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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2007
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Well, I talk to her about anything. And I said one day "You would NEVER smoke, right?" And she replyed "Nope. It is to bad for you."

2 times now I caught her smoking in seret when I am in bed. What should I do?

PS I see her every other weekend because a devorse.

Well, I don't think you can really do anything about her smoking. Smoking is legal, and she has a right to, wether she told you she wouldn't or not. If she was using illegal drugs, then you could report her and help get her into therapy.

:wub: You could try calling a child help hotline.. I suppose?

She probably told you it was bad because she didn't want you to do it too. She knows it really is bad and she doesn't want you to have the risk.

Well she is and adult. She can make her own decisions. If she starts abusing you thats when you should be concerned. If she starts drinking beer then it might get worse o.o

You can't really do anything, it's ultimatly her desicion.

Just talk to her about it- that's really all you can do. :/

All you can really do is just deal with it. It's her body and her life and you can't control her.

My mom used to try to hide smoking from me when I was younger. I have to admit I was a bit annoyed at first, but seriously. A few cigarettes once in a while wont hurt you. It's when she gets up to a pack+ a day that you might start to worry.

There is really not much that you can do about it. I am not sure if my dad smokes or not. :huh: He NEVER does in the house---- a few years ago he would sneak outside on our back stoop to. And whenever I went outside and saw him doing that, he would snap back with something like, "Katie, what are you doing out here? Go back inside." That and I know he drives like and hour to work everyday and I know he used to smoke while he drove. He would even hide his cigarette coupons from my mom! But none of that has happened for a few years... so I don't know. Hopefully he quit. :furawatchi:

My Mum, Nan and Dad smoke.

I don't usually worry about them... Just try not to inhale it, Seconds hand soke can do more damage than the origional smoke.

Well she is and adult. She can make her own decisions. If she starts abusing you thats when you should be concerned. If she starts drinking beer then it might get worse o.o
I don't think it could get worse if she drinks beer. The definition of an alcoholic is that person can't have 1 alcoholic drink without having 27 more. And they usually tend to do it by themselves. My mother's been in the program since I was 12, 13 years old. You kind of learn these things :) She's been doing awesome though, not a drop since she started!

Anyway as for the smoking, I'm not thrilled either because my mother smokes, but majority of adults know the risks and do it anyway. Talk with your mom and mention that you saw her smoking at night and how it concerns you. She probably can clear up a lot of what's going on in your mind.

Just tell your mom you don't like it when she smokes, and that you are worried about her. Maybe she'll understand and try to quit. There really isn't much you could do.

Tell herOk, smoking is BAD to the bone. Your whole body gets weakened, and you are just trying to kill yourself when you are smoking.
She's heard all that for years, she probably isn't stupid. My mom knows all about that stuff and still has chosen to smoke. Talking about how it concerns you though is the better way.

Exact same thing as my mom. I know she does, and I used to worry, and remember from when I was 2 she thought she could smoke in the car with me and I wouldn't remember, but I did. Dad knows, and I talked to him and he says that Mom doesn't smoke a pack a day, just some once in a while. He said not to worry. Sometimes I worry because I think smoking is dangerous and disgusting. I will have to make record of how much she smokes a day, and if she smokes too much, I might have to do something about it. She denies it, and gets mad at me if I catch her. She also doesn't want me to smoke either, and I don't, so, I'm okay, but I'm sometimes concerned about her health. Do you know where she hides her cigarettes? Do you honestly feel scared? If you honestly feel scared, then talk to a counselor. Anything you feel scared about you can tell them, if it makes you feel bad. It may seem minor, but there's no harm in doing so. I would.

It is totally normal to worry about a parent if they smoke because we've all been taught how bad smoking is for your health.

But the strange thing is that a lot of adults (and some kids) still smoke.

There are lots of reasons and they are different (and personal) to every smoker.

All you can do is tell your Mom that you are sorry she is smoking and ask her if she will tell you why. I say ask if she will tell you so that you don't sound as if you are acusing her. Smokers can be very defensive - often because they feel guilty.

She might tell you more about why she smokes - she might not.

Whatever the outcome, you will have to accept that she is an adult and she is entitled to make up her own mind about it. She has to take the decision to quit (if she wants to).

You can even tell her that too :p and add that it just worries you when you know she smokes because you are concerned for her health and you love her.

Well if she smokes, then she smokes. :/

It is her decision if she wants too...But I know how you feel.

I'm worried that my brother might try and take up smoking...>.<

He told me he tried smoking once..>_< And I don't wanna nag him about it!

But...I don't want him to get hooked.

So I'm actually in the same boat as you...<<

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