Can someone PLEASE help me!


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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2007
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Hi, I have some really scary news, and I REALLY need help!

Okay, here goes... There are only 5 more days of school, and I am REALLY sick! I have a 103 tempurature, and I have a really bad problem walking! I missed 5 semester exams, and I missed tons of schoolwork! It is the weekend in 2 days, (it's thursday) and I will fail the 7th grade if I don't make up the exams!!! I am sooo worried that I will not get better in time!!!! I am drinking plenty of water, and I am hydrated, but even the doctors don't know what's wrong with me! Can someone PLEASE help me by giving me suggestions? :eek: :(

Relax. Take a chill pill. Everything will be OK. Just get plenty of rest, and keep drinking water.

Ask your teachers if they can send the exams over to your house and your parents can time you. Get your parents to pick up your schoolwork so you can do it at home.

Good luck :(

What are your other symptoms? Can you get up and around? I'm not sure exactly what to say if I don't know what is happening with you. :(

The same thing is hapening to me! I'm better now, but I missed all my work! (noooo!) my teacher miss siwek is very kind, though. Drink water like you said, and take advil if you have a headache. A warm tea,hot chocolate, or just some lemonade should keep your blood sugar up if you're stuck in bed. If you have poppy seeds, I heard two or three can calm you, but don't take too much! I've heard that some ppl get addicted! I also have some wild ingredients you could try! I just need to get your symptoms (headache nausia etc).ok..

drink with fresh mint- clears up breathing

wild catnip- if chewed into a pulp, it is a good remedy for chest coughs

juniper berries- stops bellyaches

lavender pulp- cures fever

These are a few I have learned. for the mean time. Get better!

What are your other symptoms? Can you get up and around? I'm not sure exactly what to say if I don't know what is happening with you. :blink:
I have very sensitive skin, it tingles every time something touches it, and when I "walk" which is a huge task for me, my left foot turns inward, and the part that joins the leg with the hip really hurts SO BAD :( so, no I can't really get up and around. when i do, i crawl, because it's less painful :eek:

oh! crawling! I didn't know. as I said keep your bloody sugar up! and try useing Thyme. Your parents should know about it! lick your finger,dip,and swallow. it may be gross at first, but it will help your anxiety of school exames (not lying!!!) as for your legs...hmm... aha! this should work.... this isnt an herb, but it works. i recommend wrapping it in somthing warmmed up. Keep your leg soaked, too. welp! thats it! injoy my poultices and remedyies!

oh! crawling! I didn't know. as I said keep your bloody sugar up! and try useing Thyme. Your parents should know about it! lick your finger,dip,and swallow. it may be gross at first, but it will help your anxiety of school exames (not lying!!!) as for your legs...hmm... aha! this should work.... this isnt an herb, but it works. i recommend wrapping it in somthing warmmed up. Keep your leg soaked, too. welp! thats it! injoy my poultices and remedyies!
thank you!

ohhhh... I have good news and bad news... The good news is that my temp is now 98.5 (it went down really good!) :D

the bad news is that when I went to the doctor today, they had to give me ex-rays on my hip, which was making me walk wierd (I still am). They also stuck a needle in a major vein, and drew blood, and they think I have lymes disease, but they need to test the blood a little more... so I hope for the best :mellow:

Well u have told me about this. I gave you my advice by PM when we were e-mailing eachother. I am SO sorry! But I hope u get better!

OMG!!!!! How did it start???
honestly, I don't know. they found out that something was wrong with my blood, so I don't have as many platelets as I should, so I can bruise easily, and when I get cut, it won't stop bleeding for a while. I know this because I went to the emergency room last night at 8:30 for a raging fever of 104.4, so they ran all sorts of tests on me, and I had to get 2 more blood tests! also a shot in the butt, and x-rays and a urine test. when the docter gave me my medicine, my temp went DOWN to 95.0 no kidding! it went right back up though later. so I am just waiting for the lymes test to get back :p

omg 104 should kill o wait it is celcius isnt it?
104 wuld not be celcius it

wold be farinhit.hope that helped.

well mostly it would farinhit

OMG 104 fever is extremely dangerous! You wont fail the 7th grade! You will mybe have to go to a program during the summer because you missed a lot of school work and u can take the exams in the summer to! Dont worry, you are not failing the 7th grade!

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OMG 104 fever is extremely dangerous! YOU CAN DIE! You wont fail the 7th grade! You will mybe have to go to a program during the summer because you missed a lot of school work and u can take the exams in the summer to! Dont worry, you are not failing the 7th grade!
don't tell her that she will die, if it hits 107 u need to go to the hospital immeditly!

hope u get better soon


Having an 104 degrees fever will not kill you but thank goodness your parents took notice. It could be a sign of something serious especialy if it's still increasing.

If she had 104 degrees cesius fever she'd be dead. ;]

Big difference.

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