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Care to tell me what happened, Vegeta? Or is the wound to your ego still too raw to be examined? Judging by these stress fractures in your protective armor, you must've received quite a beating, and that's putting it lightly. I hope you're not entertaining ideas of revenge, I might not be here to put you back together next time. ~ Malaka

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I may be an android but I'm still a woman. ~ Android 18

He's determined to prove himself to all of us. Vegeta, it's your turn. Now show us what a pure blooded Saiyan can really do. ~ Piccolo

I need to find some food. What's a guy gotta do to get a burger around here? ~ Goku

Somebody help me! I'm too young and pretty to die! ~ Bulma

I'm not dressing up like a girl! I tried that before, it didn't work! ~ Goku

I'm not dressing up like a girl! I tried that before, it didn't work! ~ Goku

But, as with most harmonious times, a period of disharmony was soon to follow. ~ Kibito Kai

The power measured from Goku was unstable. Think about it. A candle flickers most violently just before it burns out. ~ Master Roshi

It's amazing how every time you open your mouth, you prove you're an idiot. ~ Vegeta

I feel what the Saiyan says may be true. This is an evil presence that approaches. ~ Nail

Every force you create has an echo. Your own bad energy will be your undoing. ~ Gogeta

If I were you, I'd get off this planet. Trust me, you don't want any of this! ~ Goku

Alright, now you've done it! No one insults me like that, Vegeta! For someone who looks like you, you have no right to call me hideous! I'd kill you where you stand but Frieza wants me to take you alive. Consider yourself lucky. ~ Zarbon

It is time to take back what is mine! I will not live my life as your second! That time is over! Every breath you take is an assault to my honor! But no more, Kakarot! By my hands, you will be cut down inch by inch, the way you have cut down my pride! ~ Vegeta

"Wario, I found this cap in front of the castle a little while ago. I knew it was yours because of its distinctive...erm...aroma. Actually, it reeked pret-ty bad. I can't believe I touched it. You really should wash that thing more often. Anyways, here you go."

~Toad, Super Mario 64 DS

{snores} "Ah spaghetti..." {snores} "Ah ravioli" {snores} "Ah mamma mia..."

~Mario, Super Mario 64

For someone who's so mean, you sure do like to laugh a whole lot.~ Goku

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