Bye dad, Bye life...


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Once again, itz not ur fault!!! I probably would have done the same thing u did. So don't blame it on urself. And I know it hurts...not just in the soul but deep down in the middle of your stings and burns.

Here's a tip: make a "second home" type thing. Just a place to hang out if your feeling lonely or down, like the mall or a best bud's house. ;)

Just remember that if you are far away from some1...they'll always be close to you.


all i can say is this: DON'T GO EMO! if you do you will never find happiness. if you keep your life going you will eventually recover from this tragic event. another reason to not go emo is because no one likes poetry about the color black

Honestly how is that appropriate for this topic? Support is welcome, but going into how emo is bad isn't helping the situation. Please think a little more before typing in a response to a topic - TigerLily013

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