Bell Sprout's V4 Tamagotchi


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*sigh* So predictable!!!! Got my matchmaker to make a visit today at long last. I could have bet my life on the results and would have lived :lol: Matchmaker brings along an *drumroll* hanatchi! Yay. I would dearly love to get a hanatchi in real life but nooooooo I can only see one briefly when the matchmaker comes along. So I got another baby girl who will turn into a marutchi. Joy. I have had all the babies and all the teens and all children but I have only had not even half the adults! I want something new. I dare not go into neglect because I fear the tarakotchi. I've had far too many of them. Right so the next few days will be nothing special. Actually I probably won't get a chance to grow my tama cause I am going away for a week and won't be taking her with me. Ah well.

I'm back home at last which means I have been able to devote some time to actually raising my tamagotchi. I haven't had karate either which has helped. Last night Baby left Lilly so I'm officially on the 9th generation. Lilly, as I had predicted, turned into a marutchi. Her father was a hanatchi so there was no other way about it. It was rather strange this time. I didn't bother with her weight as a baby and just kept feeding her. Strangely she never lost any happy hearts. I am not sure if that is supposed to happen. Not that it bothers me. One less thing to worry about.

I've decided to take a new approach. I will not worry about her weight. She will only get played with when she loses a heart for happiness. In theory she should never require a snack then because she will always be heavy enough to play a jump which is the only game I really like playing. I have confirmed that tamagotchis cannot die from being absurdly obese so there should not be a worry there. Hopefully my efforts will pay off and I will not end up with another Tarakotchi this time around! We shall see.

Forgot that I haven't actually written the latest update! I have no had her on for two weeks. As predicted she turned into a marutchi and has now become a fire breathing dragon! :rolleyes: lol. Well maybe not. She's a hinotamatchi. I'm not worried. Pretty much what I was expecting. I would say she'll probably become a tarakotchi again too. Ah well.

I finally have had the opportunity to have a play with my tama again. I've been on my 9th generation for about 3 months now! Lilly grew up to become a Tarakotchi which was what I had expected. The matchmaker came yesterday and set her up with a robotchi and now has a baby girl who I am going to call Babs.

It's good to finally be home long enough to play again! I have three weeks holiday which shall be excellent.

I've been considering try to obtain a V2 tama. I have to be careful how I use my money though cause I have a lot coming but it is definately tempting. Might give my current one a play mate and I can better update my website that way.

Hmm it would seem that I may not be looking at getting a V2 for a while yet. Money is so hard to come by.

Anyway, Babs became parentless a few days ago and is now an individual... an individual marutchi! :wacko: No surprises there. I can probably predict for you that she will turn into an oniontchi and after that proceed to grow up into a memetchi. I sure hope v2 growth are a little less predictable than that! :) Ah well.

I have a friend who has a v2 and is now on her 2nd generation. She's got a little hinatchi at the moment. And when I say little I mean LITTLE. It's tiny!

AN ITCHIGOTCHI!! AN ITCHIGOTCHI!!! YAAAAAAAYY! I am so thoroughly rapped! My tama turned into an itchigotchi for the first time since the 1st generation! I am now on my 10th generation. I so could have sworn it was going to be an oniontchi. I am beginning to suspect the tamagotchi you get has more to do with how much it weighs. I didn't exercise my marutchi down the minimum like I usually do. I was actually just being lazy and I got an itchigotchi!! :) I'm very happy! :)

Excitement over. My Babs turned into a Memetchi. Not that I have anything against Memetchis...I've just one too many Memetchis is all. Now it is find a time to have her on long enough to get the match maker and get another girl....

I bought a V2 tamagotchi yesterday! :furawatchi: I have a little boy who is currently a marutchi! If I get V1 characters all through out its life I am going to be so unimpressed.

I think the Oz ppl got shorted. The connexion is a Europian version connection in connection packaging with connexion written on the top! It has a heart beat and its weight it in pounds. They didn't even try hard enough to get rid of the fact that they used the connection instructions either! They edited the top but forgot to change the description. Not impressed! I will live though. At the moment I can't seem to get my V1 and V2 to connect. My V2 rushes of to play a game while the V1 fails. The v2 has my v1 listed as a friend but not the other way around! :puroperatchi: I will have to do some further investigation.

My Marutchi evolved into a Yu-fotchi. It's a really cute tama even if it looks absurd taking a bath! The thing sits above the bath so I am sure if it was real then it would not being getting very wet at all. I haven't seen it do anything interesting just yet but hopefully I will be before it become an adult. I've used him to update my website with some new pics of the various objects available from the shop. Now the site has to come back.

I made the mistake of giving my Yu-fotchi a pot plant. The plant grew up and then hissed at my tama which didn't make him very happy! ;)

My little Yu-fotchi grew up into a Ginjirotchi. It's a far cry from a UFO but hey. He did pretty well playing BUMP for a while and then just started losing again. Lol! I tried out a few items and I must say that some things are pretty lame. They should have gone for quality over quantity. Anyway, at the moment he is living in the Panda costume which I have kind of gotten over too. When the panda has eating races with my V1, the border to one side of his head is not there. Dodgy!! Anyhow, I got to see the first random action from the panda costume...cming up close to the screen and all. That was cool. :kuribotchi:

Yesterday morning I got my V1 and V2 together and created tamababies. I have twin girls now. Well almost twins. One is a shirobabytchi and the other is a shiropochitchi! It was cool to actually see what happens when two tamas breed. This is the first time I've been able to do that cause I have two of them now. All my other babies came from the match maker. I wonder if I will get a kinakomotchi on the V1 this time around??? Anyway, it will be a couple of days before I have time to leave them unpaused long enough for them to grow.

