AsianAmeri- I have a v1 too and it's not that ancient... some people have the "vintage" Tamagotchi (like the Gen 1 and Gen 2) which came out in like 1996/97. I love my v1, I think it's the best version out of my v1, v3, v4 and v5!
Back on topic: I don't have a Music Star, but if the Music Star is like the v1-v4.5, the Band Manager will come either 2-3 days after your Tamagotchi evolves into an adult, if you haven't paused it that is. On my v1, the Matchmaker visits at 10.30am, 3pm and 7pm. Try setting the time to 10.29am, 2.59pm or 6.59pm and waiting a minute and seeing if that works on your Music Star.