Are you emo?


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whats a emo
Emo -originally was a tye of music, but people extended that and now make it like;

The cut themselves (Not all emo's do though. ^_^ )

The dye their hair black.

Um, and they wear black clothes, or is tha goth.

Wow, I guess im not really sure either, although I have a basic idea. <3

Noooope, im not emoo, im hyper! <3

Emos dont cut themselves Depresed (sp?) people do and you dont have to be Depersed to be emo.

I dont belive in Emo any more its just a word to me like I dont belive in "Preps,Nerds,Jocks,Hardcore Kids,etc."

I just think your you ,and you dont need a silly name to describe yourself ^_^

(But if those silly names were real then Yes I am emo)

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Emos dont cut themselves Depresed (sp?) people do and you dont have to be Depersed to be emo.
I dont belive in Emo any more its just a word to me like I dont belive in "Preps,Nerds,Jocks,Hardcore Kids,etc."

I just think your you ,and you dont need a silly name to describe yourself ^_^

(But if those silly names were real then Yes I am emo)
You remind more of a goth but then...

I'm a goth though. I do it to scare some older girls in my school.

Well I dont care what people call me those silly names are not true.
They are not silly. They just names which "Label" You. You cant just call all goths and emos Tomboys or Girly Girls can you?

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Emos mean emotional, and emo music was a music scene a while ago.

Then, kids wanted to make it more than music (Sort of like goth!)

and made a style.

You can tell people are emos by short black hair, and they try to look unisex. Thats just the idea with most, not all.

It is just a way to tell people you have had a hard life, or that you are depressed.


I am not emo, but my cousin is and I fully support him. x]

I get called Emo alot.:l, And i agree with paper*cut.. Nobody should label you because, people then dont want to know you because they've labeled you.. its pretty stupid ;) sorrry i know none of this made sence but it sounded alot better in my head tbh =)

Emos are just,like,really emotional,like,more than normal. Sometimes they cut themselves but they're just kinda a cheap imitation of goth. Well,like the black part of my siggie kinda sayd it. (except for the dragg thing)

I'm not emo, but I do have emo friends.

I like the style, but I'm not... ^^;;

I dress.. like, some emo clothes and some scater clothes.

Emo people are okay, i support them.

Eh, I don't really think emo describes anything. It's just short for emotional.

Anyways, no I'm not, but I love the style. I could never pull it off though.

I get called emo a lot.

Usually by people who slit their wrists and claim to be chavs.

I can't deny that I do look sorta emo, lol. I'm sitting in my corner wearing drainpipe jeans and a checkered jumper.

I wear alot of things that "Emo's" wear, but I dont cut myself or anything.

Honstely I think its just a label.

I don't think people should be labeled. This person's "emo" and this persons "preppy" and this persons "goth" why can't we just call them "Stephanie" "Rebacca" and "Bryan"?

Personally, some people have called me emo. Their stupid, I got side bangs and everyones like "LYK OMGZZ! EMO SLICE!!!!11!1!!"

I think emo should stay a genre of music. ^.^


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