BloodBathory's Tama Log!


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December 1, 2010

12:19am: I guess it's technically the second of December now and not the first. Oh well. Anyways, I'll start out with saying that all the back and forth I've done this past week, I have misplaced my V2. I am very!!!!!! upset about that, but I can't find her anywhere. Poor Ryoko. She eventually turned into a Kuchipatchi, which really isn't my favorite character, but oh well. I really need to find her. She is on pause, though, wherever she's at...

OH WAIT! I just looked in my bookbag and found her at the bottom. Luckily, still on pause. YAY!

Caring for three tamas is not very good for me at the moment. It's been crazy around my house, and continues to get more stressful. I think I'm going to cut down to one as soon as someone gives birth to a boy...

Speaking of giving birth, the matchmaker comes tomorrow for Ayeka, my yellow V3 bunbuntchi.

Belle* should also get a visit from the matchmaker tomorrow. The V4 annoys me. I don't have enough time on my hands to raise it specifically. Next time I raise a V4, I'm going to pay attention to skill points a bit more.

Buster's been on pause for a while now. I think he's 24 at the moment. No time for him and his neediness at all right now.

Well, I need to go to bed. Goodnight all! Sorry for such a short post. :[ I wish I could spend time with my tamas more.

*EDIT- I accidentally called her Skate in the original post. Oops. I fixed it now.

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December 2, 2010

11:13am: After class this morning, I pulled out Ayeka and saw the matchmaker on her screen! She brought a sekitoritchi. I mated them and guess what? I got another freaking girl! For crying out loud! I'm running out of girly names.

I forgot to mention yesterday that Belle is a firefighter just like her mom. She's basically her mom... V4's are boring.

11:30am: I've decided to name Ayeka's new little girl Venus. Ayeka should me gone tomorrow night. Maybe Venus will give birth to a boy!

5:20pm: Aww, almost everytime I look down at Ryoko and Belle, they have a Christmas tree tamagotchi on their screens. So cute!

11:24pm: I left my tamagotchi's at home when I went to skate practice, Gah! They were sleeping in poo and missing hearts and sick when I got home. Sooo, I totally woke them up and fixed them and sent them back to bed. I've been such a bad tama mom lately. I think I just need one tamagotchi, instead of 3 and a half (I occasionally unpause Buster)

Buster is actually unpaused right now. I love the P2 tamagotchi and Mimitchi. He's still 24 years old. I wonder if he'll be passing soon? I like unpausing him when the others are sleeping. He's great company.

Belle is ready for the matchmaker. I think I'm gonna mess with her clock and make the matchmaker come early. I'll update if I do!

11:30pm: I lied, i guess she's not ready for the matchmaker yet... Maybe tomorrow night. Well, that's all goodnight everybody!

1:18am: Since I posted this on my website version of this log, I figured I'd better post it here.


It's Ryoko the Kuchipatchi and Ryoko the actual alien manga character from Tenchi Muyo (and others). I would be a little miffed if I was a warrior and shared a name with something that cuddly. I love doodling on the computer.

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December 03, 2010

11:35am: So, the matchmaker came for Belle this morning. And she gave birth to another girl... This is aggravating. The matchmaker brought her a robotchi :wacko: and it was definitely doing a weird little fast dance. Odd. I'm so sick of getting girls...

I accidentally slept in a bit this morning, so Buster of course lost all hearts. I sleepily woke up and paused him. The rest were pretty much okay, just missing one or two hearts. Buster is 25 today!

12:56pm: I think Buster is really enjoying his time off pause. He has become my home-only tamagotchi. As long as I'm home, he's unpaused. Unless I have to study! Today I've been playing the game with him extra to get his weight down. He's at 32 pounds now! That's very normal for a Mametchi and not overweight at all. He's gotten to listen to My Chemical Romance all morning and read Country Mouse's Diary (the virtual pet part, back in '97 and '98).I hope he doesn't suffer too badly while I'm in the shower... He loses hearts sooooooo fast.

2:23pm: Buster!


12:17am: Today, I kept Buster alive around the house, much to my aggravation. I don't want to just reset him though, I want him to pass away on his own and give him as much care as I can. Well, I went out to eat with my boyfriend and then walked around wal*mart for a while so I had to pause him through all this. I accidentally made him age a year because I'm retarded when it comes to clock functions... He'll be 27 tomorrow now... Whatever. I'm talking my boyfriend into getting me an angelgotchi for Christmas... He's weary of paypal though...

