Boy Problem


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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2006
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USA, baby, USA. <3
Okay, I have a very tricky boy problem that I really need some advice on!!!

I just started at a brand new school (Year 8 - that's 7th grade) 3 days ago (today was my 3rd day here) and there's a boy who is also new, and came the same day as me. Let's call him J. Anyway, J is good-looking, clever, kind, funny and friendly - and I really like him. As in, fancy him a lot!

I've made a few friends in my class already, and there's one girl who I made friends with very quickly, and she's incredibly nice and friendly! She's the sort of girl who I'd be really happy being best friends with! The problem is, she told me today that she fancies J. :eek:

I told her I liked someone too but I'm still trying to make a really good impression on her, and that wouldn't be the right way to start a good friendship. J knows she likes him, but he doesn't know I like him yet. I can't tell whether he likes her or not, and I'm not sure if I should tell him how I feel! Please help! If things worked out between J and me, maybe my new friend wouldn't want to be my friend, and I don't want to upset her. But I need to tell someone, because if I'm too late, J will never know, and he'll go out with another girl. :eek:

I'm so confused - please help!!

A good way to tell is either if J is nervous around your friend or does he like annoying her and joking with her a lot. Those are some signs.

But you never know.

And if you keep talkin' with J., he might return feelings.

just be open with her.

lol, you got lucky. i'm in percussion, and almost all of the cute guys are percussionists. but those cute guys are almost all idiots.

Look out for signs. He might like you or that other girl... I'm not sure.


I'm a trombonist. Erg. Their all so cute. xD But sometimes they act like dorks.*coughscottcough*

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I guess try talking to J, try being friends with him. Even if he is going out with your friend, who says you can't be friends with him? Wait...then your friend might feel like you are trying to steal him from her...

Ah! I'm a guy and this is confusing! Please listen to someone else. :mellow: I'm horrible at giving advice... =0

^ lol, TDF!!

Thanks for all the great advice, everyone! It is really helping. I think I'm probably going to tell my friend I like him, but I'm still worried about how she will react. How can I say it in a way that doesn't sound like "I like him too so he's mine now"?

Today at lunch, her and some of my other new friends were talking about him, asking her "Would you say yes if he asked you out?!" and everyone was saying "Oh, you totally should! You're a perfect match, and no-one else likes him!!" Things like that, and so you can imagine why I didn't feel like opening my feelings up just then!!

^ lol, TDF!!
Thanks for all the great advice, everyone! It is really helping. I think I'm probably going to tell my friend I like him, but I'm still worried about how she will react. How can I say it in a way that doesn't sound like "I like him too so he's mine now"?

Today at lunch, her and some of my other new friends were talking about him, asking her "Would you say yes if he asked you out?!" and everyone was saying "Oh, you totally should! You're a perfect match, and no-one else likes him!!" Things like that, and so you can imagine why I didn't feel like opening my feelings up just then!!
I guess you can tell her. Even if she gets offended and doesn't want to be your friend anymore, it's not your fault.

There, that came out better. ;)

That was really good advice! Thanks! :)
Your welcome. Usually I'm not that good at giving advice. ;)

So I would tell her that you like him. At the worst, she wouldn't be your friend anymore.

Don't worry about those girls saying your friend and that dude you like would be a perfect match.

2 years ago some kids said that the dude I like would make a perfect match with some other girl, and now that dude is showing signs that he likes ME. :( And if you think I'm exaggerating, walk in my shoes for 10 minutes. He follows me 'round, and he grabbed a seat next to me in 2 classes on the first day and he's shy 'round me and likes jokin' with me.

Don't worry about those girls saying your friend and that dude you like would be a perfect match.
2 years ago some kids said that the dude I like would make a perfect match with some other girl, and now that dude is showing signs that he likes ME. :( And if you think I'm exaggerating, walk in my shoes for 10 minutes. He follows me 'round, and he grabbed a seat next to me in 2 classes on the first day and he's shy 'round me and likes jokin' with me.
Maybe he wants to just be friends with you. Hey, I don't know. :eek:

Don't worry about those girls saying your friend and that dude you like would be a perfect match.
2 years ago some kids said that the dude I like would make a perfect match with some other girl, and now that dude is showing signs that he likes ME. :( And if you think I'm exaggerating, walk in my shoes for 10 minutes. He follows me 'round, and he grabbed a seat next to me in 2 classes on the first day and he's shy 'round me and likes jokin' with me.
Thanks, that's really comforting, S.I.C! :eek:

(And I'm really happy for you, by the way! I hope things work out!) :eek:

@Squidward is Cool- Aww, that's actually really sweet. xDD

Back on topic- Honestly, I don't get why you can't just tell her that you like him too. And also, if you want him to like you back then get to know him more. Hang out with him and be his friend. Then drop little hints here and there. Soon he'll catch your drift and who knows? Maybe he'll feel the same way.

Squidward is Cool: Oh...okay.

There was this one time where a girl dropped a piece of paper and I picked it up for her...Now she is always talking to me. Turns out she's in 6 out of my 8 classes. We are seated alphabetically and she has the same first letter of her last name as me so she sits right behind me in 6 classes...I get so nervous now because she is always looking at me...

I really shouldn't be talking about myself since this is bratztroxg's topic.

bratztroxg: Maybe he is hiding that he likes you...who knows? :)

Um, guys, I like another guy now! :furawatchi: That's why i haven't been replying to my topic for a while. I like a new guy, B, and with him comes a whole new dilemma!!!

Dilemma #2:

B is very, very popular (because he is so nice and funny!) but he isn't one of those guys who gets stuck up about it. And he's really nice, double as nice as J!! I am popular, but not AS popular, and although we are friends, I'm not sure I'm cool enough for him. :furawatchi: What should I do? The problem isn't that he doesn't notice me, we sit next to each other in PSD and sometimes chat and laugh together, but - like i said before - i'm not sure if i'm cool or popular enough for him. Help!!!!

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