Bloody Mary


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2007
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Well there are a lot of myths, Bloody Mary, Baby Blue, Candy Man etc. And there's a lot of different versions of these myths.

I doubt they're real, but I love hearing stories about them haha.

Share your stories? I wanna hear what happened to people who tested them.

A while ago, me and my friend tried it. We went into the bathroom at school (it was around noon) and we decided to give it a go. I pressed my back against the wall, not wanting to see what was in the mirror. She turned out the lights, repeated the words and looked in the mirror. I don't know what she saw, it was pitch black, but she screamed, which scared me and I screamed. Epic fail. I screamed for her to turn on the lights but she couldn't find them. It was years ago so I was scared to death.

I wonder how no one at my school heard us... xD we were screaming our heads off.

I'm going to a sleep over tonight with a few people, so I might try it there and let you know the results. We might do things like Bloody Mary (I'll be patiently waiting in the hallway... or hiding in the bathtub to scare them ;D) and I'll make a mental note of what happened and let you know.

I'm too chicken to try again lol. What about you? What happened when you tried it?


Bloody Mary was real. She was the queen of England, and she was quite horrible, as she killed many people as punishment. She was called Bloody Mary because she was so bad. I can't really remember the major details but she did die, and her daughter (or was it her sister?) Queen Elizabeth took over.

When I first heard of the Bloody Mary thing, I freaked out for about a day, then got over it.

Are you kidding? I get frightened in PG movies. I get scared from E rated video games. XD

I'm very jumpy. x_x

Ok, when I was in 4th grade, my friends and I decided to try it. Everyone went in but me, and they would do it, stay in there for a while, and come screaming out, and run all the way across the playground, with me right with them. One of my friends did it like, 4 times, and came back and said, "Bloody Mary said if I came back one more time she was going to kill me!" and ran away screaming. The funny thing is: we weren't allowed to go in unless we had permission from the duty teacher, which they didn't. They went like, 3-4 times, and the teacher never even freakin' noticed. From then on, I didn't believe in doing that, bacause I found out later they were making it up.

I was almost persuaded to play it at a sleep over last year but i was too chicken so I screamed until they decided not to play xD But now I'm interested and want to play xD

My friends and I would fool around in the girl's bathroom and do it, but nothing worked XD

My friend wanted to do it with me at midnight at a sleepover once, but I was too scared D:

Bloody Mary is one of my biggest fears. Seriously. Mention her, and I start shaking (which I in fact am doing right now). Sheeesh. I'm like, terrified. I get scared incredibly easy as well, just like my lovely friend, Krystallll :]

So therefore, I've never tried it, and never will.

And I'm gonna leave this topic before I get very scary thoughts. D:

^The Bloody Mary Lamp. ZOMFGJKLBNN;.;

That was funny. I still laugh at the fact I used to believe it all. xD


Mummy still has that lamp.


I never knew Bloody Mary until I joined TT.

Maybe I wouldn't have known if I didn't join TT.

But that's okay.

Bloody Mary won't kill us. xD Well, I think she won't.

Bloody Mary was real. She was the queen of England, and she was quite horrible, as she killed many people as punishment. She was called Bloody Mary because she was so bad. I can't really remember the major details but she did die, and her daughter (or was it her sister?) Queen Elizabeth took over.

There was Henry VII who was the first Tudor monarch. His son, Henry VIII, was the one everyone remembers (the one with six wives). He married Catherine of Aragon and they had Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary). Then, Henry divorced Catherine and married Anne Boleyn, who he had Elizabeth I with. After he executed Anne, he married Jane Seymour, who died having their son, Edward. Edward became king first, because he was male (I know - so unfair :angry: ) and then it goes in age. I think that rule of succession whatsit is still the same in England even now :angry: . Anyway, it went: Edward (male), Mary (oldest of the three but female) and then ELizabeth (not the oldest and female). So yes, Elizabeth was Mary's sister :angry: .

Giraffagotchi :p

EDIT: Typo ;)

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OHHHH! I <3 this sort of stuff!!

