Anyone Ever Notice The Warrior Craze...


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Ahhhh... Figured this would happen.

Most of my names are, eh, interestingly ok. Crowfrost They know what a crow and a dang frost is. DoveWing Uh...

Most characters can be creative, but having a random purple cat is weird. I have a cat names Poisioncloud. Her fur is suposedly purple, but in reality it is acctually Dark black with a purple tint. Anything un-realistic can be realistic-sized (0_o...)

And Storms, Leokan is hers he originated from Cloudpaw but has long since deveoped. He is now a lion with dark grey fur that is long. Not un-realistic, just rare.

So as saying such, I guess my cat called Poisioncloud isn't purple, but for heavans sake how do they know what a Tiger is? None of them were alive... so?

Point, hopefully, proven.

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