The connections are doing fine. Ayeka will be leaving her child in a few minutes and I'll have a teletchi to care for when I wake up. Also, my V2 Ryoko will meet the matchmaker tomorrow. I hope I get a boy!!!!

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December 04, 2010

1:50pm: One of my tamagotchi's finally had a boy. Ryoko is awesome! I've been waiting for what feels like forever to raise a boy! I will name the new boy Errtu, after a demon in the Ice Wind Dale Trilogy. On my yellow V3, Ayeka left last night, as I said, and I named her baby Venus this morning, then I put Venus on pause and placed her next to Kikyo (my red V3) on my desk until I need a girl mate or join a group hatch. I just wanna raise one connection for the time being, and my P2. Belle should be leaving her daughter tonight, who I will name Moon and put her on pause promptly as well.

That's all! I'm so glad to finally have a boy! And now I get to spend special time with my V2.

December 5, 2010

12:37am: No too much has happened today. My logs are becoming so short. I have to go study after this. I'm gonna be up all night, YAY! Anyways, on my yellow V4, Belle left her baby girl, which I name Luna and put on pause. On my V2, Ryoko left and I now have her son named Errtu that I'm raising to mate with Kikyo. Errty is in his child form now and I accidentally let him fall asleep missing two hungry hearts... He also only has one discipline. Oops. He's a Kuribotchi! So cute. I love getting new characters.


That's all for today. I'm just raising one tamagotchi right now. I'm burnt out on raising more than two.

December 08, 2010

11:18pm: I've continued my new streak of lazy tama raising. I finally get a boy and I neglect him more often than not. Yesterday, Errtu finally evolved into a teenager. A form I don't care for too much. A Hinatchi, the little penguin looking dude. Maybe he was thinking about his future love Kikyo while he was transforming. She's a Billotchi, another penguin looking character.

I let Errtu's hearts run out completely yesterday, and I've missed almost all his discipline calls. He only has 4/9! I also accidentally forgot him this morning on my way to class. Luckily I got back and he still had one heart per meter. It's finals right now in school and I'm so scatterbrained. I really wish I would've taken better care of him. I can't wait to mate him with Kikyo. She's been on pause for so long!

Buster is still on pause too, by the way. I haven't had time for his antics today... I expect Errtu to change into his adult form on Saturday and I want to have him mated with Kikyo by Monday evening. I'll update again as soon as I can!

December 10, 2010

12:42pm: Buster is still here. I had him off pause for about 3 hours yesterday, until I finally couldn't take the constant beeping any longer. I have him off pause right now though. I really like him, especially the fact that he is a mimitchi, but he's taking up a lot of time. I have to rush to his aid every five minutes. Let's see how long I can last today.

Errtu is doing okay. He's 3 years old this morning and should be four tomorrow morning, which means he'll change into an adult. I took excellent care of him yesterday for once, but I overslept this morning and he was missing 3 hearts in each meter. His discipline meter is completely full though and I just won the jump game! I'm expecting him to turn into a gozarutchi, and that's okay, they're one of the cutest unhealthy characters!

My finals are on Monday and Tuesday. Errtu is helping to keep me sane at this point in time... I'm off to go study! If anything significant happens, I'll be sure to post!

2:26pm: I gave in! I unpaused Venus, on my yellow V3. I really wanted to raise another tamagotchi for some reason, so now I have 3 going. Venus is currently just a teletchi, but she's also 5th generation! That's the highest number of generations I've ever gotten to on a tamagotchi.

3:24pm: Venus changed into a Mizutamatchi. So adorable. I seem to get this character frequently. Can't wait to see what Venus's teen stage will be.

3:32pm: I just lost a bidding war with someone on Ebay over an angelgotchi! They won it for 6 bucks! GR. BUT, I did win a P1 for 3.75 cents! It's used, and I'm not sure if it will work, but it's cheap and I was willing to take my chances. It should be here before Christmas. YAY!

4:37pm: Buster's sleeping because his clock thinks it 10:00pm, and that's okay with me. I'll let him sleep undisturbed. I won't mess with his clock, like changing the time constantly, with him anymore, just pause and unpause.

