Corrupt a Wish!


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Granted but you get a mouth full of Cavities from them.

I wish That contact lenses didn't feel so weird when you first get them in.

I know I'm pretty well out of Ideas myself.I just like to take the challenge of courrupting.

There's lotsa ideas for wishes!

I wish I had a Weasley Wizarding Wheezes product

Granted but it they got it wrong and your sick for life

I wish I knew how to make better Avatars.

Granted, but it runs out of batteries in 10 minutes :)

I wish I could go to England.

good, but you'll never finish it.

I wish i have super-tecnology computer!!

Granded... But... Their is no more sugar? (How is everyone gonna live!?)

I wish I could meet the love of my life... -crys-

Granted.. but you can't have any kids :)

I wish the love of my life would move to New Jersey x_X;

Granted! But he gets over you and moves on... MY TURN!!!

I wish I had more friends... That eventually died...

Granted! Too bad all the good pages are missing = )

I wish the song I was listening to wasn't so sad..

Granted.....It makes you vomit....

I wish That I could go to Euope(Be creative not motion sickness again)

Granted, but then you catch a deadly disease and die. :huh:

I wish nobody can currupt wishes. :eek:

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