After a full month, my v2 came off pause to play! :chohimetchi: She did evolve into a kinakomotchi. Been a very long time since I've had one of those. She then turned into a young mimitchi. She was doing quite well until the battery decided to die. The battery has been replaced so if all goes well she should wake up shortly and grow into a teen. :huh: I'm muchly looking forward to her growing into an adult. Slot is seriously the best way to earn money.

Today, Squid evolved... into a butterfly!!! That was really quite exciting! :pochitchi: I taught her to rollerblad and gave her weights to play with, let her listen to music, wear a hat, dig a hole in the ground, grow to pot plants, play the trumpet and even blow some bubbles! It is great to be able to play slot again! Good money in that game!! She's a very cute character for my second generation!

Alright! Things have been happening. Squid got a visit from the match maker the other day. She brought a long a little hanatchi. That was great cause I got a little baby boy. I also revived by V1 which had a girl baby tama. So after last night I have a marutchi called Solid and a Kinakomotchi called Terry. Solid is the boy and Terry is the girl. I plan to try and grow these two up together and mate them off again like last time. It's hard though, cause I can't pause the V1. lol. I must say though that is a bit disheartening to have your V2 evolve into a marutchi... like I haven't had enough of them already!

It seems those six hours or so that I had them on pause yesterday while I went to the gradings had an effect. I had expected them both to evolve at around 10am this morning however, they didn't until about 7pm tonight!

Terry, the V1, morphed into an Itchigotchi which I am happy with as I haven't had an Itchigotchi in a while. Solid, the V2, morphed into an Oniontchi, to my disgust. I was hoping for a young mimitchi or something other than an Oniontchi of all things. Or at least some kind of V2 character. I didn't buy a V2 to be stuck with V1 characters playing repeats with me!

Anyhow, it will be a few days before they will evolve again and at that, it will be a little while until I am able to have them on to play and get them to bed so they evolve. I found that the V1 will not evolve unless it is activated before hald an hour before bed time. It makes it kind of hard with karate and what not. Will live though.

Much to my disappointment my V1 tama has officially died. This came as quite a shock to me considering that I had raised it without death through 11 generation since September last year. I had unset the time and left it on the floor just under my bed while I went away for my birthday weekend. When I returned I noticed that the screen seemed a bit different. On closer inspection I saw that it had become an angel. It seems while I was away my room got vacuumed and the time accidentally it died. That's a tad frustrating and it's weird starting from the 1st generation again.

I called it Terry as well... but it was a boy this time and evolved into a kinakomotchi.

@ SebastianHUnewearl: Nah, no funeral. Just reset him!

It appears today was evolution day. My V2 evolved into a Ginjortchi yet again! That's not really very exciting. Though considering it spent a long time in a panda costume last time, I guess it is not all that bad. Got to see what it does with all the new items I had purchased since then anyway.

My V1 evolved into an ichigotchi. I swear that when doing jump, it looks like a hedgehog! lol! Anyway, hopefully he will evolve into something else a bit different to a memetchi or tarakotchi. See how we go though.

For the record... my V2 spent a very long time on pause while my V1 sat without the time set for approximately three months for the batteries died upon reviving them.


Today I went out and bought a V4. They were on sale at Kmart for only $18 and I figured that seeing the normal selling price was $25, now would be a good time to buy.

It is looks like this:

I have spent the past hour watching my baby girl (Spots), a shirotsubutchi, bobbing around the screen and as I was searching for a good pic of my design, she evolved into a puchitchi. :D

I have not yet read the entire instruction booklet. There is a lot I need to learn seeing a missed out on getting a V3. I'm going sound like an oldie but I much preferred when tamas were straight forward. :(

Time to get onto some reading I think..

Wow... I read all the instructions and logged into TamaTown. This really is quite a complex little operation. I am not sure that the interaction between TamaTown and the V4 is the most ideal however, given that they don't actually connect to computers as yet, I am fairly sure it isn't going to get much better than that. Just wait until tamagotchi comes with USB cable...

Anyhow, the other thing that struck me was that they have now included a lot of the dodgy complications that originally were rumours... e.g. care factor in outcome and obese tamagotchi. I don't particular like the way it states, "When your tamagotchi grows old without finding a partner, a "matchmaker" may appear to suggest a partner for you!". What do you mean MAY??? Not going to be impressed if I have revive my other tamas just because the matchmaker is a little bit lazy and won't necessarily turn up to prevent a certain doom for my tama!


Well while I was writing away, I received my first piece of mail and my Spots went of and came back with a backpack so she can go off to preschool. :D Off course I went and sent her off straight away! I'm assuming that gives you life points?? I should probably go and log back into TamaTown and see what I can do at the preschool now.

*Edit - I played two very fun games of dance... although the sequences didn't get "harder and harder". So I am now 800GP richer...

*Double Edit - I just received a fortune cookie in the mail thanks to a very nice looking nazotchi. :( I have three loves stars! What a good day for Spots... if she had friends.. :angry:

I was thinking that I hope I don't end up like my V1 where I end up getting the same two adult characters in repetition....

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Spots received her first letter... which contained a snake. Consequentally, she wasn't very happy! :angry:

I've gone and used all the codes so I have a few more items to play with when she gets a bit olders. I'm in a little bit of a limbo as to what I should do with her tonight while I am at training. There will be quite a few hours where I will be unable to care for her. I don't like pausing because it messes the age up. Maybe V4 is different but I know in V2, if your tama is unpaused after its bed time then it won't evolve until it has had a full night of unpaused sleep. This becomes difficult when I am training three nights per week and working a few of the others... I think I will just have to deal with it being that way.. :(

I'm still quite well impressed with how tamagotchis have evolved... I will have to do some research about those souvineers soon too.

It is good to finally understand what everyone is talking about again. :D

*Did I mention how good it is that I can actually play 2/2 games so far??

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