Concrete Angel


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What i think we all agree on is that "Verbal Punishment" is ok. Let me show you an example: a child was running around and accidentaly broke a vase;

Mom: I am glad that you didn't get hurt but i am upset that you could have gotten hurt if you got cut by the class. I worry about what will happen to you when you when you run around in the house so please be more careful next time.

or if that doesn't work:

Mom: ok i told you before to stop running so i want you to go into your room so that you can calm down.

"Verbal Abuse" Is wrong. This is somthing that i get every day:

Mom: You worthless ****. You never help me out. You know what? Fine. Go away. I never want to see your face again you little **** ***** *****.

See the difference?


That is sad..

But I don't get the ending. The mother punches the child, police come, and then it shows the graveyard scene- who died? The child? The mother? At the end, then the child appears again. I don't get it.

o gosh that is so scared, beating your kids untill they die. Why be a parent if you wanna do that to your kids? I am sooo grateful my parents don't do that.

That's what I was thinking.
Pretty much every teacher would do something... They actually have to, they're supposed to turn in anything suspicious like that, same with if they suspect a suicide, etc.

I didn't like the song, I don't like Martina McBride, but the video was a bit sad.

I think a lot of kids are abused for no reason, which of course is not right. At the same time, though, spanking is sometimes considered child abuse now and some kids just need a good spanking.

I'm not saying you should beat a kid into oblivion, but if they do something stupid, give 'em a swat. That's how it used to be, kids learned. Now, kids get away with everything, 10 year olds have cell phones, 8 year olds are on the internet, and if a kid cries, mommy and daddy go rushing to their side.

Abuse is wrong, but spanking and swats to remind a kid to behave I definitely support.
I believe child abuse is wrong, but isn't that a bit of the same thing? :)

;_; so sad ;_;

BTW, when the people were at the girls funeral, i look at the grave closely and it said 1995-2002. i couldnt see her name though. She was only 7 years old when she was killed...

and my friend and i were talking about "Concrete Angel" last night at a sleepover and we came up with this conclusion:

Why even have a kid if they were just going to kill her...

Some kids r abused because ther parents accidentally had them.SO SAD sob


*post edited* Please refrain from being spammy. One "sob" is enough if you need to put that :p - TigerLily013

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That song and video always makes me sad, but nowadays a teacher would notice those things. Well I'm not sure my teachers would, but most. I really don't think swats/spanks work, not for me they don't. When I was younger I would get even more mad and hit and claw back, I would have to get knocked down. Then I was really P.O, and I would throw and break anything I could find untill I was knocked down again and locked in my room to break more things, and the whole thing would start all over again.

I completely disagree with you. Words have a longer lasting effect on people and can hurt you more. I mean if your mom (or dad) said that you were a stupid, worthless kid every single day, you might just start to believe that you really are a stupid, worthless kid. I have experienced Verbal abuse before and it really hurts you mentally.
True, I live with my dad. He yelled at the top of his lung's and when he lost his temper he would yell to me, "SHUT THE **** UP!" and I couldn't tell anyone besides my mom cause that is a family moment and I shouldn't do stuff like that. When I was practically Mentally Ill at age 8 my mom had enough and got split up. So now I'm a healthy well living child.. But I feel bad for all the poeple who aren't ....

That video made me cry.

I think child abuse is horrible. It's one of those things you don't really know/care about, but that video changed everything. SO sad. :)


I've watched the video before. It's truly heartbreaking. People who abuse children don't have one sense of empathy!

I don't believe in verbal or physical punishment. Even if it only hurts a bit for the little one and doesn't break their bones, they might still feel a little bit hurt. Verbal punishment, in my opinion, I also don't like. In the way that tamalight said. What people can say can scar you. For life, if they say really bad things about you. If I had to punish a child, I would tell them what they have done wrong so they know to do better and not to do what they've done, and take away a privilege for a short period of time. Simple! I think that's all they need. They don't need a whooping punch in the nose to learn what they've done wrong! Seriously, losing a privilege is okay, but losing your life just isn't worth it!! Children can learn to be the kindest people in the world without one little pinch. They just need a little talk.

I don't know of any teacher who would turn her head and ignore such bruises.
True. But a teacher could lose their job for reporting child abuse. Ever read: A Child Called It? Very depressing.

My mom was severly abused as a child. :blink: So of course I am 100% against child abuse.

I just watched the video. It is very sad. If that actually happened, that boy would be considered a hero. <3

But I agree with the thing about the teacher. Why would she just ignore the fact that the girl had a million bruises on her arms?

I agree with alot of you that child abuse is wrong but, you have to give your kids a little pnishment to tell them not to do something or that what they did was wrong. You jus shouldn't you know beat them. I mean some kids cry when they get smacked, but imagine how much a kid would hurt more than you because they got abused.


1. Guides should revive my (original) topic that was closed before Non-Tamatalk came along, here.

2. Check sig.

That is sad..
But I don't get the ending. The mother punches the child, police come, and then it shows the graveyard scene- who died? The child? The mother? At the end, then the child appears again. I don't get it.
She killed her child through beating, and they were over her grave. She came back as an angel of sorts and she went off with the boy who must of been an angel too or something.

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