are you afraid to do something dumb?


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Active member
Sep 10, 2006
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I want to know how many people here are ready to look like a phsyco and not afraid to do it. I've done it many times, from saying there was a flying cat to doing the chicken dance on my own will. but the question is..

do you have the guts to look stupid? depends how stupid I'm being!

I'll act kinda weird in front my friends (talking like a baby, pretending to fall on the floor, pretending to be a chicken xD) but I hate acting TOTALLY stupid in front of people who I often try to gain respect with. Or, people I don't like. I can;t be dumb in front of them. :(

Once, I was out at recess, and then there was a big BANG and this white stuff blasted out of no where and we didn't know what happened! Everybody started running in that direction, and I was running and screaming, "ZOMG! ZOMG! A TORNADO! PPLS RUN!" XD It wasn't a tornado though. Lol


I hate being embareassed cuz i did somthing that was really hard to do. It makes you feel bad, and it's embarresment.

Once i saw this movie and it was a very scary, the next day my mom asked me to get some apples from the cellar, and i was Freaked! I didnt want to go downstairs to do it... It was kinda dumb not to... :D

Somtiems, just like TGD ppl want to get respect form others right? Well i dont want to be dumb infront of them, its redally hard esspecialy when you are shy infront of ppl. You dont want to say the wrong word or mispell it or sotmhing... you stutter somtimes, and it leads to emmabressment


I used to be very hesitant to do anything even remotely dorky in front of people...even my family. I would hardly even talk to people for fear of looking stupid.

Now, though, I love it when something humorous or stupid happens to me. I just laugh hysterically, I find a lot of humor in myself! Even if I happen to slip up and say something really dumb, I just joke about it and laugh it off. After all, if you are laughing at yourself, other people will laugh, too, and it's really hard to be embarassed when everyone's laughing! :D

Nope i am pretty hyper all the time mostly when i have had sugar or when i have been drinking some sort of fizzy drink,Suck as coke.I wouldn't be afraid to do anything dumb.

Gling crazy is my best thing xD


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I want to know how many people here are ready to look like a phsyco and not afraid to do it. I've done it many times, from saying there was a flying cat to doing the chicken dance on my own will. but the question is..
do you have the guts to look stupid?
i dont need guts to do something completely awkward! if i never did i'd probably be dead! thats wat im all about. well actually thats what me and my friend (also know as friend #1) are all about!!! i thought i would never find anyone else who didnt really care how they look and didnt care if they were random and hyper and weird like me! then suddenly she just appeared in my life! she makes me so much happier!

just an example: we had this big 'blah blah blah pass-it-down' thing goin at lunch one day, and i thought my friend said "smack your butt and dont be mean, pass it down!" so i started cracking up and then i yelled it! IM NOT AFRAID TO LOOK STUPID!

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Whenever I say or do something stupid, I just stay quiet for about 20 minutes. People will then just move on in life and forget it even happened! If you want me to name one time, that would take a month.

~ Dolores ~

Hahahaha!Thats hysterical,you such a comedian!

When I feel like doing something stupid I do it!Possibly no shame at all!ut when i do something stupid and i wasnt wanting to do it,I feel embaressed and start laughing,and more stupid things happn.I say stupid things too!Like one time I was hyper,my friend asked me to do a little play,here it is:Im a zombie nurse and a girl named Heather.

Nurse:*walking down dark hospital,spots Heather* Heather"ZOMG ZOMBIE,I cant take that Buckleys!!!!" Nurse*in confussion,stops walking*WTF?" Heather: Wait a sec,Im a snotty lil brat!and me names Alessa!!! Nurse:"ZOMG WAFFLES!!

i dont need guts to do something completely awkward! if i never did i'd probably be dead! thats wat im all about. well actually thats what me and my friend (also know as friend #1) are all about!!! i thought i would never find anyone else who didnt really care how they look and didnt care if they were random and hyper and weird like me! then suddenly she just appeared in my life! she makes me so much happier!
just an example: we had this big 'blah blah blah pass-it-down' thing goin at lunch one day, and i thought my friend said "smack your butt and dont be mean, pass it down!" so i started cracking up and then i yelled it! IM NOT AFRAID TO LOOK STUPID!
You've got alot of guts there :D

I always do stupid stuff...I ate a leaf and I dont care what peaple think God still loves me and thats all what matters

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I'll act kinda weird in front my friends (talking like a baby, pretending to fall on the floor, pretending to be a chicken xD) but I hate acting TOTALLY stupid in front of people who I often try to gain respect with. Or, people I don't like. I can;t be dumb in front of them. :angry:
Oh my Gosh! You are exactly like me!!! :D

I am a bit shy aswell though.

me is totally dumb lol

like heres an example of my dumbishness (yep not a word but it is in my dictionary)

Me:*to one of my random friends and theres a whole bunch of random ppl around even a few teachers*....WHAAAAA...*pouts lips like a baby*...

my friend:Michelle....what the **** are you talking about

me:pIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i like cows

my friend:really?

Me:ya. i love pie and pie loves me *then i go to the canteen cuz we have a canteen, and i buy a slice of pie*....*then i come back*...See!!

my friend:eek:k.... is kinda crazy! XD

I'm not afraid of looking stupid, it's what I'm known for. Laughing, joking, ATP*, I'm there. If I wasn't stupid, I think I'd lose myself.

* ATP is a little thing my and my friends do. Annoying Teacher Patrol. This can be one of two things, depending on the adult. Annoying the Teacher Patrol or the Annoying Teacher Patrol. In other words, annoying the teacher, or de-annoying an annoying a teacher.

I act stupid in class all the time. I mean, I probably act all tidy and sophisticated (Yea right xP) But in real life, I'm really stupid/silly. xD

Like yesterday. I made a snake with my hands because the kid that sat next to me wanted to learn how, so when I finished I made the snake say "HOM HOM!" in an eating gesture... xP

I want to know how many people here are ready to look like a phsyco and not afraid to do it. I've done it many times, from saying there was a flying cat to doing the chicken dance on my own will. but the question is..
do you have the guts to look stupid?
[SIZE=14pt]YOU BET I DO.I'll make myself look like a complete idiot just to make my friends laugh if they're down or whenever!!! XD[/SIZE]

TGD is right about not acting dumb in front of people i dont like and since there is this person in all of my classes exept specials that i dont like very much, I only try to act like an idiot in music class.

Mrs. P always hates for me to take so long to put together my instrument. Me and my buddy Abby always take forever to get ready to play. Once Mrs Penell was ready for us to play and even Abby was ready and Mrs. P says "1, 2, 3, play!" and everyone in the class is playing a song and I'm like "WAIT!!!" and since my teacher is nice she made everyone stop and I didn't get in trouble:)

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