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(lolwut my first name as my fake last name? No xDD)

Well, I like Poland, so I, like, don't really care how he talks xDD

Care to take another guess at my fake last name?

(YAYZ! =D)

Kirby is awesome, yes!

*insert random question here because I can't think of one*

Yeah. A "doiby" is what someone from New Joisey (like Spooky) would call a "derby"...which is a kind of hat.

Why do people in New Jersey say "New Joisey"?

Because snails are slimy.

Why do I have a wrist-band from China?

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becus dolan maed u hab eht

why am i so obsessed with pat lambie


Because Pat Lambie is attractive, South African, and plays the best sport in the world, in one of the top ranked rugby teams in the world. Duh.

Why does Mountain Dew taste bad?

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