for Tamagotchis?


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Dear lord, why bring up this question? People can do what they want, and if it's to buy and play with a tamagotchi, so be it. Look, I still play Nintendogs and no one is making fun of me. If they did, I'd sock them if I didn't know them (not really), or ignore them. If you're getting bullied for liking tamagotchis, stand up for yourself or just stop bringing it to school.

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I am 14 years old and I have a v2 and v3 and I want a v4.5 and a v4.However, I don't know if I'm too old for Tamas.

Thank you.

Maisy Gotchi
if you are 14 and think you are too old for tamas i hope im never 14. im 13 and 1/2 so i have only half a year left :D :p

p.s if you think you are to old because someone teased you dont listen to them cuz there dum!!! ;) :furawatchi:

i'll be 21 in a few months, and i just bought a new tamagotchi v5! it brings back old memories, and i still love them!

I'm 14, I've had tams for 3 or 4 years, and still do. MAKE YOUR FRIENDS LOVE TAMAS! Its the best thing EVER. Then, you can connect with more people and have more fun. And, when your friends get bored with their old tamas, you get them :D -mwuahahaha!- Even if your friends dont like them, you do what you want to do. Who cares what they think? If they are your real friends, they will love you til the end and stick with you and your tams. (Ps. I have 9 tams! keep collecting! :D )

Omg, this topic is still here, even after more than one year. lol

Well, I just turned 19 five days ago. I still like tamas, although all the batteries are dead and I haven't played with them for a while.

Note to self: buy batteries. :blink:

And nope, no one is too old for tamas, or any other virtual pets.

OMG UR RITE. This has in actual fact been here in over than a year. Thats pretty darn impressive. I think that this topic should stay here forever so more and more people can post their opinions. :)

You can never be too old for a Tamagotchi. Think about how much happier all those old people in their retirement villas would be if they all had a Tamagotchi. No more sitting around hoping someone comes to visit, or staring at a television all day long. Got a Tamagotchi - get up, go find someone and connect; make friends.
That's such a sweet thought....and a good idea too. :)

Like Binary said, you can never be too old for a Tama. ;P

I am 14 years old and I have a v2 and v3 and I want a v4.5 and a v4.However, I don't know if I'm too old for Tamas.

Thank you.

Maisy Gotchi
Actually Aki Maita, created the first tama in her 30's and is rumored to still play with her tamas. So, no there is no age limit for tamas. I'm glad there is no limit. I love tamas! :furawatchi: I will continue collect tamas and hope other people will collect them to! ^_^

I'm 14 too. I have about 5 tamagotchis. I don't think anyone will be too old for tamagotchis. For me, even if people say I'm too old for something I wouldn't care, age doesn't stop me from doing what I'd like to do. But 14 isn't old at all! I think I started playing when I was 10. I like tamagotchis, but I get bored after a while, especially when there's no one to connect to. I remember when I was younger at this one point my friends played tamagotchis and we'd connect. Most of my classmates had tamagotchis, but they stopped playing. Ah, you know sometimes when they die you just give up and lose enthusiasm! But I love tamagotchis! Even though usually I'd be excited to start taking care of a pet, the enthusiasm slowly dims. I'm wondering how long I'll last this time! But good thing it's almost school holiday for me now. Countless times my pet died because I forgot to attend to them after I come back from school!

Hmn. I'm anticipating the new colored version!!!

um i think tama's are all age but don't ask me im 5 years younger than you!!! :D :huh:

I'm 14 too, and sometimes I think I'm too old for Tamagotchis.

But, it doesn't really matter. I mean, if you like playing with them, so what? I don't think you can really be too old for anything that you enjoy.

~ Bethiee. :]


im 16..and i will continue buying tamagotchis..theres something about them that make me feel good.

i don't care about what others think..that's just them..let them think whatever they think..

you can never be to old



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Keep in mind, when they originally created tams, it was for people who lived in apartments and such and couldn't own a real pet. I mean, come on, their original target was young women. I will neeevvverrrrr give mine up!!! (btw, I'm in my twenties!)

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