Concrete Angel


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yes child abuse is very wrong for more reasons then one but i think the matter of smacking (or spanking in american terms ((im australian))) is all right my parents smcked me when i was little and i made me respect them and if it wasn't 4 those smacks i would probly be alot different to what i am today. I see young kids at school who abused fellow classmates and also verbaly abuse and swear at thier parents in public that should get a right old smack or wake up call, but phiscally abusing your child and making them ill enough to be admitted into hospital is just wrong.


Such as starting from when the child is young, VERY young. Smaking them causes them to relate pain to anything they do. My best friend (she is 30 now) had a child, a little girl, and from the moment she was born she taught her respect, and never laid a hand on the girl. She is now 15 and the kindest and most respectfull girl in the world and would NEVER talk back to anyone and believe it or not, she was raised without getting hit at all.And she resently had twins and did the same thing to them and they are just like their older sister, repecctfull and the kindest children you will ever meet. Abuse is wrong, belive me. not trying to be mean, just saying what i believe is right.

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Such as starting from when the child is young, VERY young. Smaking them causes them to relate pain to anything they do. My best friend (she is 30 now) had a child, a little girl, and from the moment she was born she taught her respect, and never laid a hand on the girl. She is now 15 and the kindest and most respectfull girl in the world and would NEVER talk back to anyone and believe it or not, she was raised without getting hit at all.And she resently had twins and did the same thing to them and they are just like their older sister, repecctfull and the kindest children you will ever meet. Abuse is wrong, belive me. not trying to be mean, just saying what i believe is right.
Smacking as a reminder to a child and spanking (not severe abusive smacking) is not abuse, it's what works.

Raising a kid to be respectful is great--my mother did it with me, reverting to hitting with my half-siblings 10 years later. Why? Because my siblings are not the same as me, they have different mentalities and talking to them just doesn't work for them.

Sadly, a lot of kids can't be handled by just talking. There is the whole nature vs. nurture thing. By nurturing a child you can only do so much, nature (genes) still plays a part in it and some kids just have it in them to misbehave and only learn by something physical. If that's how they learn, then I feel it's better to go that route.

Honestly, I don't have the patience for kids and I can't handle most other peoples' kids either--I hate kids. Do I think they should be abused? Well, of course not! But I wouldn't want to deal with them.

I'm not sure if this is on-topic, but did anyone hear about the woman that was removed from a plain (at a stop in between start and final destination) because she had an annoying child? Personally, I agree with that fully. If you can't handle your kid and raise them to be respectful like they should be, they should be removed... Plains, restaurants, everywhere. Having kids is a life choice and, yes I'm making this comparison, it's like smoking... Smoking isn't allowed because it "bothers" people and they don't want one person's life choice to affect them. Well, I don't want peoples' life choice to have kids to be bugging me.

And no, I don't smoke.

I haven't watched the video yet due to having slow dial up. I do plan to watch it when its finished loading. I believe for someone to abuse a child they must be a monster! I'm not against someone who gives their child a little smack on the arm though if they do something that is really wrong. To me thats not child abuse, thats teaching your child right from wrong. I work in retail and I've seen the worst brats you can imagine. One boy was hitting his mother because she didn't buy him the toy he wanted. See something wrong with that picture, I do. As a kid I was never hit that often, and most of the time I got grounded and things taken away. There were those times though when I went past the limit and got smacked for it. I deeply disaprove of sreaming at children though(I mean really Screaming), trust me I lived it with my father, one of the reasons I get stressed so easily.

That's what I was thinking.
Pretty much every teacher would do something... They actually have to, they're supposed to turn in anything suspicious like that, same with if they suspect a suicide, etc.

I didn't like the song, I don't like Martina McBride, but the video was a bit sad.

I think a lot of kids are abused for no reason, which of course is not right. At the same time, though, spanking is sometimes considered child abuse now and some kids just need a good spanking.

I'm not saying you should beat a kid into oblivion, but if they do something stupid, give 'em a swat. That's how it used to be, kids learned. Now, kids get away with everything, 10 year olds have cell phones, 8 year olds are on the internet, and if a kid cries, mommy and daddy go rushing to their side.

Abuse is wrong, but spanking and swats to remind a kid to behave I definitely support.
keep in mind it looks like it was from awile back when that law wasnt made

but ya it does look sad! :( why does she have to die in the end! why did she die? werent her parents arested!!?? :( :( :p

keep in mind it looks like it was from awile back when that law wasnt madebut ya it does look sad! ;) why does she have to die in the end! why did she die? werent her parents arested!!?? :p :p :huh:
Either way, if the police found out that the teacher noticed the girl was in trouble (which she obviously did, you can't ignore bruises that dark) and that the teacher didn't do anything, she's just as responsible as the parents. Law or not, any decent person wouldn't let it go.