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December 14, 2010

10:48pm: I had my tamas unpaused for Saturday and Sunday and have had some growths since I last updates. Errtu has become an adult. Something very unlike his demon namesake. He's a Memetchi :blink: ! Also very feminine. Venus is a character I've never gotten before, piroriroritchi! Also, I have unpaused Kikyo and intend to mate her with Errtu tomorrow. They are still reading 4 yrs old because of all the pausing. I've had finals this week. They're over now, so back to tamagotchi-ing!


So, on Saturday I was working and forgot to pause my tams! I took care of them for a bit and then the neglect began. From about 2pm to 10pm, they were uncared for completely. I expect Venus to turn into a gozarutchi for sure! Buster is still around. EXTREME PAUSING on his end. One day, I'll let him go, but not now.

My P1 should be here pretty soon! I really hope it works. :]

That's all for now. I'm starting to get bored with my tamas, but that's always the case. I'm sure I'll get back into them heavily soon.

December 15, 2010

12:41pm: Oops! I slept in today! I'll probably be doing alot of that over this winter vacation. No one was completely out of hearts when I woke up, and I woke up soon enough to catch a discipline for Venus. I've been connecting Kikyo and Errtu for the past 20 minutes. Errtu has been winning all the games and Kikyo has been sending alot of poop. Meanies. Errtu is at 2 smilies for Kikyo, and Kikyo is at 2 smilies for Errtu. It's gonna be a while...

My white P1 came in the mail today! I've yet to see if it works, because I don't have batteries yet for it. I tried to switch the batteries from Buster into it, but the screwdriver I had wasn't working, and then I would feel pretty bad. I'll just go to a jeweler later.

Speaking of Buster, he's 28 now and still put putting along. I have him unpaused for the time being. I wonder if he's EVER gonna pass away? It's hard for me to just let him go.

The tamagotchi's have been experiencing some weird weather around here. It's florida and it was 27 degrees this morning! That's crazy, especially for early December. We usually don't get a cold front until AFTER Christmas...

I'll update later when Kikyo and Errtu have babies. Please check back! :]

2:35pm: I hope you guys are checking back, because I'm updating again! I took the batteries out of Buster... I sent him home early... What a horrible tama mom I am. BUT, I put his batteries into my P1, and I'm currently waiting for that egg to hatch. I'm so excited. Uh oh! It hatched! I think I'll name her (yes, this tama will be a girl) Mirai-chan. This P1 is so pretty, minus the wear-and-tear of being old and used. It's white with black buttons and border. Love it! Can't wait to see what character I get. I hope a ginjirotchi.

I feel bad about Buster. I want to raise another P2 soon. I need to get batteries.

Speaking of batteries, I had quite a bit of trouble getting the back off of my P1 egg. I eventually had to break it. It doesn't look broken, it looks fine, but the screw on the left side is only there for show, it's not holding anything in. The case just slips over it when I need to take it off. The other screw is fine. Kikyo and Errtu still aren't in love. 3 smiley faces each. I wish they'd hurry.

3:16pm: Kikyo and Errtu just had two baby girls. Glad I finally got them to mate. I have no idea what I'm going to name the two new babies. I also don't have a mate for Kikyo's daughter (remember, the red egg is the egg I refuse to use the matchmaker for). I was hoping they would have boys so I could mate Kikyo's daughter with my paused V4, who is named Luna. Looks like Luna's gonna be paused for a while longer. I don't like the V4 much anyways. My P1, Mirai-chan, just laid down for her first nap. She should be changing into a Marutchi pretty soon.

4:34pm: She did change into a marutchi. Very cute. I got in the shower and started cooking chicken, so I've just now gotten the chance to update. I really hope I get a ginjirotchi. I have a chance to get him on my V2 as well now that it's about to hit an odd generation when Errtu leaves.

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December 16, 2010

12:17pm: I'm going to start making my legs here a bit condensed and then eventually nonexistent if I can get everyone to go over to my website instead, which is where I'm beginning to post my logs. My longer logs will be posted their now. Here's the link for December:

Anyways, here's a sum of what happened today. My 4 tamagotchi's got to read alot of Aurora Minui's virtual pet diary! Errtu and Kikyo left a few minutes ago, so I'll be taking care of their children tomorrow morning! Yay!

At 10am Mirai-chan called for her 50% discipline and Venus called for her 5th.

1:11pm Kikyo's baby got sick and needed two doses of medicine

1:24 Venus called for her 7th discipline

at 2:46 Marai-chan called for another discipline bringing the meter up to 75% percent. That's all for today!
