Are you gay or lesbian?


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what is it like to have friends that are like that? I have none. :furawatchi:
It's really no different to having straight friends. Someone's sexuality is such a small part of them that it shouldn't affect the way they are as friends.

Who was that aimed at?

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I am straight, but I have no problem with gays or lesbians. Its what they want that matters. BTW, someone said (cant remember who) "how can you have kids with someone of your own gender"They can adopt, cant they!

Hey, heart of stone87, what's the =( face for? It must have been typed a millions times, but I'll type it again-THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH GAY PEOPLE! They rock! Straight, bisexual, MoPo, lesbian, who honestly cares? As for the comment about Adam and Steve-if that had happened, then people would be feeling bad about the opposite gender-unfair argument.

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I am straight, but I have no problem with gays or lesbians. Its what they want that matters. BTW, someone said (cant remember who) "how can you have kids with someone of your own gender"They can adopt, cant they!
Yes they can adopt.

Really they act no differnt to you than if they were straight.

I personaly no a lesbian couple and they are very nice people. It's not different unless they like you more than a friend which is not a problem in my case. ;]

BTW: They adopted my friend and her sister.

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This is exacly y i dont come on here anymore, i thought this was a SAFE website

Totally agree! TamaTalk is 99.9% safe! The 0.01 percent not safe is weird people pretending to be a tama-lover. You're one of those *removed* people who think being gay or lesbain is disgusting.

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And talking about this makes Tamatalk unsafe according to you. How...XD Sweet Kandi already used the word Ignorant.

Agree with S K. I'm like the only person Iknow apart from my two friends who think it isn't disgusting to be attracted to the opposite gender! I'm sickened....and there's loads of people that say stuff like "You're gay" when you hug your if it's a bad thing. Gragh... like that boy who when my friend was over for a sleepover and we where sitting in my bed talking and he sees us through a crack in the shutters and guess what he yells.

One more time so that we all remember that this works both ways... Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as long as they express it in a polite manner and stay within the rules.

It is unacceptable to call ppl names or make aggressive posts because they do not agree with your thinking.

Yelling at someone is hardly going to change the way they see things, eh? A measured, thoughtful response shows your own reasoning clearly and sensibly.

Please think carefully before you post your comments on the forums :blink:

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One more time so that we all remember that this works both ways... Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as long as they express it in a polite manner and stay within the rules.
It is unacceptable to call ppl names or make aggressive posts because they do not agree with your thinking.

Yelling at someone is hardly going to change the way they see things, eh? A measured, thoughtful response shows your own reasoning clearly and sensibly.

Please think carefully before you post your comments on the forums :nazotchi:
Sorry then Peatrolover22... :nazotchi: But TamaTalk IS safe. There's nothing wrong with lesbians and gay's not rude....otherwise we wouldn't be allowed talk about it.

sorry yall i wasent there when my friend, michalover, was on here

all though i dont agree with the life still, i guess some ppl are so

why do you want to know....... i cant believe that they let you post this!!!

I am not lesbian/gay.I do not agree with it- which does NOT mean that I will harrase people that are. I know a couple who are lesbian and they seem just fine, but the Bible specificly states that being gay/lesbian is wrong. If God wanted us to date/marry out own sex He would have created 'Adam and Steve' not 'Adam and Eve'.

Is this topic appropriate? I can't tell- it's a bit border line.
thats y god gave us minds,and emotions so we can have our own opinion

No, I am straight. (I thought gay or lesbian was the same thing...) But I respect the people who are. ;)
Just like tina i am not either of them,but i respect people who are.Why,a person in my school is gay,but i'm sure he can't help it.

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