could u live with out ur phone for two days?


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But I like my phone lots.

I look at it every five minutes and adore it.

I don't call or text or play games much.

But since my phone has a Maurice sticker, I love it more than I should.


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What really bothers me is teenagers who always carry their phone with them. Everywhere. I want to snatch it out of their hand and throw it in the nearest duck pond.

Yes, I could live without my phone for two days. I hate texting and I hate talking to people on the phone. No one ever calls me and I never answer to texts unless its something urgent. :p
You mean the ones who take it into the bathroom with them? XD

I have a few friends who seem to think they're phone is going to blow up if they put it down. Drives me insane.

Given, I try to keep my phone on or near me at most times, but I have a huge habit of losing it, lol.

I've been living without my phone for about a year, so I'd be pretty good. xD I lost it and it got stolen somehow somewhere.

.. On the bright side I'm not a phone addict :) *whew*

I can live without my phone. I only use it for emergencies.

The only thing I really use is my compie.

I can live without my phone for a long time... I hardly use it, but I do like having it because there are times when I need to call someone when I'm out.

I sure can. I had it taken off me once so I survived with out it for more than 2 days.

I have 3 working phones in my possession right now. I use 2 regularly. I love my newest one, it has games and such and keeps me entertained.

yes, i can.

i've been grounded for like a month and a half without my phone.

and i really like texting and talking on the phone. so yeah it was

okay with my phone out of my hands for a while. ><

I barely can... I barely survived the time my phone became lost, some dumb kid on the bus stole it from me when I wasn't looking. D:<


I didn't get it back for about a month, we searched everywhere for it, and contacted some other places...


Looking back, I can't see how I lived. xDDD


But I'm not the real emotional type that cries 24/7 when my phone is not right by me. Sure I'm really sad, but I don't let that take my life away. Unless it is stolen like it was before and I have no clue who has it and what they are looking through on my phone.


All you peeps who don't have phones, how the heck can you live without a phone in today's society?

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Very easily actually, considering the fact some people in 3rd world countries have not even heard of a toilet?

You take for granted what you have.

I have a cell phone, but I don't live and die on it.

I use it for what it's needed for.

No probably not.

I try to keep my phone on me at all times. Not always in my hand, but in my pocket.

My bestest friend lives a bit way, so when I see her it's not as simple as knocking on her door to check if she's in, because if she's not, I just walked a very long way for nothing. We usually arrange a time and meet eachother half way. And my mum is constantly texting me, like when my cousin comes up [often] so I can come home to see him and such. Or when I need to be home, or something important. My phone is needed for important contact. xD

All you peeps who don't have phones, how the heck can you live without a phone in today's society?
It's easy. I don't rely on my phone to contact people. That's what msn is for.

The phone for me is asking people to sleepover. But when they're on msn, I ask them on that. Sure they can take pictures (try a camera) and videos (cam-corder anyone?) and go on the internet (did you ever hear of a laptop or computer???) and listen to music (MP3/IPOD. Come on!) and play games (wii/ds/psp/ect...) and sure that's all in one, but you don't do it all at once. Phones are just another nice-to-have. NOT a half-to-have.

If you never had a phone to begin with, you'd understand where I'm coming from.

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I cant find mine D; I lost it about a week ago, so yeah I can. But I want it back.

I can survive without it, but I kinda panic when I don't have it near me, for fear that I'm gonna loose it. My dad would be so mad if I lost it...

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