China V6?


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Have you heard that china's got V6?!?!

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I think whoever made this, should put a stop to it.

This is very rediculous.

I bet this is all made up!

Where did you even get this idea from? :( :lol:

since china has v.6's, i think Canada and America should have v.6's too!!!!!!!! :furawatchi:   :unsure:   :huh:   :angry:   :angry:   :angry:   :angry:   :angry:   :angry:
YOU BELEIVE THAT??!!!THEY ARE FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!F-A-K-E and they are made to be v1's but sellers CLAIM that they are version whatever.and honestly they bring out V3 do you think they coud make the other versions so fast?

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It's really sad to see that so many times in this thread it's been said that it's fake, and yet still people are like, 'ZOMG V6!? I WANT ONE! HOW UNFAIR!'

If you see anything above a V3, especially on eBay, it's fake. People on eBay are known for selling fake items to stupid people who actually believe they're real. It's called scamming. It happens nearly everyday.

It bugs me how gullible some people are... Tell them brocolli will one day rule the world and they build themselves a bomb shelter made out of brussel sprouts..

:lol: a friend of mine ordered a v8 from hong kong and it came........ its not so much better then the v3 but A LOT different!
On my tama v3 it says made in China.

MADE IN dosen't mean China OWNS the company.

They just make them there because of the cheap labour!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I have a v6 it is just the same thig as a v1 except there are less feature. Only 4 characters! It is a ripoff

I think u should get a v6 brain! OOOH A BRAINNNN!!!! OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!

its so annoying the only place ive found v3 in england is in a mag contest i entered but i doubt i'll win.

japan probably has v6 but its probably called something else, in japan they have so many versions that havnt come out anywhere else, the newest i think is a newer version of keitai that actually is a phone:

Sorry, but if it a version 6, it is not a bandai tamagotchi. there are other virtual pets that look egsactly like tamagotchi's, but the are not. The sellers on ebay call them tamagotchi's because a lot of the sellers on ebay do not know what half the items they sell are. trust me on this one, is not an offical bandai tamagotchi. The brand could be JD, ST, or RezCaps. I've seen all of those logos on "fake tamagotchi's" on ebay instead of the bandai logo. You can buy the Version 6 if you want, but it will probably not be that good.

Let me explain.

Their V1 is so simple with little characters

Their V2 is quite simply with a little more characters

Their V3 is OK with enough characters for maybe a 3 year old?

Their V4 is our V1

Their V5 is our V2

Their V6 is our V3!!

And any more are fake!!

Let me explain.
Their V1 is so simple with little characters

Their V2 is quite simply with a little more characters

Their V3 is OK with enough characters for maybe a 3 year old?

Their V4 is our V1

Their V5 is our V2

Their V6 is our V3!!

And any more are fake!!
Ugh that is SO NOT FAIR!! Why don't they just wait for Bandai America to catch up? :huh:

they probably named it in china so we would buy one and when we try it it won't work! :mametchi: :D :huh:

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