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Actually, I love Christmas.

I love the feeling and the joy and being merry and stuff like that. But I especially like it because it's the birth of Jesus. Sure, I like the presents and stuff, but I know it's actually the birth of Jesus.

I hate it too.

I hate it because it is so ''commercialized''. I mean all kids say these days are ''IT'S CHRISTMAS TOMORROW! YIPPEE!''. Nobody really remembers the true meaning of Christmas.

No one is for sure. I don't follow or read the bible. There is no recorded dates. Some say he was born in the spring, some say he was born in July.
Christmas is overly commerical and it seems to come so close, right after Halloween.

In a way, I am a non beliver, I still celebrate Christmas. Just more with people I don't like, mainly my cousin.
LOL but what about All Saints day? It's the day after halloween though it isn't exactly a holiday anymore.

As I've said, I love Christmas but I do think it's overly commercialized or whatever that word is. Christmas used to be like, about family and Jesus and all that stuff, now it's all about presents >.>

I couldn't care less. It is just more stress for me as it is. But I enjoy getting presents and a vacation. It's a nice festive season. I have no religion, but I still like the whole festivity of it all.



I follow the Roman Catholic religion and i find christmas is a great time of year!

Not just that we get presents (though they ARE nice :furawatchi: )

but we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

The one and only son of god.

Our savior.

I do respect other peoples religions, but christmas reins(sp) supreme for me, above all other holidays.

Sure christmas can bring bad memories, but relish the new ones before we leave this earth.

like K~C said about christmas being commercialized

Yes. Christmas is very commercialized these days, but if we dont have a religion,

We could still look forward to christmas.

Chrismas, i beg to differ, can bring out the worst AND best of everyone.

only we can choose what we bring out.

After all,

"it's the most wonderful time of the year!"

p.s- my longest post yet!

I feel guilty now, because really, I want back is my dog! *sob* I mean, losing a pet is horrid, and getting gifts reminds me of him, and I feel like I'm replacing him.

I don't hate christmas, but also, I don't hate my dog. Dx Dx Dx

//mame :wacko:

I dont necasssarily celebrate christmas.

Why dont u like it?

its ok to hate it, though.

Back when I was in the 5th grade, I REALLY wanted a gigantic Squidward plush. When I didn't get it, I hated Christmas.

The next year, I was still upset about that, and I was depressed a little during school, so I still hate Christmas.

The next year, school was better, and, I was positive about Christmas for my brothers, and I started to understand more. (Plus I made the best music video, EVER! :p )

It's just that, there are some years where you are just totally depressed, you tend to hate Christmas.

Then there are some years when you are a happy person, and it just seems good.

I respect what everyone thinks, because not all Christmases are celebrated the same. They are different. They are all celebrated different.

Even though Christmas has gifts, we celebrate religious miracles, see some nice Christmas stuff on TV, wait 'til midnight for Santa, or Saint Nick, or whatever is your international guy that brings pressies with magic, sleep on the holiday break, yadda yadda yadda, Christmas has it's downsides. So, respect it if someone has their downsides with Christmas.

And hopefully, you'll just have at least ONE year where you were as happy as me this year, and enjoy your Christmas. :eek:

I don't hate it, but it's not exactly my favorite holiday. It's just a form of celebrating Jesus. Not everyone celebrates it (i do, though) and you don't have to celebrate if you don't want to... but that depends, what part of Christmas do you dislike? The celebrating, the gifts, the decorating?

Does anyone else hate Christmas, everything and anything to do with it?I think it's a horrid holiday that should go and die. D:

Ok, not really die. But I still think it's horrible.

Anyone have any thoughts? :)
The whole part of Jesus's birth is okay for me, but what I don't like about it is that it can be stressful. Buying presents for everyone, you have to get a Christmas tree. The Christmas tree thing is stupid. My opinion on that is that they really have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus, just a form of paganism. Others have to spend huge amounts of money for presents, decorations, food, and a tree. People have turned this holiday into something worse, if you really think about it. Please don't be "hatin" on my opinion.

Does anyone else hate Christmas, everything and anything to do with it?I think it's a horrid holiday that should go and die. D:

Ok, not really die. But I still think it's horrible.

Anyone have any thoughts? :)
I hate Christmas. It's a time that I have to spend with family, and family = nagging. ._.

My reilgion doesn't celeabrate Christmas. ;) But still I recevie presents! :D :D :D I don't know anyone who would hate It. I don't hate it. Its just that my reilgion doesn't celeabrate it.( I try to celeabrate it. :mellow: )

P.S. I'm not jewish!

I dislike Christmas. I hate walking through the stores, seeing some kid whine about a 300 dollar robot toy that he wants for christmas while the parents try to explain that they don't have enough, then the kid throws a fit.

All it ever is about nowadays is presents.. what happened to the true meaning? Spending time with family and friends? Thats what I do. I don't get anything usually, for Christmas. Maybe 40 dollars.

i love christmas i love christmas beecause santa always comes even if you hate it

I dislike it. Everyone is all... rabid, ya' know? Buying presents and all, and usually I get in a fight with one of my parents and get kicked out of the house... >_<


totally! u r soooo correct.


plus, christmas is a family time..

AND you don't have to spend like every dollar on prrsents.

umm.. kicked out of the house??

isn't that a little well.....MEAN of ur parents?!?!!?!?!?!?

no offence x.:disturbed:.x but you ARE disturbed :D :D

And who can forget the CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS!!!!!?????????????

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