Confession time xD


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More confessions =D

* I'm addicted to blue raspberry slushies. Like, when they don't have them at PDQ I cry and when they do I buy them every day. I love slushies.

* I secretly believe that stereotypes are at least mostly true ._.

* I laugh at things that most people would be horrified or disgusted by....I have a very strange sense of humor. ;3

* I'm afraid of clowns, small stickers, and soggy pieces of cardboard. (Don't ask. XD)

* I guess this is a good thing, but I'm like.....immune to being offended. Like if someone told me I was an evil, fat, smelly, stupid #^%$$ I'd laugh. 8D

* I sometimes wish I was guy, because girls have to deal with so much more and girls at my school are expected to like Hannah Montana and have crushes on popular kids and stuff.

* I'm sure I have many more dark and dreaded secrets, but my mind is seriously blank right now. Maybe I'll write more later. XD

Most girls find when someone "likes" them it's flattering -- I find it unnerving. And if they say hi to me or come withing five feet I have a panic attack.

Not fun...

@ Mazeay.I stalk my teachers online

I constantly check my form teacher's MySpace pages LOL. They don't know that..
*high-five* D:

To makethis non-spammy, I will post something else:

- I sometimes drink out of other people's drinks a bit before giving it to them. :)

-I hate being shy

-I feel like nobody knows me, or even cares

-If I died, only 5 students at my school would care

-My "best friend" is suicidal, and I'm the only one keeping her here. Do you know how hard that is?

-Almost all my bff's have stabbed me in the back

-One left me in the guidance office for an hour crying my eyes out!

-Nobody sees me

Sad :)

Just remembered another one....I lie A LOT, and exaggerate. And I'm a huge procrastinator.

I don't think I deserve to be sad, so I pretend I'm not whenever I am.

I never stop listening to my music, unless someone is talking to me. My iPhone plays all night.

I never take my eyeliner off, I just keep reapplying it over and over again.

I take pain pills even when I'm not in pain because they make me feel good.

I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I never found TT.

I think about how I would murder someone if I had too. xD

I love watching Powerpuff girls on Cartoon Network, and I have since as long as I can remember.

I used to be obsessed with Invader Zim. Then I forgot about it.

I lie in real life a lot. Just about simple things, like my favorite color, because I don't want to have to think of the real answer. xD

I hate some of the people I pretend to like.

I'll think of more later.

I take pain pills even when I'm not in pain because they make me feel good.
Drug addict?


- I hate people who do better than me.

I'm Am Deathly Scared of Butterfly's ever since i was 5

I Fake Pain So i Can get more attention Around my house or go to the Hospital to get Crap Done to me to feel better

I hate when people call me pretty because i only know they are just saying it..

I have Depression I have ever since i was 11 But not a lot of people know it

I hate the way i can act to people sometimes

I Take anger out by yelling at people around the house because i am sad i cant see my dad even though i know people have it a lot worse than me

My room in neon green o.o

I hate eating meat

I hate when people think its funny to eat mean in my face...Its not the fact that they are eaing it, Its just that they are so rude to eat it in my face on purpose

I miss Only 3 people in my family (People that i dont see every day.....)

I hate people at school Who think they are much better than anyone else when really they are acting that way when because of crap in their life.

And i know im boring you with all this but i will keep going

I hate my step dad....

I feel like a retard all the time

I love yelling

I love to sing And dance for the 14 hours im home alone at home

I hate when people say i can sing but i know i cant

Im gonna stop because most people would have Stopped reading a long time ago

I like the taste of pain killers. I chew them slowly for fun.

My brothers not the one who keeps stealing food, its me but I'm such a good liar my parents always believe me.

I find joy in b!tching about a certain individual.

I have considered suicide a few times in the last year.

I act very optimistic to block out the truth.

I was forced into anger management classes after I tried to stab someone about 2 years ago.

I'm in Love with my best friends boyfriend xp He's also my best friend D:

I cut myself once.

I used to take a barbie hairbrush and rub it really fast on my wrist to make it red ._.

I go to myy friends houses sometimes and wreck there stuff.

I regret 85% of the things I do

I have a friend who I hate.

I dated someone in pityy before.

I don't feel pretty most the time.

I want to be emo and be in the group in school that does bad things.

Sometimes I'm racist.

I'm not an open book but I feel comfortable rite now..

I love fire. I'm probably going to die from playing with fire or kill people by burning something. Its like pyromania.

I used to go to a good family friend's house, and I used to say that I needed to use the bathroom, just to get to mess up their bedroom and throw toilet paper all over their corridors. That was when I was about 7.

I often can give put downs when I don't want to... they can range from being racist, insulting someone's family + friends, and just plain upsetting.

I often feel very down, and upset, when really nothing's wrong. I pretend everything is fine just so people don't question me and think I'm an idiot with no life, who feels upset for no reason.

I love fire. I'm probably going to die from playing with fire or kill people by burning something. Its like pyromania.
I play with fire all the time. We can do it togetheer. Because one day we will meet.

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