[i suggest you dont read this if you freak out easily]

[honestly, dont, i dont want to scare you]

Well, before [ a year ago] we were at school

and we were all gathering round to watch my mate do it.

She did it in a window because it was very similar to a mirror.

We span her round 3 times and said bluddy mary,

Your eyes are supposed to appear as if they are bleeding

& they were, we all looked in the mirror, & it appeared as if they were,

Then we looked at her, her eyes were stinging & blud shot... x_o

Then, a few months ago [at high school] me some other

mates were watching my other friend do it, but this one was different.

We went in the girls toilets, turned out the lights, & pressed all the

taps. We checked her back before, totally clear of any scratches, then

she said bluddy mary three times & we checked her back, there was a huge scratch

her back

My friend told me if you put a glass of water a the bottom of the stairs

Stare into it when your at the top of the stairs [so you can see your reflection]

you begin to feel as if you are drowning, and she said she couldnt breathe,

haven't tried it myself though, so I don't know if she made it up. She probably did.

You guys heard anything like that?

When we was at primary, we used to do this thing, lie on the floor, someone

walks around you, says someting about "I was walking though the grave yard

when I dropped my phone on the floor, I kept on walking, realised & turn back

to pick it up" & somemore jibberish like that. You get up, & there are scratches

on your back. Something means your safe, something means candy man is going to

killl you & something else means torture. & lots of people did it, even me, I got safe,

but some of my friends got death & torture, but they were okay, nothing happened

to them. We all got detention, though lol. The teachers weren't happy because we were

only 9 & 10 & shouldnt really be doing stuff like that.

Everytime we've done something to do with scratches everyone has always got them, weird.

They don't even hurt....

My other friend & I was messing aorund & she fell into the bushes,

she hurt her ankile, later when we look at it, it had scabbed, but the words

read FIRE then underneath was her door number upside down, pretty creepyy, it was

last year, but nothing happened. Tbh, I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it...

& Candy man in the mirror isnt real, hes supposed to come & kill you but he

doesn't, I've tried, your just sat there waiting for something to happen. :p

Tbh, I only believe in the scratch thing, nothing else.

Sorry, if your spooked, but I'm not lying.

Don't worry, nothing bad happened to me or my friends,

just some scratches what faded away

within 3days.

Oh, and something you can freak your friends about.

In the top box you write the answer of the question, but

it starts tping peter please answer. You tell your friends that you

only have to type part of that though. Becuase if you

write cat it will say Pete. Then press enter then below write the question

You have to put a full stop before your answer.

So like you put

- it says

Peter, pl:

Then you type,

What is my name?

& it says Keeley. It freaks your firneds out.

search how to do it on google if you didnt understand.

But that

gotta love it.

Very long post, thanks if you read it =DD

Edit: Lotttsss of typos!

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I remember we used to do Bloody Mary in 3rd grade. 3 of us would go to the bathroom during lunch. One would go in the bathroom and do the whole "ritual" thing while the other 2 waited outside the bathroom. I remember we would turn off the lights and spin around three times saying Bloody Mary then stare into the mirror. One time I swore I saw a girl in the mirror but I was 8 and it was dark, it could have just been my imagination but it was so much fun!

So we didn't do Bloody Mary. We were in the playhouse which is in my friends backyard and it doesn't have no bathroom. We wanted to do it along with "Light As A Feather, Stiff as A Board" but we forgot about that and we couldn't do Bloody Mary because we didn't want to leave the playhouse. (No joke, there were people outside, it's a long story, we thought it was a hobo or something but it was just some of my friend's friends) Plus if we screamed in the bathroom, my friends parents would have woken up.

I've never believed in bloody mary.

My brother once did. Just before me moved. He made mum take down his mirror and made some one cover the bathroom mirror before he took a shower. We ended up just having it covered at all times, and if you used the mirror you put the cover back up right after. It lasted for a month. He finally realised she wasn't real.

I believed in that for the longest time. I'm getting better, but I still can't be in a dark room with a mirror. x.e

I think... That was the second horror story that I really was scared of.

Of course, it can't possibly compare with La Llorona. But I'm not explaining that one. I'm getting nauseous just thinking about her.

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