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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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Well i asked a lot of people if braces hurt, and they all said just the first day. Well ill Probably get them in February, Since i have to get X rays in January. Well I just wanted to know, do they really hurt? And one more i have to give up gum?

Yes you have to give up gum. And they will hurt and once you get used to them you will have to get them tightened again. They are a pain in the neck. But atleast they straighten your teeth.

Well i asked a lot of people if braces hurt, and they all said just the first day. Well ill Probably get them in February, Since i have to get X rays in January. Well I just wanted to know, do they really hurt? And one more i have to give up gum?
I have braces on both top and bottom teeth and I've had them for almost a year so I can tell you all about them!

Yes, at first braces will hurt. On your top teeth, they put diffrent kinds of braces than on your bottom teeth. On your bottom teeth they glue brackets and stick wires inside them. When you get those tightened, all they do is open the little "door" on each bracket, take the wire out, put a new one in and close the "door" and then you're done! After about 2-3 tightens, once they tighten them, it won't hurt AT ALL! I've gotten my bottom onces tighened 3 times and the 3rd time, they didn't hurt one bit afterwards. I was wondering why. The top teeth braces, I still don't get them, but when they tighten those, it doesn't hurt. It hurts a tiny bit for a few hours then it stops hurting.

And you don't really have to give up gum. Just don't get sticky gum. Chew Trident gum. Its not sticky and it won't put your brackets off.

But I suggest to NOT bite your nails! I bit mine so much that one of my brackets on my bottom teeth fell out. It was attachted to the wire so it was still in my mouth but it was not attachted to my tooth.

Braces aren't as bad as people say they are. Don't listen to the people who say they hurt for a week after you tighten them. When I got my bottom ones first tightened, it hurt for maybe 1 or 2 days afterwards, but all that pain is worth it. I used to have horrible buck teeth! Ugh! It was aweful! Now my buck teeth are gone and my teeth are perfectly straight and beautiful!

And also you don't get them tightened every month, and its not true that once you get used to them, you get them tightend again. The dentist decides when they should be tightened, and believe me, it most likely WON'T be every month. I get mine tightened maybe every 2-3 months.


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Trident is unsticky. Its perfect for me I chew it all the time and none of my brackets have gotten loose. :)


I don't have braces, but my best friend does - so here's a short account of what he told me:

When they first put the braces on - it hurts, and each time they tighten it it hurts "like a bruise".

He told me his hurt from 5 - 7 days, but since other people only feel it for 2-3 days maybe it just depends on how much the dentist tightened it and how wonky the teeth are.

As for gum - you can eat gum, but make sure it is not a sell-by-date gum and as mentioned above, not the sticky type that sticks between your teeth or fragments while you chew it.

With braces you can eat more or less everything, but you have to clean your teeth extra well after every meal and take out all the food bits that get stuck on the braces.

Luckly, I dont have to get top and bottom, at the same time at least. I have an overbite, so if i would bite down with my teeth now, I would hit the bottom braces. So they have to put top ones on and wait a few months for them to move out for my bottom ones. My friend had to get top and bottom, and she said it took her 2 hours!

Thanks for the help

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Braces hurt for about a day after you get them,2 days at the most. When you get them tightened,well,for me after I get them tightened they hurt for a few hours after they do it. 1 thing to remember: Ice water,Ice water,Ice water! Oh and if you're like me and you have crossbite,the rubber bands hurt for about 3 days. :)

I don't think icewater has any effect. It's just water. Oh yeah, and did you know that at some dentists they give you a choice of colors for your brackets? You can get like seriously cool colors! Some people change them for certain holidays like red and green for Christmas. They will hurt a little sometimes but not like super excruciation or something. They're considered humane so I wouldn't worry about the pain. Tons of people get braces!

Hey hun. I can relate.

I've had fixed braces for the last 1.5 years.

I am getting them removed in 10 days - on the 11th, my birthday!

The only time my braces ever hurt much was when I first got them put on. It felt sore for a few days.

Some people find a soreness comes when the braces need to be tightened, but other than this, you pretty much forget that you even wear braces eventually.

I was told NOT to chew gum because it can break/get caught in the braces, and I hate to admit, but I've been chewing gum ever since the beginning. How bad.

I just could not give it up!

Anyway, good luck. Your teeth will thank for it. Braces really do make a huge difference if you persevere.

x mimi x

Well i have to get Top braces on In February. Then Get bottom braces on a few months later and they are on for two years. Well thaks for the help guys! This is a new experence for me and I dont know what to expext

Well, I can't help much with this topic, because I have never had them. The good thing is I can learn from this topic, because I am also getting braces, but probably in January. I don't mean to scare you, and sorry if I did, but I know I don't want them. When you do get them in Feb., what colours are you going to get? I have no clue about me. :furawatchi:

Does anyone know any colours that go well on braces?


Choose any color you like! That's the beauty of getting braces...there will be many colors to choose from and no one would judge you if you like all of the colors and decide to put them all on your braces. :furawatchi: I personally love blue so my top and bottom were both blue but there are some people who do different colors and it's no big deal at all! If you do really mind about how the color would look then yes, I would go with one color only and nothing too bright. Good luck! :furawatchi:

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Yes you have to give up gum. And they will hurt and once you get used to them you will have to get them tightened again. They are a pain in the neck. But atleast they straighten your teeth.
Well, actually I know someone who has braces and doesn't need to give up gum. What she does is sucks on the gum until it's soft, then chews. I know your all thinking "Wouldn't it get caught in the braces?", well, some how it doesn't. :furawatchi:


When I first got braces, I always wanted colours, now I stick with clear, haha.

And like FallenStar-- said, gum never really sticks. I'm surprised I never lost a bracket, lol.

If anyone has questions, just PM me.

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