Britany VMA'S 2007


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shes crazy eh... if you watched it tell me what you think

I think That: ( UNDER LINE )

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Ha! That was so funny, they thought she was going to tear it up, but she sucked. :) That's just my opinion.

And watch out, I wouldn't be saying that around Chris Crocker.

LOL i know she is crazy really! but that was funny you can totally see she was lip signing! LOL :) :D

Great, Now My Ears Won't Stop Bleeding And Im Nasuated

She Needs To Stop Singing Or Lip-syncing, She Already Ruined Her Life By Being A ....You Know.... The W Word

Don't Worry, She'll Die Of Alcohol Posioning And Drug Overdose Soon

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Personally, I think Brittany is suffering from her job. I mean, shaving her head? If she were that desperate she might as well quit her job. I really don't like her attitude and the way shes going and I wouldn't be surprised if her sister, Jamie Lynn Spears is gonna sing too. Besides, I bet the only other oppritunity she has would be if she had to make a sewing pattern of what she wears. But I doubt anyones gonna wear that ;) Besides, its hillarious how she decided to lipsync. Isn't that what Disney Channel "Stars" do? Lol, wait I second, that refers to Emily Osment! Never mind! :marumimitchi: ;)

If you think about it, she sounds exactly the same as when she used to perform and everyone loved her when she was a teenager. I'm getting really annoyed about hearing about Britney Spears. Hasn't she already been tortured enough? Try putting yourself in her shoes. If everyone keeps getting up in your face, talking about all the mistakes she's made, how would that make you feel? I didn't mind the performance, and nobody is going to have their ears fall off from listening to people sing. :marumimitchi:

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yourright she has been tortured enough... but still her outfit.. not that Nice1 I liked her when she was a teen i hope JamieLynn Spears doesn't follow in her foot steps

yourright she has been tortured enough... but still her outfit.. not that Nice1 I liked her when she was a teen i hope JamieLynn Spears doesn't follow in her foot steps
I heard Jamie was pregnant already... o.o It's sad. :marumimitchi:

Britney's outfit is horrible. I hope young girls don't look up to her as a role model.

Well, I think it's a rumor, but I just looked up that she got tested and she as negative. Here's an article:

Jamie Lynn Spears looks like a miniature version of her big sister Britney – and she’s starting to act like her too. Jamie Lynn recently suspected that she was about to become a young mother herself, though at 16, she’s several years younger than Britney was when she had her first child.

According to Australian tabloid NW, Jamie Lynn believed she was pregnant with her boyfriend Casey Aldridge’s child earlier this month. Worried about her future, Jamie Lynn turned to Britney for help. An insider tells NW, "Britney told Jamie Lynn she'd help her with anything she needed. She promised to keep her secret and not say anything."

Of course, Britney’s estranged mother Lynne was not pleased that her younger daughter was turning to her older one. She took Jamie Lynn out of Britney’s influence and back to Louisiana where Jamie Lynn took several pregnancy tests.

Luckily, the results were negative, but, one source says, "This whole pregnancy scare has really stressed Lynne out.” Another snitch agreed, stating, “[Lynne] sees Jamie Lynn as a rising star, a protégée to Britney who'll go on to a big career. Now, she's worried Jamie Lynn's trashing herself, turning into a carbon copy of her big sister. [The pregnancy] could wreck [her] career."

I think people should stop giving her such a hard time, she's been through alot the past year or something and is constantly judged. What was so bad about her performance? To me she just looked very nervous - as you would after not being on stage for so long. So what if she lip singing, most singers do that anyway.

I think people should stop giving her such a hard time, she's been through alot the past year or something and is constantly judged. What was so bad about her performance? To me she just looked very nervous - as you would after not being on stage for so long. So what if she lip singing, most singers do that anyway.
Yeah I suppose so but Britney's a pretty bad dancer....

Poor woman- she needs to get her act together. She's not a little girl anymore and she needs to move on.

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