AvatarL The Last Airbender


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Fang resisted the urge to spit at Ty Lin. How dare she be friends with these commoner? Her face didn't show any real emotion, only a facade of sadness. Fang looked down at a short girl as she spoke that was basically shooting daggers with her eyes. If looks could kill...

"Look, I'm not gonna lie to ya-" she said, in a very convincing tone, even half fooling herself. "-but I'm in hiding. My father, the firelord, is wreaking terror as you probably already know. I can't be apart of it anymore.." She sighed, flicking some of her hair out of her face. "I was hoping you would help me.." her eyes lightening a little bit.

Ai Lei paused. She felt sorry for this girl... but she couldn't trust her. "Really?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ignoring Ty Lins jabs, she went on. "I wouldn't ask if I wasn't serious" Fangs eyes lightened even more, the facade stronger than ever. "Please"

Sighing, Ai Lei stared at the ground. She had mixed feelings. 'I should be strong like the earth, but my heart is weak like air'

"I... I don't know"

"I don't have much time. I'm hiding out around town. If you're going to help me, just, I dunno, come find me? It's unlikely you will though, I can tell" Slumping a little bit, Fang walked off towards the forest again.

Ai Lei stared at the ground, wringing her hands. Before the others could protest, she ran off towards Fang. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the female. "Look. Why are you here? I know who you are. You are Princess Fang, daughter of the firelord." she said, her eyes narrowed. "What do you want?"

Name: lee Fung

Age: 8


Waterbender?:sorrta not very good

Northern or Southern tribe?: North

Traitor:no way!

Personality: energetic,lonely and sometimes shy

Appearance: cute, blue eyes, tanish and small

Skills: slight water bending, not much but throws quick,powerful punches


Past:classified (u'll find out in the story)


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"Aww! I have no one to play with again!" Lee told herself.

She sat next to her house, crying but then she had a thought.

She quickly stood up and ran to the ocean.

"ahh! The Ocean! Hi ocean spirit! Will u help me practise my waterbending?"

She knew already that she was able to. It was like she could hear them.

"Thank you!" she called out.

in..out...in...out... she did it on a regular basis. She was thinking very hard until she saw something wierd. Black rain? she thought.

She ran to the orphanage to tell everyone.

"everyone! everyone! There's black rain!" she cried out.

Everyone came out, gasping. All the men quickly huddled together murmmering.

What's happening she thought. Then she looked at the ocean. she quickly ran to it to find that she saw something. Fire ships? Thats what she called them. They came down, as fierce as ever.

"We are the Fire Nation! See what we do to you're poorly looking home!" he shouted

He started to grab helpless people and chain them up. Lee tried to make a quick move, but was too late, and got captured by a soldier. She strugled aimlessly, trying to free herself but it didn't work and was thrown into a "cage"

Later, when she awoke, she remembered what happened and shouted at the top of her breath to let her out. They got so angry and annoyed they stopped at the earth nation and threw her on the ground.

"if u want to be free, we have made u free!" they called out to her.

Lonely as ever, she walked to the village and started crying again. What she did most.

Fang was about to reply to the short earthbender when a little girl came walking down the path. A young waterbender, perhaps? Maybe if she got her to be 'friends' with her, she'd have a better chance of being accepted. She walked up to the little girl. "What's the matter, young one?"

Ai Lei frowned. "Bah, whatever. I don't need an answer from you" she snarled the last part. She didn't need any more evil people manipulating others. "You're just fire nation."

When Lee looked at the girl wearing green, she reminded her of someone. Since she was so keen On finding out, She tugged on the girls clothes...

Ai Lei looked down to find a young girl staring at her. She crouched down and smiled at her. "Hello." she greeted softly. "What are you doing here? Aren't you meant to be in the Water Tribe?"

Ai Lei raised an eyebrow. She had never visited the orphanage. She decided something. "Why don't you stay with us?" she offered

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