Personally, I don't think psychical punishment is necessary. Verbal punishment  and losing privileges work also. That video was very sad. Was the boy her guardian angel??
I completely disagree with you. Words have a longer lasting effect on people and can hurt you more. I mean if your mom (or dad) said that you were a stupid, worthless kid every single day, you might just start to believe that you really are a stupid, worthless kid. I have experienced Verbal abuse before and it really hurts you mentally.

You're welcome. I know what it feels like to go through that (worst 5 years of my life). Verbal and mental abuse are actually worse than physical abuse cause the verbal and mental abuse leave scars that might not ever leave.

I completely disagree with you. Words have a longer lasting effect on people and can hurt you more. I mean if your mom (or dad) said that you were a stupid, worthless kid every single day, you might just start to believe that you really are a stupid, worthless kid. I have experienced Verbal abuse before and it really hurts you mentally.
I agree with your reasoning. As I said earlier, my mother never spanked or hit me (I never seemed to need it), but as I got older and she remarried and had my siblings, emotional abuse seemed to come my way more and more. She didn't support me in anything and made me feel like I was worthless to the point that I didn't get involved in things at school, I still immediately feel the urge to cry when I'm yelled at (even if I don't really care, it's just a reaction now)... I mean, it really does stick with you. I don't wanna go on about it, but yeah.

I agree with your reasoning. As I said earlier, my mother never spanked or hit me (I never seemed to need it), but as I got older and she remarried and had my siblings, emotional abuse seemed to come my way more and more. She didn't support me in anything and made me feel like I was worthless to the point that I didn't get involved in things at school, I still immediately feel the urge to cry when I'm yelled at (even if I don't really care, it's just a reaction now)... I mean, it really does stick with you. I don't wanna go on about it, but yeah.
Yeah I went through almost the same thing. That's why I believe that any sort of child abuse is worng. Whether it's physical or emotional, it's still worng.

I completely disagree with you. Words have a longer lasting effect on people and can hurt you more. I mean if your mom (or dad) said that you were a stupid, worthless kid every single day, you might just start to believe that you really are a stupid, worthless kid. I have experienced Verbal abuse before and it really hurts you mentally.
When I say 'Verbal punishment' I mean telling the child what they did was wrong, not insulting them.

Personally, I don't think psychical punishment is necessary. Verbal punishment and losing privileges work also. That video was very sad. Was the boy her guardian angel??

I just wanted to point out there is a difference in Verbal Punishment and Verbal Abuse because it seems like alot of people are putting it in the same catigory(sp).

Verbal Punishment is when a parent talks strictly to their child about what they have done wrong and why they are grounded and so on.

Verbal Abuse is when someone is telling another person how worthless they are.

I had my share of Verbal Punishment as a kid. Even when your an adult you get Verbal Punishment, at my job its called getting "Couched" so yeah its apart of life.

My cousin's mother called her a fat cow or whale all her life, thats what I consider verbal abuse.

Edit: You got to it first Snowy, I'm a slow typer...

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[SIZE=8pt]i thought that was so sad! i cried! and i am only 13 ! ;) :( :rolleyes: but i thought the boy was another kid who was abused and died, but u guys r probably right, he probably is the guardian angel[/SIZE]

I just wanted to point out there is a difference in Verbal Punishment and Verbal Abuse because it seems like alot of people are putting it in the same catigory(sp).

Verbal Punishment is when a parent talks strictly to their child about what they have done wrong and why they are grounded and so on.

Verbal Abuse is when someone is telling another person how worthless they are.

I had my share of Verbal Punishment as a kid. Even when your an adult you get Verbal Punishment, at my job its called getting "Couched" so yeah its apart of life.

My cousin's mother called her a fat cow or whale all her life, thats what I consider verbal abuse.

Edit: You got to it first Snowy, I'm a slow typer...
And there is also a big line between physical punishment (that's how some kid's learn, it's not wrong. I personally don't have any issue with being yelled at or 'grounded' or anything, but if you smack me, I'll never do it again) and physical abuse.

Fantastic song.

I'm actually directing a skit for this song, and I'm singing it. Wish me luck! <3

And there is also a big line between physical punishment (that's how some kid's learn, it's not wrong. I personally don't have any issue with being yelled at or 'grounded' or anything, but if you smack me, I'll never do it again) and physical abuse.
Agree with you on that one too. I wasn't hit much as a kid but there were times that I crossed the line and got smacked for it. I don't see anything wrong with a parent giving their child a smack if they are being really bad. Using a child as a punching bag is very wrong though.

I watched the video twice and cried both times. Good video for people against child abuse.

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