Cleaning your tama?


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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2006
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My tama's screen is filled with my fingerprints, and the shell is greasy from me holding it too much.

Is it safe to clean the tama with an alcohol pad?

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well, i'd suggest u do use the wipe if it is really bad but if the pad is really wet lightly use it :D

Also your tama has to be an adult to use the cell phone

I've cleaned a couple of Tamagotchis before, by gently wiping them with a kleenex dampened with "99%" rubbing alcohol. It did a good job of removing sun screen fingerprints.

I just take a paper towel and soak it with water. Then, I ring our the paper towel until it's just barely damp. I gently wipe my Tamagotchi (particularly around the buttons) and then dry it with my shirt. That usually works for me. ;)


can u tell me how old a tamagotchi has to be to use the rare cellphone?
umm... I think thats spam,because its very off-topic,and you didn't mention the topic at all. and tamagotchiversion3 good for you I do the same to clean mine.

ATTENTION: Be sure to use a fine toothpick to get inside the buttons, but have your tamagotchi on pause as you clean the buttons. Also remember use a safety pin to get in the cracks on the side. You must be sure that you don't scratch your tamagotchi though

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